What do you think about jehovahs witnesses?
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I don't know what they are | 8 | |
I like them | 4 | |
I'm neutral | 24 | |
I am one | 1 | |
I hate them | 33 |
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I want to know what you think guys! Vote now!
I don't know what they are | 8 | |
I like them | 4 | |
I'm neutral | 24 | |
I am one | 1 | |
I hate them | 33 |
They are a cult. Individual members can be fine, but I wouldn't recommend joining the religion or dating anybody that's a JW.
Jwfacts.com has some good information.
People who feel a need to go around door to door trying to convince others to believe what they believe are just so fucking irritating. I don't care a shit what you believe but it's a like a dick ie you need to keep it in your pants and stop waggling it around because nobody cares. It's like they are so insecure about their dumb religion that if they can convince others then they will be validated and feel better. That stupid material they hand out with all this imagery of some fantasy land where everyone is smiling and there are lions sitting there next to people. It's just so naive and dumb. When they come to my door I gibe them leaflets about same sex marriage. I also tell them to piss off.
I don't like them, because I don't like weird, preachy strangers knocking at my door. Honestly, I much prefer Mormons to to JWs. When I was in college I used to open my apartment door then tell Jehovah's Witnesses I was a witch.
I think of them the same as I think of all religious people. They've been conned, and they need to grow out of it the way they grew out of Father Christmas and The Tooth Faerie.
If they leave me alone and don't subject their kids to inhumane treatment in the name of their religion, I'll tolerate it.
I think they need to stop knocking at my door in the morning when I'm trying to sleep.
Anyone that goes door to door trying to sell their religion is inconsiderate in my books. I heard they believe they won't go to heaven unless they can convert at least one person. Can anyone confirm this?
Was married to one, never went to services. They are brainwashed, everyone of them has measures to make every month, it's structured just like a sales organization, it is a sales operation. I found this and it pretty much tells it how it is... http://www.icsahome.com/articles/wifely-subjection--mental-health-issues-in-jw-women-csj-14-1
My friend is jehovas witness, he gets really bummed out during Christmas. So we throw him a jehovas witness Christmas every year.
they are actually nice people (no exceptions to this rule that i have seen so far), however can be annoying when they knock on your door. but this can be avoided after experiencing it once, just politely ask them to not knock on your door anymore and they wont.
They ring my door, I peek outside. Instalock my bedroom, blast music. I hear, see nothing.