What do you do with the tv?

I've noticed that different families have different ways of dealing with the TV if it's on, when your visitors call in - not necessarily very close family. What do you do?

I turn it off immediately, obviously! 15
I turn it off after recording the end of my programme. 5
I don't turn it off, but mute the volume. 29
I leave it as it is. 27
I turn the volume up, to hear it above their voices. 6
I tell the visitors to leave the room as I'm watching TV. 3
Other. Please comment. 8
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Comments ( 21 )
  • ishkabob

    I always turn it off. Not to be polite, but to make it look like I don't watch too much TV

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  • TV? What's that?

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  • Tehboss

    hahahahahaha visitors
    you talking the aliens?

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  • HarryUP

    I don't watch TV.

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  • PinkLagon87

    i dont watch tv :(

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  • Avant-Garde

    I usually keep the TV on. If it is the TV where I watch my movies/shows, depending on what it is and whether or not I have seen it before, I'll either leave it on or I'll stop/pause it.

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  • TheProph

    I don't know exactly what you're referring to. You mean just if anyone comes to my house? I'd leave the TV as it is. Chances are they'd want to watch the same thing I was watching, or play the same video game I was playing.

    if I'm talking like 10 years in the future when i'm married with children, i'd probably turn the TV off.

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  • livefastdieold

    hacky sack fo sho. just dont kick it too hard or else toxic gas pours out of the cathode tube. learned that the hard way, except i had a baseball bat. otherwise i typically just press the off or on button and either watch tv or dont.

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  • snazzjastic

    I leave it on if im the only one in the house maybe turn it down slightly if its someone i like. usually i dont open the door to anyone when im in on my tod then i dont have to deal with this kinda lark
    but if my mums in she pounces up and switches tv off at the mains (dick head) before even opening the door!! extreme ay

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  • mateo

    i um...dont have a tv........y would you even need one if u have a computer

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  • 4392Moron

    Do not watch television, it is too gross and disgusting, I am refering to Canadian broadcasting as well as other broadcastings. Television sucks!!!!!!!!

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Other: Pause.

    We have a TV but it's only hooked up to the PS3 and the DVD player. Neither of us cares enough to spend for cable or regular tv programs.

    If we want to watch something we buy or rent the DVD.

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  • i viisted someone who lives for the tv, i was talkinig and he absentmindedly pointed the remote at me to turn me down. funny i stll rib him about that

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  • My sister-in-law doesn't stop watching TV when my parents come over to visit my brother and her. She cannot even tear herself away from it for two seconds just to say hello to them and she does this any time anyone comes over, not just with my parents. They live 65 km away and are only able to visit them on average of about every, 6-8 weeks. As a result of her rude behaviour, my parents believe that she hates them and they feel uncomfortable going there. She doesn't actually hate them, she's just anti-social and has bad manners.

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    • Would your brother not speak to her and explain it's rude and that she's upsetting his parents? Manners have to be taught so as to be learned. Anyhow, I wouldn't make excuses for him either - what's wrong with him lifting the remote and turning it off?

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      • Exactly, he should say something to her, but she would make him pay for it later. It's not up to me to tell my brother what to do in his own house, especially when the issue isn't with me, it's with his wife.

        Anyway, I was just sharing my own experiences with a social-retard in my life, I wasn't looking for advice.

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  • FocoUS

    Well your tivo will work with the screen off.

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  • MissClaire

    I turn it off, or switch the channel to a music station and turn the music down a bit - I like a little back ground distraction in case the convo goes dead

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  • I turn the TV down just so it's there in the background so there's no awkward silences.

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  • never watch tv

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  • SuperNova680

    I don't turn it off, I just simply turn down the volume in case the visitors maybe stay for a bit and want to watch a little television.

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