What do you call your television remote?
Other (Add a comment) | 28 | |
channel changer | 11 | |
remote | 220 | |
flicker dicker | 11 |
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Other (Add a comment) | 28 | |
channel changer | 11 | |
remote | 220 | |
flicker dicker | 11 |
Who on Earth would call it "flicker dicker":L?! That doesn't even make sense!
I call it "that thing with the numbered buttons to control the television."
It's quite a hassle to say. I should probably shorten it.
I either call it remote or clicker.
It's strange the names we humans come up for things:D
Most of the time I don't even know where the damn thing is. I just go the Al Bundy route and use a broom handle with a glove on it.