What do you do all day?

What do you normally do in your day? You don't have to list it in exact time and order like a schedule. This question is meant to be fun.

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Comments ( 28 )
  • KholatKhult

    I wake up at 4 and get my stables and animals ready, takes about 3.5 hours
    Shower, breakfast, family
    Ride horses for 2-3 hours on weekdays
    Lunch, 2 hour nap, animal nonsense, family, dinner
    Night shift starts at 6ish with the critters, 2 hours
    Do a worksheet with my nephew, help get the rugrats to bed
    Might drink beer on the porch or watch tv or play videogames for an hour
    Try to be in bed by 12
    Try to take the lady out atleast twice a week, get an event in, go out with friends a few times a week. I get tied up so usually I just host so it’s easier. I write a page each day. I’m in phone calls and FaceTime probably 2 hours daily but I can work/ride and talk

    Uhhhh that’s it I guess. All my work is right in my back yard and I have half a dozen people coming and going each day so I stay busy

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    • ospry

      I'm not naive enough to say that it sounds like you have an easy life, but it's definitely an appealing sounding one

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      • KholatKhult

        It’s a life I am very much in love with. Lot of labor sure, but I always tell folks; I do not wish for less work, I only wish for more hours in the day

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  • randypete

    I love to masturbate and edge all day

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    • Crocotta1

      I shlick to femdom, especially when the men moan and call their girlfriend/wife mommy

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    • ospry

      I like to jerk randypete off all day

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  • Vvaas

    depends on my sleeping schedule, i have insomnia so it messes up sometimes and i stay up all night. if it's normal i usually wake up around 6 - 8 am, feed the chickens/dog/cats and make sure they're all good then i'll have a shower. i'm usually on my computer most of the day or when i'm not i'm out in the backyard with my chickens or playing with my dog, he likes when i throw a frisbee or ball around for him.

    at night i might go outside to take my dog for a walk and after i usually like to do some extra exercise like weight lifting or cardio, then after that i'll probably be on my computer or maybe watch a movie or show with my dad.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    work work work

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  • dabadedabadie

    Do everything I need to do for the day then get hammered.

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  • jethro

    Go to work.
    Come home
    eat dinner
    go to bed
    repeat the next day

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  • Crocotta1

    Shlick to porn

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Get to work by 3am.

    Get off work at 3pm - 4pm.

    Go to the gym from 4:30pm - 5:30pm.

    Go to sleep by 6pm - 8pm

    Thats through the week.

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    • AsterBean

      This schedule makes me sad.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I get sad if I'm not really busy

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        • AsterBean

          I bet your family is sad they don't see you.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Yeah they do. But they like the money and I got the weekends off. I get alot of paid weeks off every year as well.

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    • Orphan

      Your schedule makes me feel suicidal

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  • Orphan

    When I work:
    - Get up at 2pm, go to work
    - get back home at 12:15am. I decide if I wanna go to the bar or not.

    When I'm off:
    - groceries, laundry and chores on Saturday.
    - I do whatever the fuck I want else with my time off.

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  • BleedingPain

    My schedule changes daily and in 2 weeks will further change daily with more consistencies… but its eat work eat sleep repeat

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Whatever I want.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I do whatever the 80 year old, and 85 year old geezers I live with need me to do with my big, strong 52 year old muscles. I also handle things that my dementia free brain understands better than my folks can comprehend in spite of the fact that I now suspect that I have ADD/ADHD. It's a lonely, and scary thing to suddenly be the designated caregiver, despite my long track record as a ne'er-do-well and general underachiever.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Currently working on doing an acoustic cover of surface pressure from Encanto. Otherwise, work, movies, sleep, spend time with my partner and friends, going to 12 step meetings working the steps, listen to music, spiritual class and meditation. Wby OP?

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  • Somenormie

    I wake up to go do some exercises and then after that play some Mario Kart ( most of the times it's Mario Kart Wii.)

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  • Tinybird

    Get up at like 4 pm, go on the computer on facebook and whatever, maybe watch Youtube, have a smoothie, stay home while my family goes to feed the horses and record a song, or dance to songs I've already done, and have a coffee. Till they come back. Then I'll sit upstairs listening to music, or if not that then browsing the internet, or writing a story, or if it's not crap weather, going for a walk/to the park (this can also happen during the day before I record a song) then I come back and have dinner, maybe watch videos or anime with my sister, then either continue watching videos with my sister or play video games with her, or do my own thing, which can be anything. If it's the latter I'll listen to music, recordings, or draw or write something before I go to bed, or maybe look at pictures. Then go to bed at like 4-9 am.

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  • normal-rebellious

    I wake up with a cup of coffee and breakfast, write, listen to music, go shopping on some days, go back home, write, live hectically, drink coffee, perhaps watch a documentary on tubi on my mobile with some buttered popcorn and a Coca-Cola, sleep that night after talking to my mother on my mobile, after showering and brushing my teeth and wake up very late at night to a cup of coffee or two writing. Then in the afternoon I go to sleep sleeping all day. I do whatever I want all day and all night.

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  • chitterchatter444

    wake up, go to the park, congregate and drink beers with gangbangers, smoke weed with the peoples, maybe do some other drug to top it all off and then go tf home. i play my day by ear honestly, do whatever i want all day

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  • newnormal

    Anal sex all day long

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    • ospry

      So this is what they mean when they say "get used to the new normal"

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