What do you tell a very young child who asks where babies come from?

I am having trouble talking to my child about babies can anyone help??

Dont tell them at all 83
make up a story ( what kind) 208
Tell them the truth ( comment how u do) 411
Other (Add a comment) 37
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Comments ( 82 )
  • howaminotmyself

    Whatever you do, don't use sock puppets.

    But I think the truth is best. Maybe start by finding out what they already know on the subject.

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  • my mum used to say to me that she ate jelly babies and they grew into babies and after she told me that i uxed to always eat them sooner or later i found out she was lieing and then she told me she bought me from tesco and i found out the real way and told her tnen she told me that i wax adopted and that my real parents lived in austraila i cried non stop for two days then after taking all the fun out of it she told me she was only joking and i didnt talk to her for five days

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    • PandaShifter

      I'm sorry but that is HILARIOUS! I guess you're mom just didn't want you to know she had sex.

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  • theredwolf

    if it was my own kid, the truth. If it was some other parents kid i'd say 'Your mom knows the answer to that one.'

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  • piggowiggo

    I don't even remember any point in my life when I didn't know "where babies come from". My parents were sort of open about it, and probably told me as soon as I knew how to talk. I say definitely tell the truth, no matter the age. You don't have to go into detail, just say the basics.

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  • KeyboardSolo

    "You see, son, when a skank and a man stupid enough to believe her when she says she's on birth control get very drunk..."

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    • CockyCaitlain


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  • Just tell them the stork story, like my parents did to me. That also explained to me why storks fly south for the winter (because Africans need kids too).

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  • JohnGalt

    One should not tell them where babies come from. This way they will not be able to then make more. After all, babies are mooching socialists who expect everything handed to them for free. They continued nothing, won't work, make messes, and refuse to be rational.

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    • Ms.Caffinated

      LMAO! Thats going on my facebook! lol jk

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  • Merkai

    don't go into much depth
    keep it vague enough not to give them ideas
    but informative enough to satisfy their curiosity and keep them on the right track

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  • Duckyduck

    Tell them, "Well, when a man and a woman love each other very much, they can play a special game together to make a baby grow in the lady's tummy. Then, a long time later, the baby will come out of a special place that all mommies have."

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    • Fadina

      I Like that! I would tell my kid that honest simple story and if they ask where is this place is, which they will, I would just answer is a secret place only mommies and daddies knows about.

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      • truthvsbs

        Stick to the truth as you should never lie let alone to your own kids. Lies is why our society is in such bad shape & most every one is to blame because it's taught to us when were young.

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    • Googlemebaby

      lol Thanks! Im going to use that lol

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  • TieDiedSuperstar

    Don't tell them anything. Let them find out on the playground. Builds character. Doesn't matter what you tell 'em, if you piss e'm off they'll fuck just to get back at you.

    Just tell them all to stay away from filthy, lonely 35 year old men who sit in front of their computer all day trying not to look at porn and writing stupid responses on IIN.

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  • Blowjobqueen

    When i was younger i never had to ask were babys came from. I just knew. Im so glad that i didnt have to make my parents go through that.

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  • LillyRhianne<3JessicaWilding:>

    i told my sister [shes 5 now] wen she was 4 i said wen u kiss someone a baby grows in ur tummy the exact words was

    Jade:where do babies come from

    Lilly:well wen you love some1 you give them a big kiss and a little baby grows inside your tummy

    Jade:Can you give me a big kiss I WANT A BABY.

    And she if fucking 4

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  • Flea50

    My dad said that they come from your mom's vagina when I was 8.

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  • EbonySheep

    My parents NEVER had the talk with me officially. I just got soundbites about how much it hurts and the fact that my brother resulted from the failure of the sponge my mother's very first time; it was terrible. I saw sex as a dirty, nasty, painful, disease-spreading addictive behavior. DO NOT put this "fear of God" into your kid's head; it's inhumane. Instead, treat them like a person and TEACH them.
    Anatomy and nudity are nothing to be ashamed of; I frankly find it strange that so many people are such a slave to a social construct created for the lost age of hierarchy and an iron grip on the (literal and figurative) "family jewels". Nowadays, people just need to know the truth to be safe and emotionally secure. Find some scientific illustrations and pictures and tell your kid the truth - it's called education. It might be embarrassing, but if they can deal, so can you. Also tell them that there is no pressure to have sex, and that they should wait until they might actually enjoy it: when they're confident, mature, have friends who support his/her actions, and are with someone whom they trust completely. Additionally be sure to tell him/her about the dangers of sex and how to be safe. Most importantly, provide them with reliable resources (books, websites, etc.) that can help answer any further questions he/she might have.

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  • whateverlovemeans

    there should be good books from the 70s when sex wasn't so sexualized^^ with sperm swimming towards the womb, peace, love, understanding and babies. they don't have to know it all but neither should they be misguided. babies come from the babyparts that grownups have, that connect when the grownups want a baby.

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  • Seravy

    Show them a educational video and scar them for life =3

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  • Iveveo

    I don't think you should make up a story about where babies come from. Whats the damn point?? They're gonna find out anyway (most of the time without the parents telling them), right? I'd just be honest...

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    • la_uva_mojada

      what's the difference between telling them about santa claus because they find out eventually the truth??

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  • He's going to learn sometime so you might as well be the one he learns it from. Keep it brief and deprived of mature details.

    Say something like, "men and women are designed with different parts and when they love each other they express their love through an act. This act makes humans"

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  • soft789

    I show him a hardcore porn, and he know it all.

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  • chewy

    just tell them you bang a girl jizz in her vagina and then in 9 months there might be a possibility of a baby

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  • you.kill.me.in.a.good.way

    when i was 7 my dad said something like this

    theres a pussy like you have and theres a dick like i have you stick the dick in the pussy and start to hump and when the man cums theres little babys in-side the cum that gose in-to mommys tummy not kidding

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    • graybuzz

      hahaha subtle

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    • jamesmitchell29486

      that is what I would say to my daughter I might even show her an instructional porno (not sick stuff just a man and woman make love possibly even make a video of her conception and show her when she asks.

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      • chewy

        sorry but there isnt educational porn dummy

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        • jamesmitchell29486

          there isn't?

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    • umkaspy

      aaahhh O_o

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  • Flowers

    My first thought was to tell them about 'the stork delivers the babies' story, but scratch that. I think witty metaphors will work better in telling a child where babies come from.

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  • Askkrod

    It depends on what age the child is. Five or over I would tell the child EXACTLY where babies come from. Four or younger, I tell them babies came from God (No need to lie!).

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  • stargirl457

    I remember my mum telling me and my siblings that 'when a mummy and a daddy love each other very much, they have a special hug'
    This seemed very reasonable :]
    or, of course you could tell them the 'baby catalogue' one, in which "a mummy and a daddy order a baby from 'babies'r'us' and because Royal mail are so bad, the package takes 9 months to get here!"

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  • penguin1

    Ok, just tell your kids that when Mommy and Daddy ask God for a baby, He sends one down for Mommy to keep safe in her tummy until the baby's ready to be born.

    Or make up a story about something until your kids are ready to learn differently. Remember kids have delacate, moldable minds. You don't want to tell them too much too soon.

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  • peelover

    age appropriate truth is important.

    i like deedeliriant's comment

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  • deedeliriant

    Tell them the truth, but don't go into a lot of detail.

    Say that sometimes when a mummy and daddy love each other a lot, they choose to have a baby to care for together. The mummy and daddy have a special cuddle that only they can have and a little later, a baby comes out of mummy's tummy.


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  • Franticjudger

    When I'm asked I like to say you know how you get dolls from the toy store? Those are practice babies, when your ready for a real baby you go to the store and they get you a real baby.

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  • Uzzie101

    Depends how young. 7- make up story.
    older than that, tell them a varied version of the truth.

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  • dappled

    I asked my dad about this when I was 7. He said he'd tell me when my age was twice what it was then. But at 10, Laurence Williams told me in the school playground. I was horrified and very, very glad my father hadn't had to tell me. I don't think either of us would have survived it.

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  • koko91

    your mother's cunt

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  • TheKING20

    I`ll send him to private school

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  • Bitchface101

    Tell him that babies come from a far away place and if he ever asks again he will be anally raped with a fork

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  • Tardisman

    Demonstrate it with your wife and then have the child join in.

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  • sin-of-the-flesh

    tell them ther adopted

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  • imadragon

    I'd just say they come from inside mommies belly..

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  • spidercrowblaze18762

    Your momma comes dressed in a bra, then she removes it, daddy's thing kind of stands up, momma takes that whole stood up thing in her mouth and sucks the shit out of it, then daddy parks his long car in momma's huge and deep garage and daddy's car takes out some cool jewellery from his car into momma's garage and thats where you come from.............

    (*I never said this, in fact i dont have a kid, i saw this in an internet jokes website*)

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  • LeifurEirikson

    Well, I don't know if I'm alone here but my mom told be a lie to the origins of babies and when I found out the truth I felt extremely betrayed but that might just be me.

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  • karmasAbich

    "where do babies come from?"
    -"Out your mothers Vag. next question."

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  • Boomhower

    Have you ever seen the South Park episode where they have sex ed for kindergarteners? Lmao!

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  • thecoldhardtruth

    When a man and woman are enthralled in a deep romantic realationship they engage in the path of unprotected coitus and have a beautiful child beseeched upon them.

    Cause any other explanation would just confuse `em.

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  • I've never been asked, but if the child was younger than 12 I'd say that I'll tell them all about it in a year or so, because they're still too young. I think 12-13 is a good age to give the sex talk.

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  • myownopinions

    I was given a book on the female parts, but it also told me where babies come from. You could always just tell the kid to wait until 5th grade (depending on the school) when you are talk sex ed./watch the video.

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  • I wouldn't make up any bullshit, but wouldn't really feel like telling him what happens either.

    I'd say you'll find out later in education.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Try the following

    1) The stork - always a classic

    2) Found under a rock - fun!

    3) Some elves left you in a basket at the door - classic with a nice fae twist.

    4) A special love between a mommy and a daddy

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  • Capricious

    fuck!! no one asks this... children these days asks which hole is preferable to have a baby :p

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    • LittleLover

      fucking hilarious

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  • PanosOsbourne

    I would tell them:

    "Watch some porn and educate yourself".

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  • giraffe


    Before deciding what to tell your child... you might want to consider whether or not the child is ready to know.

    Don't let other people pressure you.

    And just because Junior/Junette asks "where do babies come from" does not mean he or she is ready to know about the mechanics. Sometimes "a special love between a Mommy and a Daddy" is enough.

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  • smokeybear873

    when I have children I'm just going to tell them straight up, then I'd show them...

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  • PandaShifter

    My mom drew out a picture for me about the mechanics of it; the eggs, the sperm, the fetus, etc. That was at the age of six. Then when I was older she finally told me the more in depth stuff. I remember not believing her though that sex feels good.

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  • Joro

    I learned from my cousins and sister. We used to steal my uncles porn and watch it together.

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  • NinjaDinoCrayon

    Tell them a version of thet truth-like:

    When a man and a woman love eaachother very much, they can play a special game. after a while the lady's tummy starts to get big and then after nine monthes, she will have a baby.

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  • Samoon

    well when my sis was 8 she asked me "nethan where does the babies come from?"
    i though to my self "damn why my why my u have u'r mom and dad so why me"
    then i said " u go to the desert and find a lamp and then ask the leprechaun to give you how many children u want to get and u have to whait 9 monthes"
    so she said "and why i saw mommy's tommy was too fat? she told my that she was pregnant what does that mean?"
    i said "she ate alot she was over weight"
    she asked me"will i have to be over weight to have a baby?"
    i said"well go ask your mother that iam not"
    she said"i want to know now because my friend told my some stuff and they're bad so i want to know the truth"
    so normaly i said "well if u know those stuff then go ask your mother all about it she know's best"

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  • atorres444

    Tell them when mommy's and daddy's love each other their is a special mommy daddy hug they use to make babies.

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  • Beckzy

    My Mum said that "rubbing bellies" would mean having a child XD. Oh parents.

    Just be honest. Tell her/him that babies come from mummies. Daddies help that by planting a special seed in mummy, (don't have to be graphic), and that it turns into a little baby.

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  • Overanalytic

    This is always the awkward, strange question to answer.

    You could make up a story, but this could confuse them to no end and there's a small possible chance of gender confusion, and other confusions. But then again this is all theory.

    You could not tell them at all and allow the very vague sex ed classes fill them in at school, which at times are even more confusing.

    Of you could shield them a bit longer which could lead to more confusion.

    In all honestly I wish my parents had told me the truth before I had to view sex ed tapes, or go through a large lack of sexual knowledge while others at least knew the basics already and I didn't even know square one.

    Granted now I feel like a walking encyclopedia of sexual knowledge but I had to learn all of it myself.

    If I were in your shoes, I would tell the truth. And hopefully enforce the fact that "how babies are made" should be a passionate act.

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  • i would just tell them the truth...

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  • darkmagneto

    I'd tell my child the truth. I don't think it's logical to hide the truth from children, and when I was a kid I could always tell when my parents were answering my questions with jokes and lies. It really bothered me.

    However, I'd teach sex to my child in the most scientific way as possible. I'd tell him all about the mechanics and the reasoning behind it. When I was a kid, my dad tried to tell me about it but he was so afraid to be specific at all, so I really didn't have any idea on how it worked. When he told me about condoms(he didn't even say condoms; he referred to them as rubber tubes), the image I had in my mind was something like a rubber pipe that connects between two people.

    I think a child who has a good understanding of the world around him can make better decisions for himself later on when he needs to. Leaving things like sex to a child's imagination can lead to him viewing sex in a very immature and possibly infantile way.

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  • Kukakuko90

    my story is..
    your mother buys 'em from the store :D

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  • CreativeThinker

    So simple show him some video of women giving birth........... ;)

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  • lyche_natadecoco

    well.. tell them when mommy & daddy love each other they'll have a baby whether on tummy or from other person.

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  • dirty_Narcissus

    I never wondered that and asked anyone when I was little. And no one asked me about it, so I never knew how would I answer. I would probably tell them to go and ask their parents, since I wouldn't want the responsibility of something, which might affect a child's psychology in a bad way.

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  • Saoirsem9

    well my mam said that if you love someone so much God says it is time for u to have a cute little baby :)

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  • Open up bing video, search "fucking".

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    • chewy

      wow then you would find porn thats totally different this has to do with babies not porn

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      • CreativeThinker

        Ok then change the search to "12yo giving birth infront of webcam"

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  • NOOOOOOOOOOoo don't tell!

    if they want to be 'COOL' at school they will tell everyone! even the kids of the parents that they don't want that their child wants to know that stuff.

    you could say: '' sweetie, you will learn that in first grade'' :D

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    "Well first little Joey- dad gets a little drunk, and I let daddy stick his throbbing cock into my vagina...''

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  • CockyCaitlain

    oooooopsss sorry ketboardsolo i meant to click n lillyrhianne<3jessica wilding:>

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