What do you feel about the animal cruelty commercials?

You know those commercials where it shows dogs and cats that seem to have been neglected or treated badly and they ask you to donate money to save them. What do you feel about those animals? Do you feel so bad about those poor animals that you change the channel or look away or do you try to do something about it? Be honest.

Yes, I feel sad/depressed/bad for those poor animals 76
Yes and I help by donating 5
No,I could care less 40
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Comments ( 34 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    Don't donate to those organizations.

    Do you know how expensive it is to make those commercials and to get celebrities on them? The ASPCA spends more money on keeping their administrators in the lap of luxury and keeping those commercials on air than they do actually helping those animals and obviously they are still making money off of it because they keep airing those commercials.

    I just change the channel. If you want to help animal shelters then I would suggest donating to your local shelters. A monetary donation would go to directly benefit the animals as well as donations of food and time. Those shelters don't get squat from the ASPCA and barely get any state funds. If you want to help animals, a $5 donation to an animal shelter will go much further to helping animals than a $50 donation to the ASPCA.

    Don't let yourself be guilted into donating to organizations that care more about their administrators than they do about the potential beneficiaries themselves. Do your research and know where your money will be best spent.

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    • LesserKnownCharacter

      A lot of their footage is fake or industry standard (the 'cruelty' is a necessity in some instances). They play on people's ignorance.

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    • Your a fucking moron dude. Even if a small amount is getting to the animals it's better than NOTHING AT ALL.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        No, you're the moron if you're willing to settle for your money doing less than it actually can rather than putting effort into finding an outlet in which the money could be utilized in a better fashion (I.e. researching charity groups or local shelters).

        These companies utilize these emotional footages to sway you out of your money and spend most of it on admin and advertising whereas donating that money to a local shelter would almost guarantee that most if not all of it will go to food and shelter expenses. That's $4.50 of your $5.00 rather than $.10 of it actually going to the animals. You're comfortable with that? A fool would be comfortable with your mentality, I am no such fool.

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  • Moonbow

    It's "I couldn't care less," NOT "I could care less." If you're going to design a freaking poll, at least make an effort and get the words right!

    But as for those commercials, they're designed to play on the emotions of fools who will get out their credit cards and send money. Hardly any of the money actually goes to helping animals but instead goes into someone's administration, employees and advertising fees. So every time you fools send money to help some poor, abused animal, all you're doing is lining someone's pocket! If you REALLY wanted to help an animal, you'd be volunteering at a local humane society, not sending your money to some unknown organization because of a freaking TV commercial!

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  • FocoUS

    I hate the commercials. It's all shock value. I don't want to see burned puppies while I'm eating lunch you know.

    Animal cruelty is a problem, but I hate it when someone tries to prove their point using shock images or fear tactics. You can tell us about the issue without showing us carcasses to make us sick.

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  • nightmare28

    I go to a Thai restaurant.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I hate cruelty to animals, but those commercials annoy the hell out of me.

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  • ChallieFrostick

    I'm doing a paper for my Writing class on these commercials. For all of you who say that the money doesn't really go to the animals..where are you getting your information from?? I'm trying to find evidence to prove that but I can't find it! Any help??? It would be greatly appreciated!

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  • NorthernStar

    Hardly any of that money people give goes to help animals.

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    • Hardly any > None

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  • Hussainthemvp

    I honestly could care less people die in war and in famine i rather give THOSE people money insteed

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  • somebody23

    what do u think of african poor comercials while the whole world is poor and works hard and all donations go to africans and they are most of the time lazy and just wait for donations?

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    • Yeah, those one piss me off. Why do we keep donating if they refuse to help themselves?

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  • I don't know. I know it's wrong, I want to help them, I don't want it to happen, but at the same time I don't feel sad.
    It's confusing.

    If I seen someone kicking an animal, or seen a puppy or kitten in a box in an alley, I would help them.

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  • I usually turn the channel.

    It's not that I don't care but looking too often at all the pain in the world has a way of draining you.

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  • dappled

    I have donated to animal charities ever since I've had a paying job and the adverts make absolutely no difference to me. I don't necessarily agree with charities tugging on heartstrings nor do I agree with charities for anything that is a widespread issue (that should come out of taxes).

    But I can't moan too much when charities are essentially doing good work. Somebody has to do it.

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    • bananaface

      I don't like them either. Although, I think it's worse that they have to be so dramatic and tug on heartstrings just to get donations. I mean, is the thought of donating to charity really that unappealing to people?

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      • dappled

        I guess that's all people respond to these days. I used to watch X Factor until it just turned into people crying all over the place and saying their grandma has a bad leg. I'm sympathetic to people but not when they abuse it like this.

        Blah to the world! :P

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  • Queen^of^Spades

    I want to kick the people who took the pictures, videos, etc. first. I'd make sure that the poor animal was okay, find him a home, take him to a vet- and then take pictures. Not the other way around, and i hate the people who do that.

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    • bananaface

      Why the photographers, if you don't mind me asking? No offence, it just seems like such a strange thing to think, in my opinion. I mean, the photographer is just a part of showing people the reality of the situation (again, just my opinion). If people only got to see the pictures of animals *after* having been to the vets, etc., then it doesn't really demonstrate just how bad the situation is. I do see where you're coming from, it's just their job, I guess. I don't know, I just think that if anyone needs a kicking it's the people who abuse animals in the first place.

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      • Queen^of^Spades

        Yep, it's a strange thing, but i take it as a prerequisite that i want to hurt the people who did it. people who take photos instead of helping the animals are just second, i.e first after the offenders, on my kick list.

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        • You're an idiot.

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        • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

          You think they don't get them help after? The photos are there to document evidence of the animal abuse.

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    • thanksforthefreecar

      They have to take some of those photos for legal reasons.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Makes me want to cry. Along with these horrible images they put the saddest music. I watched the commercial many times but I hate seeing them. This kind of stuff is very depressing.

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  • Bubbles-for-life

    i love animals i cant stand it

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  • Bubbles-for-life

    i have to leave the room or i throw a fit not like a baby fit but i get so worked up And OMG THAT DAM MUSIC ♪in the arms of the angles♪ ⇒•⇔

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  • iin2want2know

    Shame on all the people that voted they could care less. Shame shame shame

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  • These organizations have my full support. What a nightmare these animals have to live. People who abuse animals should have done to them what they did to the animals.

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  • Devilsno1angel

    I have to turn thm over or i cry its horrible to think some humans are capable of treating animals tht way its sick to me

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  • Indira

    I can't even watch those things without crying.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Fuck you Sarah McLoughlin. D: Those commercials are so depressing.

    My stupid bleeding heart already has 3 cats, two of them could be considered rescues, and now the television is trying to manipulate my money out of me. D: Damn you all.

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  • Arg!

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