What do you guys think about this?
I don't believe in reincarnation, but sometimes I wonder what would happen if it was proven and became basic knowledge. Sometimes I like to think about that. What do you guys think would happen?
I feel like people would complain ALOT less. Because they would probably assume that they deserve their problems and that they can have a better life next time around.
I think that people would experience jealously a lot less, because they would probably assume that the people who have a better life were just better people in their previous life.
I think that people would be less scared of death.
I think that there would probably also be more suicides, because people will be more likely to end their life if they think that they can get a better life afterwards.
I think that there would be less child molesters, rapists and kidnappers because people would be scared to ruin their next life.
I think there would be a lot less nostalgia about childhood, because people would assume that they will have another childhood.
I think people would worry a lot less about every sort of issue.
I think there would be a lot less depression.
Just some of my thoughts on this subject.