What do you dislike the most about your country
I’m a Canadian. It’s cold most of the year, outside of the cities there’s nothing, everything is expensive.
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I’m a Canadian. It’s cold most of the year, outside of the cities there’s nothing, everything is expensive.
Currently America is going through what some people are calling a cold civil war. The Republicans and Democrats are seperated further than ever before ideologically.
It's not all because of the far right. The left on the whole has moved so far left its leaving moderates looking like conservatives and conservatives being branded as far right.
That's not saying the far right isnt a thing but kkk membership is only around 10,000 which of a country of 350,000,000 isnt a white supremacist problem.
Libertarian here, in the 2000s I would have been against the conservative restrictions on television and video games etc.
But now who's taking things out of hand with all this censorship for differing opinions for a seeming pantheon of liberal gods to worship to such as Race reparations, transgender "rights", and the God of war against hate speech.
You nailed it. I used to be accused by the right of being a leftist socialist, but now that the left has gone farther left I'm accused of being a Trump loving conservative.
I don't like Trump but because of how crazy the left has gotten I will more than likely vote for him in 2020. This will be the first time I voted republican for President since I voted for Ronald Reagan.
Who cares if the KKK membership is not that much? Should I ignore all the racist rhetoric from the alt-right? Guess I forget about all the mass shooters who pledge their allegiance to Trump.
There was little mention of the would be mass shooters in Denver in May being Democrat, trans, and anti Christian by the mainstream media. It's almost as if they have an agenda to exaggerate right wing violence and suppress left wing violence..
Naahhh, no manifesto, media did report on it.
Even if there had been, that's one in how many mass shootings?
politics fuckhead- 'youre either with me or against me'
me- 'ima either walk away or start shootin right now you choose'
Agreed I'm getting sick of both and I'm thinking about leave to another country at some point, hopefully things straighten out but I really doubt it.
Worst thing about England is the food. We think scotch eggs (shell-less eggs wrapped in sausage meat and then coated in breadcrumbs) count as a staple snack.
Did you know that beans on toast isn't a thing outside of the UK? I wasn't aware of that until I emigrated. Apparently it's the subject of much hilarity to other nations.
I have never heard of anyone here eating it. Always get ridiculed for it.
What freaks:/ I see it frequently on breakfast menus and grew up eating it. Though apparently, I preferred that awful tinned spaghetti shit. Even though as a child, I was convinced both were made of edible playdough.
American boyfriend thinks its weird I see beans as a breakfast option :(
Beans are a normal part of any breakfast repertoire. As is brown sauce. Your boyfriend just isn't cultured enough to understand.
And that's really interesting that it seems normal to you. Is it seen as something that you inherited from Brits? I'm just trying to understand why I've never come across this and always get the piss pulled out of me for it. Maybe everyone I know here is just secretly racist, but I doubt it...
Yeah because beans here is a staple poor food. Beans on toast doesnt sound disgusting but adding something bland on top of something bland isnt the American way. I suppose bland on bland is the famous English way.
The political extremism on both sides in the US. The left bugs me more tho.
Victim culture. Everybody now is like "aw poor me, look its the evil rich". They arent thankful for what they have. They think theyre oppressed but they dont realize how privileged we are in Ameroca to be here. We take a lot for granted like air conditioning, cars, healthcare, sewers.
Over 80% of the world is thirdworld... but "we r so oppressed"
Yeah, I think experiencing actual oppression (eg, young Pakistani men literally being held captive and enslaved in Dubai) would completely rock a "woke" American's world.
When you have to look so hard for oppression that you start making up words and imagining that you know what other people are thinking, that probably means that everything is ok and you should just get on with your life.
To me, "Woke" is a word used for a person living a sheltered life who walks around with their head up their ass with no concept of real hardship or oppression.
Some people just feel this need to walk around saying "Look at me, I'm fighting against an imaginary wrong with no actual danger to me in doing so. I'm so brave."
Some days I wanna just bang my head on the table out of frustration of how stupid people have gotten.
Thats great and all but none of this helps those homeless in the street. Which is a massive issue America likes to ignore.
The only way to fix it is to help them get a job. They have to do it themselves to an extent. If you always give a handout you will just create more homeless. Whats your solution?
I don't disagree with you and I'm not saying handouts are the solution, but a lot of homeless people have different situations and just saying get a job won't fix the problem.
I say this because I was homeless for awhile I'm still trying to fix things my problem was related to mental health and a bad upbringing, as it stands now I'm building myself up but that's just me when I was on the streets I've dealt with people who had different reasons as to why they were there. Most had issues that a job wouldn't fix and you had few that were looking for a handout I've even meet people who claimed to have been rich sometimes I doubt if they were honest but you never know.
Homelessness is complicated.
Tbh, I’m Canadian and when I feel bad about my life I think “we’ll, at least I wasn’t born in America.” Because it’s such a shithole
I live in Chickenslovakia and the worst thing about it is when that rooster comes home.
I hate that guy
But I will ask, just you, what do you like about India?
I only do this since I’m fascinated by India, I’m not trying to singly you out.
You know what i’m sick of? This Cult 45 bullshit or far right idiots who claim the left is out of control. Really? The left is out of control? Are all those mass shooters writing manifestos crying about Islam and how girls won’t touch their pee pee leftists? I don’t think so. All the same stupid shit is prevalent in these comments, bunch of rednecks and white guys who never leave their computer and go outside of their house. What is the “far left”? Antifa members punching white nationalists in the face? Yeah, there’s a few annoying 18 year old girls with a shaved head and a septum piercing that’s pissed that the sky’s blue. But it honestly pales in comparison to all the racist, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, transphobic shit I see all littered all over the Internet, especially on Youtube, I always see some idiot spout some kind of shit to make himself feel better because either no girl wants to fuck him or their wife just left him and took the money. The other thing is that their misinformed, unresearched (besides the pseudo-intellectual garbage they reiterate from some tinfoil hat YouTube channel spouting half-truths and flat out lies) opinions are somehow just as valid as established facts and research from people who work in those fields that actually know what the fuck they are talking about. “Mannnn, people don’t like my racist, sexist jokes and homophobic slurs anymore.. when did everything get soooo politically correct?” I dunno man, people used the N word pretty freely at one point in our nation’s history... but guess what? Time’s change. Then there’s these bootlickers “Ya-huck! Dem poor people should stop being so dang poor!” As if that never crossed their minds to get out of their impoverished situation. You can get hit with an insane medical bill or something that could ruin your life, but nahhhh... socialized medicine and safety nets? It’s just like... communism man! Fucking idiots
What bewilders me, from the outside with loved ones as insiders of the US, is that the rest of the world would consider the majority of the US "left" as centre right, or centerist at most. Not all, obviously, same as not all right wingers are fucking insane extremists...but...America is so conservative, the rest of the Western world is a bit horrified.
My home country....nothing, USA aka my second country...it's current leader.
Hes not THAT bad. Jeez people treat him as the second coming of Hitler when hes actually quite a moderate on the concervitve spectrum.
"Not that bad"? You're kidding right? The fucker wants WW3 to breakout.and yes he's like hitler but worst
He hasn't started a genocide so I don't think he is like hitler, as for the ww3 thing he is no different then any other bloodthirsty leader we have had in this nation. So it's business as usual.
Ww3 against who? Countries that already hate us? At this point America needs to be feared instead of being labeled a pushover.
Trump has started economic warfare with China which I think is dumb because China dose not give a shit about its people so they just find it funny, Iran like them or hate them(and I really fucking hate Iran) you have to admit that America has done shit to them which has made them radical, North Korea has been on the table for some decades now and while I hope trump stays friends with Kim it's clear that he put a bunch of warhawks/chickenhawks around him so I doubt the honeymoon will be forever. The list is long so I could see his actions leaving long term problems he most likely won't be president when shit hits the fan so he won't get the blame. All presidents do this as a fuck you to the next person who is coming in.
I think it's because of his actions don't get me wrong some people do act like he is hitler but he isn't doing himself any favours.
Political correctness is insane over here. It sucks.
Also immigration is out of control and it wouldn't even bother me if they invited some good looking people but all of the people are fucking ugly as fuck..
Less ugly people more eastern european people please and thanks.
If you think political correctness and uncontrolled immigration is bad in the UK, then you surely haven't visited my country, Sweden.
Homophobia and Christianity are the two most popular things in Poland. Fucking hate it, maybe someday I'll be able to move somewhere more progressive, like Canada maybe?
I keep hearing people saying Poland is great or something like that. I figured it would be as you described it's in Eastern Europe and most of Eastern Europe is a shithole.
yep, most of these opinions come from nationalist douche bags and tourists that spent here only few days
Im not suprised the only reasons most nationalist look at Poland in a good light is because most of Eastern Europe has a bad rep with its treatment of forigners(ironic considering how when most Eastern Europeans leave and get treated like shit by others in other nations they wonder why). As for the tourists they like it for a bit until they stay to long and wonder around in the wrong area and get scamed or robbed. Anyways even with its problems I hope Eastern Europe gets better because I know not every Eastern European is a shithead.
Everything is so commercialized that it seems our only "culture" is people going out buying dumb stuff.
Advertisers and vendors get their hands into anything and it becomes all about whatever they are selling.
Take Thanksgiving. Only other holiday more American than that is the 4th of July. Yet, corporations have mostly erased that holiday by putting the focus on black Friday.
Do you not realize that America is a heavy capitalist country? That's kinda been the point. Lots of people a materialistic, how do you make a profit from materialists? You make stuff. Deals just sweeten the deal.
A special note about black Friday. Most companies are actually losing money for the grand majority of the year only until the end of the year do they go from the red (losing money) to the black (gaining money) so when they hit the black mark what better way to drum up some buisness than to make a huge deal for everyone (middleclass and below) to enjoy. Because the upper classes wont be stampeding to get a TV for 100$
Black Friday scared the bejeezus out of me the first time I learned of it. Someone showed me a YouTube video of people waiting for some sort of big store to open, and then when it did there was a violent stampede and everyone was screaming and fighting.
I was thinking... "Isn't it Thanksgiving time over there? Don't they all go home to visit their families and have a nice meal together?"
Christmas is eating other holidays never got why some assholes here in America thought there was a war on Christmas. Here in California we still get Christmas ads well past Christmas so yeah I agree.
What I hate/dislike bout australia is the fucked up politics.. they dont run this country like they should... and the fact that we are being overrun by immagrants and Chinese its ridiculous.. we are starting to not be an Australian.. might as well call us Immanese or Chinimma or something lol
The politicians running everything into the ground. And the summer heat. And the drought.
Knife crime is increasing and political correctness has become almost a religion over here. Guess where I'm from, lol.
Things I dislike most about the states ...
--The lack of high speed rail systems, or any good passenger rail systems in general. You go to Europe or many parts of Asia and they've got passenger rail networks that leave the USA in the dust.
-- Not a huge fan of the classic American shit food diet.. I mean ffs the amount of artificial cheese dust, enriched bleach flour garbage is insane. I really wish we had more Japanese-like-food in the states....they know how to eat right IMO. I mean In a Japanese 7/11 you'll find things like plum filled seaweed and rice wraps and so on... in the states every things gotta be fucking terrible for you to make it on a convenience store shelf.
( well Im in boulder CO so it's bit better around here being a health food capitol and all..but as a whole the states has more garbage food then other places)
--Also I wish we had vending machines like they have all over in japan, in japan you have quality hot and cold drink vending machines everywhere, It just wouldn't work in the states because people in the states would destroy the nice machines, In japan ...no joke... you'll find them in the middle of no where pretty frequently ...often without a mark of graffiti and all that.
--I wish the states would get with it and make higher denomination/higher value coins, in Japan they have a coin that's worth around $4.50 - $5.50 ( 500 yen coin) and in Europe they have coins that are worth up to around $2- $2.40 . I just think it makes having a coin jar way more worth while, like you save a jar of change in these places and you'll have a fair chunk of cash saved. + it just feels nice to have a valuable coin and coins are just cool in general. In the states we still make pennies for christ sake even though it cost more than a penny to make a penny.
Lots of people here are too obsess about politics. I can expect even an innocent discussion about cats can turn into a political debate at some unfortunate point. People once friendly with one another now argue over each other about it. I know politic is important but these obsessors don't need to shove politics into everyone's ass and everything.
Ireland, the weather by a huge margin. If it weren't for that I'd say it's one of the best countries in the world.
Lets see the homeless crises, the fact it hates young people for some reason, and the failing school system.
Money hungry people.
Rip off brands.
These two things I hate about living in China.
I'm from Switzerland. I really love my country. We are a model for the world in several domains. There's only one problem :
Even if I'm a man, I think it's so sad to know there are still salarial differences between men and women.
Britain - political correctness gone mad.
I live abroad now and when I go back the reverse culture shock over this hits like a ton of bricks sometimes.
Overall I’d rather live in the US despite not caring for Trump or the higher crime (although it’s not South America.)
All depends on where you live in the US. There are places where crime isn't bad at all.
Funny that I live in southern California and it isn't like Mexico as many people claim it is. Is there a lot of Hispanics yes but they are Americanized for the most part, for some reason some people act like California is all of LA or SF. I've noticed most who say that have either never been to California or they have only been to the places I mentioned or they are lying.
Yeah especially when you live in the rural states where if you are concerned about your own safety you can carry a peice and people wont bat an eye.