What do you prefer to clear a house?

If you hear a loud bang in the house at night or in the day, you decide you need to clear the house to make sure there's no intruders what gun is your go to?

Personally I like to use my AR because it has a light on it. But going around corners it is kind of long and if someone was right around a corner they could grab the barrel. Also the 5.56 round is so high velocity and armour penetrating it will go through every wall and could kill neighbors or worse my own family. Of course I would always wear a sling incase someone were to grab the barrel.

A pistol seems so good because I have 17 rounds to hit them and I can move faster and can use one hand to punch if someone grabs it. But 9mm is slightly under powered and I have seen videos of people getting shot with 9mm and staying in a fight for over a minute beforr they bleed out.

Shotgun is also great because it would blow a hole through someone right away theyre done. You can have a shorter barrel. But the recoil is ridiculous and I worry in a high stress situation I may forget to pump another round in it between shots.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    If you shoot your shotgun often enough you won't forget to pump it between rounds.
    Muscle memory= Fire, pump..fire, pump.... it just becomes ingrained. Chambering another round becomes part of the process.

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    My .38 special. Never fails.

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  • litelander8

    Shotgun. By far.

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