What do you think about atheists?

I'm just curious as to what you all think of Atheists in general from what you know of them and the experiences you've had either discussing with them, living amongst them, or listening to their side of things. Feel free to lob your thoughts at the comments but try to be respectful, yeah? We're all humans here.

Um....who cares? The whole subject annoys me anyways -.- 5
-shrug- To each their own. 12
They're going to hell and they deserve the eternal torment 2
They're going to hell, but I wish I could save them 1
I don't hate them, but I don't want them near my kids. 1
Frankly, I'm with them, it's the most rational and honest position 19
I don't get why they're so angry... 11
I don't know, I'm sort of on the fence with the whole thing. 5
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Comments ( 32 )
  • dickwashington

    i don't care what people believe as long as the don't try and force their beliefs on me

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    That depends on the Atheist. I can totally respect a lack of belief in a higher power or any metaphysical aspects of life. Not believing what can't be seen or proven is a very rational approach to life and I can respect that.

    However, I do not care for atheists who feel the need to bitch about religious discussions in their presence (that don't involve them or even make mention of the subject of atheism) because "it's not true, you're talking about bullshit and it's bothering/offending me".

    I've seen it plenty of times, I even saw it today in my class. A bunch of students were having a peaceful discussion about the founding of the Baptist religion and a few Atheist students were telling them to shut up and keep it to themselves because "it's not even real". It's funny that they can talk about offensive shit like gang-rape, gang-banging, fictional shit like movies and books they've read that obviously aren't real but they have zero tolerance for peaceful and mild religious/theological discussion?

    As I stated already, I can 100% respect that some people think it's total horseshit. That being said, a lot of Atheists think it appropriate to put forth the criticism that Christians who think being intolerant and berating others into believing in Christ who is historically peaceful is an idiotic contradiction but display the same logic themselves: Religion is intolerant and hateful and fuck anyone who is religious.

    I refuse to believe that religion and intolerance are the same animal. That intolerance is the bullet and religion is the gun is narrow minded. They are both their own guns and they can both do serious damage on their own. The actions, the words and the policies are the ammo and the more you arm yourself, the more of a reason you give them to arm themselves. Together, however, they do a hell of a lot more damage than one gun or the other.

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  • horny_simpletons

    Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, I just don't like the ones that refer to God as an "imaginary friend" and say all believers are stupid. Same can be said for hypocritical Christians.

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  • Blue_Velvet

    I'm fine with it as long as they keep their mouths shut, the same goes to the religious people who tries to force beliefs unto people.

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  • daydreamer394

    I respect you more if you're an atheist.

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  • I think they have the more rational side of the arguement held. Some of them can take that as an excuse to stroke their egos though, as if they're smarter than those that believe in a certain religion in every way when that's just not true. However you could probably say the same about the religious in terms of ego. Some of them think they're better people just because they're religious.

    So I would say I think athiests hold the rational side of the arguement moreso than the religious but they can take that to mean they're smarter in general, which isn't true a lot of the time.

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  • Ace9

    They're cool, they're awesome, they're smart and they're the only ones who see the truth.

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    • CreamPuffs

      True, true.

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  • Freedom_

    I usually don't think of people in terms of their religious or nonreligious beliefs, unless they are especially pronounced. They are quite individualistic.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Since there is no gawd, could not possibly be a gawd, I find it beyond conception that anybody could believe in the unbelievable.
    By simply following the logic that they believe man was made in gawd's image, and man is such a despicable, murderous, evil creature, then it would follow, so is their gawd. Who in their right mind would choose to worship such a despicable, murderous, evil creature?

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    • anti-hero

      People like you are the reason people don't like atheist. Anti-theists are the gods hate fags crowd in reverse.

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      • thegypsysailor

        People like me do not need a crutch to get through life. We stand on our own two feet and take responsibility for our actions.
        I need no hypocritical clergy to tell me by what standard I should live my life, all the while their actions contravening their preaching.

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        • anti-hero

          It's about delivery not context.

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        • peterr

          You are a cocksucker anyway!

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          • thegypsysailor

            Welcome back you illiterate moron. So nice of you to show everyone your ignorance again. How long do you intend to hang around making a fool of yourself this time? It seems you have actually gotten your foot out of your mouth, finally. Good job.
            Oh, oh. Is that your mommy I hear calling you for your bath? Are you getting all excited because she might wash your lil wee wee? You should probably let her know what a bad lil boy you've been, going on that adult only web site and using words like " cocksucker". Maybe she'll wash your filthy lil mouth out with soap, you bad, bad lil child.

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            • peterr

              I could drop you like shit from a tall horse you asshole! And I would never mention your mother.

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    • CreamPuffs

      -claps for the gypsy sailor-

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  • Stamex

    Why can't people just respect that everyone has their own opinions?
    Oh yeah. We're all human.
    Being in the internet also doesn't help...

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  • Royalburden

    This is all so interesting :3
    It's nice to know all your thoughts, from every side and angle.

    I am an atheist personally. I make it known to people around me, family and friends and I do listen to a lot of podcasts and youtube channels on the subject mostly to hear about the spectrum of atheists out there. It's very interesting and knowledge is true gold, am I right? I do not however actually debate or challenge anyone of their beliefs. It's not my thing I'm not confrontational and I don't want people to think I'm trying to attack them.

    It surprises me that people continue to think that atheists are angry people. We're not for the most part. The angriest ones are the loudest that's true but that's true with all things and those of us that appear to be angry are not angry due to Atheism itself or angry at a god but due to the injustices that seem to crop up within the domain of the religious as a whole. Injustices that seem to be continually glossed over and ignored. Religions seem to be completely immune to scrutiny on most levels and platforms and as outsiders we notice this quite a bit more vibrantly.

    Anyways this is all just my own thoughts, please take it as that I'm not genius on the subject so....If I'm wrong feel free to speak your mind.

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  • Goomats

    I can understand why someone would be an Atheist, I just don't understand why a lot of them get so angry about people who believe in deities. Why does it matter if somebody believed in something and it didn't exist?

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    • CreamPuffs

      Because Christians are always making stupid hell threats, being bigoted because of their beliefs, and are usually against science.

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      • Goomats

        Usually against science? Sadly, most Christians support the sciences, it just appears that the minority who don't A) shoot off their mouth and B) get a lot of press. Catholicism is one of the largest denominations and they believe in the process of evolution. The Pope believes in evolution. The same goes for the bigots and the Hell-threateners-a noisy minority.

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        • CreamPuffs

          Really? That's good to know. I'll keep that in mind.

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  • VinnyB

    You can't put them all in a box, anymore than you can put religious persons in a box, anymore than you can put all people of African decent, or European decent, or any other group of people in a box.

    They are human beings who lack a belief in a deity. There is no other information that you can derive from knowing someone is an Atheist.

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  • chained_rage

    I think they have the more rational side of the arguement held. Some of them can take that as an excuse to stroke their egos though, as if they're smarter than those that believe in a certain religion in every way when that's just not true. However you could probably say the same about the religious in terms of ego. Some of them think they're better people just because they're religious.

    So I would say I think athiests hold the rational side of the arguement moreso than the religious but they can take that to mean they're smarter in general, which isn't true a lot of the time

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    • Freedom_


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      • chained_rage


        Sometimes I get lazy and then I just copy another person's work who said more or less the same thing I wanted to say.

        *kisses you and runs away*

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        • Freedom_


          Plagiarist! How dare you!

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          • chained_rage


            *runs back to you*

            What if he tapped into my thoughts from the future and actually stole it before I had it? :O
            It is him who is the platypus! We should kick his shins repetitively :|

            *gives you a sunflower and runs away*

            Sunflowers are the best kind of flower :)
            They are big
            They look pretty
            And if it starts to die, you can grind up its babies and cook other ground up foods in them :D

            I will never grind up you, though :| You're special to me

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            • Freedom_

              That is totally possible, and sounds like something the Duz would do.

              Sunflowers...always somewhere between living and dying. What are you trying to say? Did you give me the kiss of death?!

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