What do you guys think of escorts?

So as a perpetually broke girl due to a shitty job and being unable to get a better job I'm considering being an escort and a cam girl. Im relatively pretty and I'm pretty young so i know men would be interested. It would help me break free of this rut and actually save for college. I dont know whar do you guys think? What do you think of girls who do this line of work. I want to do it but I'm certainly scared

other please comment 7
I am one 4
love them 24
disgusting 10
would call the cops 6
don't care do what you like 31
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Comments ( 120 )
  • shuggy-chan

    Escort missions are the worst and just lazy game design. Like maybe one is oky, but multiple escorts mission is just babysitting.

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    • Tealights

      You're the fucking best lol!!

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      • shuggy-chan

        Thanks, I’m just glad people still like my random first thoughts

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    • IrishPotato

      I am entertained.

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      • shuggy-chan

        I’ll have to look it up when I get home.

        But there was a card (gear/events) action board game that one mission literally was an ecout mission of a potato farmer that was so in love with potatoes that his ex (which was a necromancy) was trying to kidnap/kill him

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        • shuggy-chan

          Hand of Fate 2

          I finally remembered the name

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          • IrishPotato

            That. Sounds. Amazing.

            I kinda wanna look into the cardgame.

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            • shuggy-chan

              Its a odd one, its a sorta board game with cards from a deck for events or gear and slightly wonky, but not terrible combat. But overall is a fun game.

              If its on sale its worth a buy

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    • RoseIsabella

      Dude, I don't even like video games, but that was epic!

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    • Escorts mission? Im not really certain what you are talking about

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      • They're those things that suck in almost every game, except The Last of Us.

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        • Haha yes they fuvking suck! Oh hey soda can in front of me better stand here for 3 minutes while I decide what to do haha

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  • Grunewald

    Please don't do it... you're the only 'you' you've got. Don't make your body a commodity. You are worth more than that.

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    • RoseIsabella

      The human body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

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      • Grunewald


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        • RoseIsabella

          Praise the Lord!

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    • TheMightyOz

      Talk about soul crushing. I can't get it up. How do you think that makes my soul feel? Well, it feels like I have been condemned to hell. If God exists, he is cruel. So cruel he should never be worshipped. I don't know why you think people should be happy.

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      • Grunewald

        How did we get to God, all of a sudden?

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        • TheMightyOz

          Because the OP talked about soul crushing, and you talk about happy souls as if anyone can have one if they do the right things. Well I have a rubber tube up my cock through no fault of my own. I am just pathetic. I think you ignore people like me that you can't understand.

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          • Grunewald

            Not 'happy souls'. More like damage limitation.

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    • I'm not if I work myself to suicide doing stuff i despise. I've been in factory work, kitchen work, security and retail. Only 2 of those jobs I somewhat enjoyed. But this retail work is killing me. It's soulcrushing. Anything would be worth it to get out so i can go to college and do what I would love

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      • RoseIsabella

        Look into something called Job Corps. https://www.jobcorps.gov/

        Seriously, check it out.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Do it! 💪🏻

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      • RoseIsabella

        You think retail is bad, selling yourself will make retail look like a summer job at Baskin Robbins! Don't do this to yourself, chica. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and you are a precious child of God, honey child!

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  • Call it what it is: prostitution. Selling your soul for money? Not worth it methinks. At least your perpetually broke job is honest pay.

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    • Ellenna

      Sex workers sell sex, not their souls.

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      • IrishPotato

        No, they sell all the dignity they have. They sell their morals. They sell their used up disgusting body.

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        • Why is it ok for a woman to give it out for free all she wants but as soon as she charged it's wrong? It's no diffrent than buying a fee drinks at a bar for a girl instead in the end you arnt getting a toothy blow job, have no risk of her suddenly screaming rape the next day and she makes a few usually desperatly needed dollars

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          • IrishPotato

            What I gathered from this post is that you're asking for confirmation and validation, not opinions.


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    • Nikclaire

      What is dishonest about it? It's a transaction between two people and both agree to it.

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      • You're right, it's honest in that sense, but I meant morally dishonest. Like a janitor or security guard is rendering a useful service, whereas a whore is getting off some sweaty wanker or helping along an affair. The world needs to be clean and safe, not full of backalley sexual transactions between broken people. Selling drugs is also a transaction but I think we can both agree the world can do without it.

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        • Lestat565

          Morality is subjective not objective so your morality is not the same as everyone else. Prostitution is a legal issue same as drugs the real moral thing to do is to give people a safe place to do it so that they don’t have to go to the street. Your not going to ever stop prostitution. It’s just not realistic. But giving them a place they can do it safely. Has been proven to make things better. As far as drugs are concerned there’s a reason why drugs are so bad. It’s illegal. It’s the same thing as when alcohol was illegal.

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          • Yes exactly! I wish Nevada wasn't so bloody expensive I would move tgere and be safe about it. But i can't even afford my rent now let alone moving to a more expensive local

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            • Lestat565

              Yeah they just need to legalize tax and regulat it everywhere if you make something illegal that people want then you automatically make it more dangerous. Why does the government have a right to control what we do with our own bodies.

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          • Drugs are bad because they destroy people and therefore illegal. Alcohol does the same thing but the law couldn't stop it and it continues to create drunks, broken homes and vehicle deaths. So legality is not an indication of right and wrong. The law also routinely lets off killers and rapists on technicalities. It's not foolproof.

            I'd like to believe there IS an absolute morality. Is killing or raping relative? We all absolutely agree it's wrong. We can see the damage drugs, prostitution, alcohol etc does... it's not that people don't know it's wrong, its that they want to do it regardless.

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            • Lestat565

              Sorry but the idea that drugs are bad because they ruin lives therefore they are illegal is false. The war on drugs we have in America was built on racism. Not morality. Nixon’s top aid even said that they knew they were lying about drugs but they wanted to police the blacks and hippies more. And thanks to the drug war drugs are cheaper and more potent then ever before. I wish there was a absolute morality too but it doesn’t change the facts. Killings happen all over the world if you live in Saudi Arabia and are an atheist you are considered a terrorist and are executed. And we execute people here in America as well and an estimated 4% of those people are innocent. Your view of morality is only a matter of where you grow up and what time you are in. In Ancient Rome it was completely moral to have sex with children and to own slaves. if we all agreed subjectively that killing and raping people was wrong it wouldn’t exist. Of course I definitely prefer the morality of now to then. But I don’t try to take the rights away from people over there own bodies just cause I morally disagree with them. It’s completely legal to go to a bar and have sex with who ever I want. But as soon as I pay her it’s a crime. Your right legality is not a clear indication of what’s wrong but it’s a start.

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    • LloydAsher

      I see prostitution as a inevitable profession out there might as well make it a regulated profession. Then we can tax the income as well.

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      • ThirdTesticle

        I agree. And it's safer for the prostitutes as well, which is the main reason why I feel it should be legal. Unfortunately, in most areas, that's probably not changing anytime too soon

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        • Definitly, it's legal in Germany and they have some beautiful set ups over there, silent alarms and everything in the girls room

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          • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

            Its legal in Amsterdam too. Its not legal in China or Russia but the cops look the other way. They have escort brothels in the cities there. Putin himself said Russia has the best escorts in the world.

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            • IrishPotato

              Entirety of Holland, not just Germany.

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            • True, just can't exactly afford to leave the u.s

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  • Twenty years all that “flaunting” can and will be used against you and you’ll be back in that rut.

    Try something different

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    • Maybe, I dont know. It seems worth the risk.. combined with some of my own sexual interests I could possibly enjoy the work really. Does having such experinces used agaisnt you happen often in that work?

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      • Nah cause I’ve never done anything like it, just know people that have been blackmailed and held back career wise due to bad choices like that.

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        • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

          Good thing im a truck driver

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          • Haha lot lizard style then?

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            • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

              Ive never ran into that yet but there was one chic checking me out at a truck stop once. Maybe she was a hoe ha

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        • Ah that makes sense. That would really really suck

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      • Nikclaire

        Camming would come back to bite you easier than being an escort. The only people that would know you were hooking would be clients and anyone that you told.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Yeah, but the memories would be there, and I'm sure many of those memories would be less than good. It's not healthy for a young woman to sell her body, because look at kind of old, disgusting creeps, and losers who hire working girls. It wouldn't be worth it having to live with the memories in my less than humble opinion.

          Personally, I'd rather spend a week in a warzone than sell my body to strangers.

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        • ThirdTesticle

          Not necessarily true. If one got into legal trouble as a result of it, it would be on public record, and that could get in the way of finding employment and would show up on background checks. And it could be impossible for OP to avoid a sting.

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        • Very true, always thought camming would be a good way to build an audience and clients instead if well street walking or moving to Nevada and being just another bed filler

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          • RoseIsabella

            I don't support web camming as a potential career choice, but at least you wouldn't have to have physical contact. Perhaps you could come up with a disguise, or costume if you did the web cam thing? It's still not healthy for your mind, and soul of course.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    The ones that have sex with men they know are married are complete trash. Otherwise there's nothing wrong with them. Although a lot of them do charge an extortionate rate which I don't agree with.

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    • What's to much to you? I am needing to come up with charges, my first client will probablyg cost more since I'm a virgin, after that I'm think about 250 an hour additional 150 per person

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        Dude don't lose your virginity to a random client, that's a shit way to lose it! You should lose it to someone you trust and have a connection with.

        Honestly I'd say anything over €50/hour is too much. I know that the average is a fair bit above that, but I think any services only the rich can afford isn't fair on the less privileged people. You charge whatever you want though.

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        • Well I got some things going that the average girl wouldn't do so i mean.. and I always wanted it to be special but if selling it is better for my future well.. that's a good point though, I'll keep that in mind

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          • IrishPotato

            Hahaha you think you're special? 50 an hour max. 100 if it's legal.

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            • I looked up going rates and the like, for. What I was seeing it's not that bad actually. And 50 an hour would never happen would barely be able to turn a profit, would have to be on my back many many hours to make any profit. Na that shit has expenses plus living costs to cover I dont plan on walking out with 20 bucks for fucking someone. If you want a cheap whore go to Nevada I'm sure the streets are filled with them

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          • JellyBeanBandit

            Well good luck whatever you decide.

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      • IrishPotato


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        • RoseIsabella

          It's not worth it.

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          • IrishPotato

            I wouldn't pay a penny for this disgusting whore to do things to me.

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            • RoseIsabella

              I wouldn't ever pay for anything sexual from anyone either.

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  • Tealights

    Go into the porn industry instead.

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    • I've thought about it, but watching reviews and the like wouldn't be worth it. Proffesional porn is boring anyways, fuck to have fun not repeat a scene till it looks great

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      • Tealights

        Sex will get boring depending on who you work for, but it's a lot safer since cameras and other actors are there. Plus, a few actors on Game of Thrones began their careers as porn stars, it may be worth it if you have no other options.

        As for prostitution, I guess it really depends on the escort service you choose to work for and the kind of clients they have. Just don't prostitute on your own, because that's when it gets super dangerous with pimps, beatings, rapes, not getting paid after a session, muggings, etc.

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        • That's true, definitly better than most options!

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      • IrishPotato

        At least you'll be worth something. At least I'll benefit from your degeneracy.

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  • Disgusting. A symptom of the tidal wave of degeneracy sweeping western society.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Um hmm.

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  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    I love them. I hope god keeps them safe because its a dangerous gig.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I love them, because they are children of God, and usually come from bad life circumstances, but it's bad for the mind, and soul.

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  • Biman458

    I personally see no problems with escorts or prostitutes. It should be legalized for adults only. Everyone is willing participates in it. As long as you practice safe sex, who cares. And yes in my younger days I had several encounters with prostitutes.

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  • ThirdTesticle

    Your fear is your instincts protecting you, trust them. I would strongly recommend that you not do this. Not for moral or ethical reasons, but because any kind of sex work is a very dangerous "job". Calling it and escort doesn't change what it is, which of course is prostitution.

    You'd constantly be running the risk of being arrested and getting a criminal record that would really mess up your ability to find work. There are random sting operations, so you never would know for sure who is a client.... And who might be a cop.

    While I don't agree with prostitution being illegal and many people don't, in some states, being an escort/prostitute is a felony. Which means you could lose your right to vote, essentially become unemployable, and completely have your life ruined.

    You'll also be dealing with scumbags who may try to get out of paying you. And since it's illegal, it could be very difficult to make sure that "clients" actually pay.

    Then, there's the risk of stds, even if they wear rubbers..... there's still the risk of getting certain stuff like herpes just from giving/getting head. A lot of escorts end up with some sort of disease at some point.

    On top of all that, the "clients" can be dangerous. There are sick fuckers out there who get off on hurting women and could hit you, beat you, or worse. You'd be likely to encounter weirdos with all sorts of bizarre and possibly dangerous fetishes.

    Being an escort/prostitute is a rough life, and most women who do it ultimately end up finding themselves trapped. And getting out of it can be really difficult. I majored in social work in college, and I learned all about this. And heard stories from women who actually went down that road. It's a really terrible life.

    In Nevada where it's legal, it's somewhat better. And easier to get out of if (and believe me, you would even if you don't think so now) want to get out of it. But it's still a very dangerous line of "work".

    Literally ANY other job would be better. And if you're in a difficult situation financially, you might be eligible for government aid for college. Make sure you look into it.

    And in the end, if you are supporting yourself with any other sort of employment, even if you don't end up going to school.... it's better than prostitution/working as an escort.

    The can girl thing is just as bad, in a different way. You wouldn't have to worry about the dangers of meeting "clients" face to face, but your image would be on the web forever as a cam girl. And that would be likely to seriously interfere with getting a job with your college degree after you graduate. Because employers could look up your name and would be likely to find things about your having worked as a camgirl in the past and perhaps even find images.

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    • You are right, it's dangerous and stupid. And there's many guys who are straight up fucked in the head. I've been reading some reviews of it, and it appears there's also of understanding guys heck some hire you just for snuggles or conversation. It's really interesting. Though catching something would be absoloutly horrid, I know there's drugs like prep wich helps fights aids. Wich if I could afford I would probably do. Just in case the condom breaks or whatever stupid thing happens. I dont know maybe I wont.. But considering how I'm feeling the fact that I have a whole 300 bucks to my name and I haven't even paid my bills yet this month well im feeling pretty desperate for cash. Frankly i dont know were I could turn to. I've tried all the local jobs for a second job but anythibg I can get to is only hiring when I'm already working or simply isn't interested

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  • IrishPotato

    It makes you disgusting. You're enabling cheating and just because it pays the bills and the world is all POWERTOWOMEEEEN nowadays does not take away the fact you're a whore because of it.

    I remember this episode on the Flash where Ceciles daughter was a stripper and said she did it for feminism and to 'control the narrative'.

    Bullcrap. You're a whore if you do this, don't pretend you're not. At least own up to it.

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    • I would be a whore yes, and hopefully after a few years I would be able to go college, get the job of my dreams find myself a decent understanding man maybe even get married and never have to spread my legs for profit again.

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      • RoseIsabella

        No, maybe you could be a stripper instead.

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  • LloydAsher

    Just try to find a service that treats its employees well. Don’t get into drugs or alcohol, they will use the dependency to control you. Also quit when you feel unsafe.
    Truth be told escorting is the safer end of the prostitution system, but try to play it safe.

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    • Thank you I will keep that in mind, getting addicted to anything in that buisness sounds very scary. I hope to find one but I worry that well the legality of it, I know in Nevada it's legal but girls like me are common as dirt there so i mean ya know? Are you currently aware of any good escort services? Always open to suggestions otherwise yea I'll definitly keep my eye out for good ines!

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  • JustAHuman

    I'm a 53 year old male virgin. I've given up finding love. I think I'm going to go to an escort. I'm glad escorts exist.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Sex isn't everything, it's not the pinnacle of human existence.

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      • Bazinga

        What is the pinnacle? Can you tell me?

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        • RoseIsabella

          The pinnacle of human existence is probably not one fixed thing for everyone of course. I think we all value different things from one another. Perhaps the notion of sexual intimacy is something great for someone like the the above commentator who for whatever reason has yet to experience sexual intimacy. People tend to value, and pursue that which is elusive to them take for granted what they have rather than choose to cultivate gratitude.

          Lots of people will discount the bird in their hand in order to pursue the two they spy in the bushes.

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          • Bazinga

            Well, an older woman like you would know. We can all tell that you've been around the block.

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      • JustAHuman

        No, but I want to have sex.

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  • leggs91200

    I say go for it. Learn how to avoid possible legal problems beforehand if you want to do escorting though.

    As far as "You might regret it later", not likely. They always tell young people they are going to screw up their future but that is pure speculation. We do not know what will really happen.

    Suppose someday you are going in for a big interview for a good job that pays well. Does anyone really think the employer is going to rummage the web to see if you were a cam girl? Not likely.
    I used to work this factory job and the assistant manager of the place worked as a stripper for her other job.

    Also - even if sex work is "soul crushing, depressing, degrading, etc" well isn't retail also? If I were young and pretty, I would rather have my soul crushed making good money rather than whatever retail pays.

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    • That's true, my job pays min wage. It's purely soul crushing. Your right thank you so much, now how to break this to my boyfriend haha. Not gonna be easy.. though hes known its somethibg ive been tbinking about sijnce i became legal, long begore i met him. Any tips on how to learn to avoid legal problems? Going to jail or prison isn't exactly on my bucket list

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      • leggs91200

        Camming is probably no big deal but escorting - I have no advise about how to avoid legal problems but it IS something you need to consider.

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        • Without a doubt legal problems will definitly be one of the hardest things to avoid. I have w few ideas though

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  • SwickDinging

    Being a cam girl will haunt you for the rest of your life. Escort might not though, so long as you are careful about it

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    • ThirdTesticle

      Being careful wouldn't necessarily prevent it. A sting operation could be very concealed to the point where one wouldn't be able to detect it, which is obviously the point of them. Also, the dangerous "clients" that hire escorts intended to act out sadistic fantasies that could leave the escort badly beaten up or worse could look and act like any other "client"... until they turn violent. While I'm sure that there are people who have been escorts who didn't have a bad outcome as a result of it, for the most part it's a roll of the dice.

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      • SwickDinging

        Where I live prostitution is perfectly legal so I hadn't considered this. There's lots of regulation in place to keep the girls safe while they do their business.

        Of course if OP lives in a country where this is illegal she needs to consider the possibility that there will be legal repercussions

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  • 1ne8ight7even

    How much do you charge for a blow job? Asking for a friend.

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    • I'm not positive, tbh I'm a virgin I've never had oral or well sex sex before. So my blowjobs probably wouldn't be worth much.

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      • LloydAsher

        People would pay more for a virgin blowjob. I think around 200$.

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        • IrishPotato

          You kidding me? Middle eastern men pay loaaaads for a virgin whore like OP.

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          • LloydAsher

            Really depends on the region. Supply and demand even effects prostitution believe it or not.

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            • IrishPotato

              There's someone who sold her virginity for a 100k.

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            • Oh I believe it, it's why I want to avoid nevada

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        • For reals? That's insane! Heck Yea! If i can only offer tgat once i might as well go for It!

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  • RoseIsabella

    I feel bad for you that you are in dire straits. I honestly think I'd rather be a drug dealer if I could do it, just sell weed, and never get caught. Of course eventually everyone gets caught, everyone eventually gets arrested when doing something illegal.

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  • curious-bunny

    I say go for it! I know I've been having such thoughts on occasion as well, however I'm a trans girl so saftey precautions is something i would have to double up on. Either way rooting for ya just uh stay safe

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    • IrishPotato

      Male prostitution isn't nearly as profitable anyway.

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      • curious-bunny

        Some trans girls make 1000 an hour per client with many regulars. Just depends how you sell it

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        • IrishPotato

          So people pay extra for mental illness.


          No matter what they get payed, their value as a human being is essentially nothing from the moment they sell themselves. Regardless of rate, they're all cheap disgusting whores.

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  • brutus

    Yes its alright.

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  • needed

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