What do you do about a 'close talker'?
You know, those people who invade your personal space when they talk to you!!
It's the worst!! When it is happening, I never know what to do, I usually just turn away from them slightly and act distracted by something 'over there' or take small steps back but what I really want to do is tell them to backdafukup!!
Luckily I only know 2 people who are really bad about this but it's fucking horrible!! Where the fuck did they learn this from? How does someone have no concept of personal space? How has no one ever told them off before about it? You'd think after so many years of doing this SOMEONE would have told them off about it!! Can they not see my facial expression and body language that screams 'get back'??
What do you do when this happens to you?
I do nothing, it doesn't bother me. | 5 | |
I do nothing because I'm too scared to say or do anything. | 5 | |
I move away ever so slightly. | 23 | |
I tell them to backdafukup! | 3 | |
I pretend I have a bad disease and they need to stay back. | 0 | |
I get right back up in their face to see how they like it. | 1 | |
I start barking like a dog. | 1 | |
Other tactic (comment) | 4 | |
Hey, pal, I'M a close talker. I ain't backing up for nobody, fool! | 2 |