What do you dislike most about being human?
sort of like "human conditions" as they call them
I could give a lengthy list but if I had to give my number one it'd be ...
Our inability to deal with an extreme variety of temperature and weather.
I mean we are sensitive AF to that and it honestly blows. You wanna know why i think it sucks so much? , because well we need shelter to be comfortable. I cant tell you how many times Im out in the wilderness whether the city scape or the deep forest and I really wish i could just peacefully sleep with the wild weather all night feeling comfortable.
I mean how cool would that be? think of how much more adventure you could have if you didn't always have to find a shelter? Just walking up snowy mountains in shorts feeling as comfortable as ever days later in the hot 110 degree F sun all while feeling as comfortable as you feel now sitting your temperate 68-72 indoor climate.