What do you call someone who stops eating food after a health scare?

If they have symptoms only after eating food so they stop eating altogether and don't eat anything just drink water and have only one cookie a day because they fear eating everything so much

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Tommythecaty


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  • Ligeia


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    • ospry

      I have diagnosed OCD and that's a real thing. I was staying with some relatives a few years ago and when I was helping unload the dishwasher one day I noticed they did a terrible job and there was all sorts of shit still stuck to the dishes. I thought it was so gross I literally couldn't bring myself to eat while at their house unless I ordered takeout. I felt like a huge dick for it but man, the idea of eating off one of their plates or drinking from one of their glasses still makes me gag

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    • Wow3986

      That's offensive to people mentally disabled people. Watch your mouth and seek help, you prejudiced asshole.

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  • ospry


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  • notmyrealname123

    anorexia. just copy-pasted your question to google. i assume this is a call for help? i dont have any advice as i never experienced this.

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  • kikilizzo

    Its anorexia when you wont eat food. Anorexia can exist without it being about body image since anorexia is a symptom of a disease or mental health. If it came on after a health scare then it could be considered a phobia and the phobia is what needs to be adressed and treated.

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    • Ligeia

      The DSM-V criteria for anorexia involves fear of being fat, gaining weight, or distorted body image. That's a requirement for diagnosis. A phobia would not be considered anorexia, but an obsessive-compulsive or anxiety disorder.

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