What do you think about texas?

I happen to live in Texas. Sometimes I wonder what other people think about us . Not just ppl from other states in the U.S., but from other countries as well. Here's your chance to help me out :). Listed below are a few stereotypical views people have of Texans . If you have a different view than what is listed below then plz comment and tell me :) . If you do, I would appreciate if yout would also tell me what influenced your view. Was it from tv, movies, your experience irl ect. ? thnx :)

Texans ride horses wherever they go, and they all have guns. 69
Most Texans are like the characters on King of The Hill. 81
Most Texans are racist. 84
Most Texans listen to country music. 68
Most Texans hate ppl "up north" & refer to them as "yanks" . 75
There are no cities or big cities in Texas, just small towns. 19
Most Texans wear cowboy hats & boots. 66
Other- plz explain in the comments 116
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Comments ( 107 )
  • penguin1

    I imagine that Texans are just like everybody else. They like to have fun and hang out with friends as much as anybody. I'm sure there's probably a few who fit the stereotypical view, but of course, everyone isn't alike. It's unfair to judge anyhow, no matter where you're from.

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    • Ezilabeth

      everyone should be like you...

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  • SassyFrassyLassie_old

    I'm from western Canada. I have never been to Texas. I have no intentions of ever traveling to Texas.

    My impression (complete speculation) of Texas:
    A large state in the southern U.S.A. where people are generally pretty friendly, maybe a bit racist, and very separatist. Most of the beef consumed by Americans comes from Texas. People speak with that horrible drawl too. There are some nice beaches where college kids like to get wasted and act like maniacs. It's a wealthy state due to the oil. The ladies have big hair. Most people are ultra-conservative.

    I bet I'm wrong about most of the things I listed, but I'm just being honest.

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    • carter

      Well, if you ever want to have someone change your mind, let me know :) There are always a few truths in speculation, but I'm kind of skeptical about you being Canadian since you never once said "sorry" in your post ;-P
      With the way our country is going, I wouldn't mind moving to Canada, and I understand why most wouldn't want to move to Texas (even though it is an amazing state when it comes to the food, hospitality, variety of places, and more).

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    • happychi

      Well Sassy: I am a healthcare professional in California, and I have worked with "people" from Western Canada and I found that most of them were naive, fat and a little slow...so please stay in Canada, I'm sure the people from Texas would not care for you and your large and slow family to visit their state.

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  • sickness

    Texans have never given me any headaches. They are generally polite folks there. However, I HATE driving through that state because it's a lifetime's worth of driving.

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    • boobookittyfuk

      Not to mention, the cops in TX are dicks and you will get pulled over if you're speeding even 5 miles over the speed limit. Which makes driving through the state of TX 2 lifetimes worth of driving. Did I mention that I hate driving in TX?

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      • texasgal

        We profile illegal immigrants and ignorant Yankees! Get out and stay out. Im sure you fit in one of those categories

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        • boobookittyfuk

          You're an idiot. Nothing much left to say about you. That pretty much sums it up.

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      • carter

        Well, the larger cities ain't so bad, smaller cities... yea, you gotta watch your speed. Those small town cops really rely on speeding tickets on people going through their towns. Honestly, you think the NY or Detroit or Chicago police are any better?

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        • boobookittyfuk

          I wouldn't know. Never been. I'm just making an observation about TX because I lived there and those were my experiences. I now live in San Diego and haven't had too many encounters with cops. They usually just warn you to slow down, by warn you I mean they flash their lights and signal you to slow down. When I have been stopped I have always been lucky enough to get out of it with a warning or they had to leave for a more important call.

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  • terratheterror

    Wow. All these comments make me laugh so hard. I live by San Antonio and I have never befriended someone in my entire life with a "southern accent". Seriously, every time someone mentiones "Texas" on Disney Channel, its always country music, farms, etc. Where I live, most people are Mexican, that includes me. I hate country music with a passion. So does everyone I know... And I think we have more pop radio stations than country, ha. And we have no cable/internet? Haha, wow, good one, whoever made that stereotype. P.s. I live in Texas and love it here!!!

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  • megadriver

    Why were all the answers dumb stereotypes? People in Texas are like people anywhere else around the world.
    I don't know much about americans in general. I'm european and I only have a few american friends.
    None are from Texas.
    Also don't tell me to watch TV. What's on TV has nothing to do with reality! So when I visit the US, maybe I could have a better answer to this question.

    I'd like to visit Texas. I can just immagine driving an old Vette on those desert highways, blasting old rock music and doing about 100 mph.

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  • VikingWolf

    I enjoyed reading this one.
    I am from the Great State of Texas and I found the question funny.
    The stereotypes about Texans abound.
    I can tell you, I do not listen to Country music, I do not ride on horses, I do not dress in cowboy hats, boots or other cowboy / wrangler wear. I will admit to carrying a handgun concealed (The option to open carry - i.e. carry a handgun like people in the Old West has not passed here yet.)
    Folks like those in King of the Hill exist and Mike Judge, the show's creator was likely making a parody of Arlington, Texas, a suburb of Dallas.
    But Houston is a surprising international and metropolitan city with quite a bit of diversity in culture, cuisine and music.

    You will find the most popular vehicle in Texas is the Pickup Truck.

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    • J.C.D

      Im thinking most of this other than the gun part

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  • eternalsmoke31

    Only Steers And Queers come from texas...And you dont look much like a steer...

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    • texasgal

      That saying is so old. Don't give away your age or your ignorance

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      • texasgal

        Trailer parks wouldn't let this loser in

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    • happychi

      Sounds like you're jealous. You need rehab eternal smoke...probably a shower and a job as well. Please do the people in your trailer park a favor and clean up your life.

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  • reneerenee

    Im from Houston, Texas and its like anywhere else in the US. Lots of different ethnic backgrounds. Its very conservative and i dont like it. Im ready to get out of Texas.

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    • texasgal

      Whats stopping you? Get the Hell out! Asap Yankee

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      • Bookworm20000

        You don't have to call every person who doesn't want to be in Texas a Yankee... It only adds to the stereotypes.

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  • Daniel(66531)

    For all the people who think Texas is a hillbilly state with small towns it really isnt haven't you ever heard of Houston and Dallas they're both enormous cities and alot of rappers are from Houston it not all country hill Billy times no more it has changed

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  • Friend2Squirrels

    It takes a long freaking time to drive across.

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  • Youdontthink

    Having only visited Texas twice at age 10 and 14 my views are probably skewed. I have family there and from what I saw I loved. But it was hot and humis as hell. That oart I didn't. That part I didn't like. I wil go with most Texans listen to country music. I visited the Forth Worh Stock Yard and the PBR Rodeo in Mesquite. Based on what I saw most Taxans are friendly, polite, say y'all and for most part good people. But again, my view is skewed.

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  • VoLoPoK

    lol king of the hill

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  • crazydude1997

    sexy ass women

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  • aaabbhddgf

    LOVE the ribs. lol

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  • Girlsrule

    I went to Texas a few weeks ago we went hoarseback riding

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  • norcalbuddha

    Texans need to band together to get rid of the death penalty!

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    • texasgal

      Now why would we do that? Its the fastest way to thin the yankee herd.

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      • AGirlHasNoName

        wow Texasgal. You are the whole reason other states hate Texas. Hate to break it to you but the civil war is long gone. I know it's hard for Texans to believe that, I was born and raised in Dallas and most of them like you can't get your head out of the past OR your ass. Texas is not the best state, it has its problems like all the rest. It's crazy to think you can't come up with a better insult that doesn't involve the word Yankee or liberal, because I'm sure you play the "liberal" card a few times out of the day.

        Reasons I left Texas:
        People like Texasgal who think Texas was gods gift to the world.
        There's nothing very fun to do in the Dallas area except are awesome theatre scene, which most Texans wouldn't go to because it's "gay" and they are too small minded to grasp the concepts that are in most shows.
        It's too damn hot.
        A number of people in Texas are so wrapped up in Texas pride they don't bother to travel to other countries or even states to broaden their horizons and educate themselves.

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  • bronte_91

    I don't like to generalise but hey, we all do it sometimes. I tend to think that a lot of Texans are church goers, republican/conservative and like to hunt. I know that is probably offensive to some people so I'm sorry but you did ask! Also, I'm from Australia.

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    • happychi

      Please stay "down under". Your country was a former criminal colony, and judging by the way most of you look, (big foreheads, eyes really far apart, mouth breathing leers at anything with a pulse etc.), I would not like to visit your in-bred colony. BTW, thanks for the awesome steaks and awesome blossom. Good luck mate:)

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  • When I think of Texas, I instantly think of that polygamist cult of Mormons (not the real Mormons though) that has that huge compound somewhere in the middle of the state. They must piss off Texans so much!

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    • texasgal

      Yes they do. They are pedophiles

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    • carter

      The Branch Davidians? Their place burned down in Waco back in 93 because of the ATF, FBI and Texas National Guard. The burned down complex is still there, and kids from Baylor University sometimes go out there at night for the creepy factor :)

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      • No, I was referring to the YFZ Ranch headed by Warren Jeffs - who is in prison now for sexual assault.

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  • geek_god_101

    If you live in East Texas, you may have a personality worth knowing about but if you live in West Texas, than save your soul. I used to live in Midland, TX and the greeting there was "what's up foo'?" by all races. Also the asking for help was a joke because the attitude, "I'll ask YOU for help when I need it."

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    • happychi

      You sound like a mentally challenged, shame based over-eater. Keep your opinions to yourself.

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  • Boris1974

    My family owns a horse ranch near Prosper, which is about a half hour north of Dallas.

    It's beautiful.

    Once you experience Texas and its people, you will love it.

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  • HugeDong87

    It's ok if you like line dancing and big hats. Other than that i could'nt give a rats vagina about the shithole.

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    • happychi

      Hey Tinydong....keep your little wiener and your big stinking ass out of that shithole...they hate your type...

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  • ladyday

    Texas is the last place on earth I would ever want to visit :S

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    • texasgal

      You are not wanted here. Yankee land needs you and your ignorance

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    • happychi

      I'm sure you are doing time for a sex felony...so please stay in your state....don't visit Texas...I'm sure they would rather you stay in oregon.

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      • texasgal

        Happychi i love your comments!!! You gotta be from Texas!!!!!!! If not u should be!

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  • crazykittens

    I hate country music and 90% of them listen to country..yuck!

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    • texasgal

      Well you sure are well educated on Texas Music-----not!!!!! Ever heard of sxsw music fest? Google it fool.

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  • Ryuhei

    A bunch of execution happy dumb fucks who don't bother appoligising when they execute an innocent man, instead they justify it by saying that it rarley happends.

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    • texasgal

      We would not have the need for so many executions if you yankees would keep your criminals in your state. Texas slogan for yankees: welcome to Texas now get the f**k out!!!!

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  • b454

    Its really big. It could have new jersey for a little snack

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    • texasgal

      If Texas ate new jersey it would vomit!!!!!!!to much bullshit and bile

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  • jessicia16

    a bunch of racist small minded hicks that abuse animals then brag about things no one else on earth gives a shit about...

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    • MoneyTits

      screw that... I love animals and almost every Texan I know has pets. City people and country people alike.

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    • Bookworm20000

      You're being way too prejudiced. Have you ever been to Texas? I've lived here all my life and sorry to break it to you but... You're wrong. You obviously haven't done your research.

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    • texasgal

      Jealous are we? Only an ignorant pinched faced Yankee would make such a tiny mindless comment. Come on down here my horse & i will drag you all over this great state then send you limping up north with your nasty hide soaked in armadillo piss !!!!!

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  • casualcrow

    What's the big deal about Texas in the first place? Let me ask you this. What makes you think that people around the world are even thinking about your state? Texas is a state like every other state except with different moral and ethical boundaries. A short time ago the governor of Texas was talking about seceding from the U.S and becoming its own country...that should shine some light on what Texas is really like.

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    • tpage23

      The Governor of Texas is one person. Way to be a stereotypical and judgmental. I'm from Texas and my thoughts on seceding is that it would never work. Think before making arrogant assumptions.

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      • casualcrow

        Don't be an idiot please. He's one person but the idea of seceding is widely accepted throughout the state. Also on 6 August Rick Perry organized "The Response". A gathering of over 40,000 people in a sports stadium to pray to God to end the drought and fix the economy throughout the country.

        This really shows the thought process of Texans in GENERAL. By the way, I think it's funny to note that the day after "The Response" the Dow Jones dropped 300 pts and on 8 August Wall Street saw it's worst day since the financial crisis in 2008.

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        • dcasanova12

          Coming from a Texan, I don't know a single soul who wants to secede. And every once in a blue moon when I do see the lame secede bumper stickers I roll my eyes. I'm proud of my country and would hate to separate from it. Now yes there are some Texans that want to secede (none that I personally know), but the idea that secession is a belief held by the general Texan is ridiculous.

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  • Abel_1764

    Well not all of us like country or are racist or ride horses or are idiots o yeah some of us like Gaga,Jay Z O Ps we gave you beyone and selena gomez And there not ugly yeah and beyonces doin country and there are big cities in fact HOUSTON IS THE FOURTH LARGEST CITY IN AMERICA NOT ALL OF US HATE GAYS OR ARE REPUBLICANS IN FACT IM DEMOCRATIC O YEAH I DONT LIVE IN A TRAILER OR RIDE A HORSE I LIVE IN A BEAUTIFUL NEIGHBORHOOD LOS PALMARES LAREDO TX I DONT ALWAYS EAT BREAKFEST I GO TO WALMART AND I HAVE A NISSAN AND NOT A HORSE I DONT HAVE A PITBULL I HAVE A GERMAN SHEPARD AND A RUSSIAN BLUE CAT

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  • c.slyon92

    It is funny to see what people think of texas. I was born and raised in texas, and there are a lot of People that meet the stereotype. I however am not, and all of my friends are not. We are the new generation of texans. We do not believe the B.S conservative agenda, Although not many of us believe in the B.S liberal agenda either. My friends and I do not listen to country music on a regular bases. We do not ride horses or chew tobacco. I am not racist although I do believe illegal mexican Immigrants have kind of taken over the state. A lot of northern people think that is okay, but if you lived here and saw how bad it actually has gotten you would change your mind. I am all for migration and everything, but these people are illegally entering the state and making it hard for most of us to find jobs.There are some texans that are horrible especially the ones that think that texas is gods state, and that the state is better than other states. It really pisses me off. I do not go to church and I proudly tell people that fact, not saying I don't believe, but I can not put up with the hypocrisy that goes on in the churches here. Most of my friends agree with that. The important thing is all texans are different, because all people are different.

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  • Francophile22

    Such great choices you gave us NOT

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  • MahBoi24

    I'm from Texas (the DFW area), and I see a variety of kinds of people. You have the Highland Park area, where the rich, big-haired snobs live and hang out. You have Garland, where the Mexicans live. You really have different people based on which area you're in. I'm in Dallas, near Plano...the people here are more diverse here than in other areas of the DFW area. There are certainly some things I don't like about it (driving around here sucks ass, and the summers are absolutely miserable), but it really is a nice state, and the people are quite nice!

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  • charges

    I am currently at home for Christmas in Katy, Texas and go to college at Texas A&M University.

    Some people like cowboy hats and boots and country music, but no one says "yanks." I like to make fun of some of my professors' northern accents, though.

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  • Sv250

    No matter what y'all think, Texas is an amazing state. I've lived here all my life and couldn't imagine living anywhere else. Yes i go to rodeos, I wear boots, Hooey hats, cowboy jeans, giant belt buckles, hunt, fish, and I drive a giant, jacked up, tricked out diesel truck, and im proud of it! And if any of you hippie-a$$ gangbangers have a problem with it then y'all can suck my d**k.

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    • Abel_1764

      This Is What Everyone Thinks Of Texas?Sad

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  • MizzRiley

    these boots are made for walking and thats just what they do

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  • I know one man have Volga in Texas.
    Single man in North America, who have this one, 3102.
    I know that Patrick Swayze was live in Texas, it's a quiet land as I understood.
    So, Texas is the usual land of America, not bad land as I know it.

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  • deb

    For some reason I used to think King of the Hill only played in Texas. Im from Texas by the way :]

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  • YeahRightlol

    I lived in Texas. I laugh everytime i watch King of the HIll because it reminds me of my town! lol. I'm a liberal and I had a hard time with their conservatives views. But over all it's an interesting place.

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  • After I had watched and read a lot of Bill Hicks' stand-up and interviews, I realized he was right about what most people think Texans are like, but that it's not true, and now I think of the people of Texas more realistically. I won't put the quote because I can't remember it exactly. It is in the book Love All the People.

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  • raggamuffin

    How does texas only have small towns when Houston is the fourth largest city in the country?

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    • dcasanova12

      Ya and San Antonio is the 7th largest I believe. Not to mention other larger sized cities such as Austin and Dallas.

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  • Millionaire

    Its just stupid. Everyone there practically thinks the same, its not even funny. They all act the same, talk the same, and think the same.

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    • Abel_1764

      Uh oh Uh Oh Dumbass Alert!!!!!

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    • texasgal

      Dumb ass alert!!!!!!

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  • Dreamboat

    I live in a small but probably one of the crunkest cities in Texas.

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  • rico30

    who stole all the oil?

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  • wigsplitz

    Too many "wannabe country" folks who live in the heart of Dallas yet wear starched pants, button-down shirts, cowboy boots and a pie-plate belt buckle and drive a pickup truck (without a speck of dirt or a single scratch on it) for no earthly reason because they work in a damn office and never rode a horse in their life!!

    The flatness of the majority of the state is mind-numbing. It's like being in the middle of the ocean, really. There's NOTHING.

    Oh and gimme a break on the Dallas-Fort Worth thing. Nobody cares except "y'all" and it's hilarious to see them get thier panties in a bunch over it!! To the rest of the world it's just Dallas, get over it.

    The laws are riduculous, for wanting to have the impression that it's an "outlaw" type state....the laws are extremely harsh.

    You're worthless there unless you go to church. When you meet someone in Texas, instead of asking you your name first, they ask you what church you go to. And god forbid you say you don't go....holy shit, watch out. Pull up a chair, it's lecture time!!

    Sorry for the rant....but I had a good opinion and a high expectation of Texas before actually going there....I was sooo excited to get there and what a letdown!!

    There are some great people in Texas, I married one!!

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    • J.C.D

      I've never been to church and I'm Texan

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    • Bookworm20000

      It sounds like you haven't had very good impressions about some people from Texas. Don't let those people give you a bad impression about us. I've lived in the Dallas-Fort Worth area my whole life and I know that it's not everything. Obviously. I personally own a pick up truck because I like it, not because I'm trying to act like a cowgirl. I do know many people that don't own one as well as many people that don't go to church. I myself rarely go to church. Please don't judge all of us on a few people and a lot of stereotypes.

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    • texasgal

      Take that Texas traitor that married your ignorant Yankee ass and make fast tracks across the red river or the Rio grande!!! Just pick one quickly before your ignorant gets out.

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      • Bookworm20000

        And you need to shut the fuck up. Seriously. Get a life. If a Texan wants to merry a non-Texan they can. It doesn't make them a traitor. You comment on every one of the negative comments and almost everyone says Yankee in them. Realize that not everyone likes Texas like you do. You portray parts of the typical Texan stereotype and believe me, it is not appreciated.

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  • MoneyTits

    I'm from Texas. Big cities like Dallas and Houston are like any other city where people don't have accents and work just like everyone else. There is a lot of money and a lot of poor people. There are farms, beautiful rolling hills, deserts, beaches, rivers, metropolitan and rural areas. Girls are super hot in Texas, coming from one ;)

    The only thing that sucks about Texas is that it is a pain in the ass to drive through. We have everything you guys have, even snow! (in dallas...)

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    • Bookworm20000

      Unfortunately we get more ice than snow and when it does snow it doesn't always stick very well. Otherwise I agree completely.

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      • J.C.D

        Sadly true

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  • oyster10

    I actually Texas, if I did not enjoy the state I live in, I would consider moving there. I have been to Dallas, El Paso, Houston, Amarillo, but never to Brownsville, South Padre, that area.

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  • $$AngelCake$$

    I dont know anything about Texas. NEver met any one from there

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  • Conservative Christians with Southern accents that go to rodeos and like country music

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    • dcasanova12

      I'm from texas and I'm democrat. About half of my friends are democrat and the other are republican. I have never been to a rodeo (I can count the number of people I know who have been to one on one hand--but that's because they're from small towns.). The only reason I like country music (not to be confused with hill billy music) is because I like nearly all genres of music. Also, the only thing I say that can be attributed to an accent is "ya'll" but that's becuase it rolls off the tongue and I think a lot of regions of the US have slang too. I've asked out of state people if I have an accent and they tell me not at all, that I'm very well spoken, and that they wouldn't have known im from Texas. To be honest, the only people I know with accents are from rural towns. I and many others, if not most other texans don't fit the sterotypical Texan mold. Just had to say.

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      • texasgal

        Thank you! Great comment. I live in one of the larger cities and ride in rodeos and English dressage. Educated @ Baylor and weep in pain when i hear a Yankee accent

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    • texasgal

      Please educate your dumb ass.

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  • expy

    I have some family in Texas. They're extremely Persian. That's the only experience I've had with the state.

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  • Wetride

    I could give a shit less about the ass of the country

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    • texasgal

      Come on down and find out where your shit winds up! ie: your mouth

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  • larry1031

    texans believe their "hype" that's sad

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    • Ezilabeth

      What hype? I've lived in Texas practically my whole life and I have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe there's hype about... I don't know... actually I can't even think of anything. -__- Hype about what?! Texas doesn't have much going on, honestly! But doesn't everyone think that about where they live? But that's what I love about it. I love all the parks and how we don't have thick accents but we still say "y'all" and I love how everyone is nice and the sweet suburbs... There isn't really "hype" about that stuff, it's just the stuff that's natural to me that I love. What's sad is your dumbass generalizations.

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  • ORnurse

    I think Texas is on the "Dark side". I consider it a southern state. The southern States are intolerant of anything that they preceive different from their so-true American macho cowboy culture which runs along with their religious fundalmentalism. In other words intolerant of diversity. Alls you have to do is take an objective view of Texas's governor, Rick Perry.Case closed.

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    • lastx

      Texas IS a southern state, but it seems your view of the southern states is from about 100 years ago. You also apparently know nothing about cowboys or their history. Read a book.

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    • Abel_1764

      Actually Gregg Abott And not all of us are dumb or racist Or ride horses and live in trailers GO TO TEXAS YOURSELF YOU IGNORENT PIECE OF SHIT

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    • terratheterror

      Of course its a southern state.

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    • texasgal

      Typical Yankee ass logic. If you have not lived here don't speak on what you are so obviously ignorant of. We are a southern state look at a map once in a while! I bet you pronounce pizza as pizzer. Another ignorant disgusting Yankee crack head!

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      • c.slyon92

        You are giving Texans a bad name with the replies you are giving.You are making people think all Texans are intolerant dumb narcissists. I am a Texan born and raised, and one thing I have learned is that the people like you are the type that most Texans try their entire lives to get separated from. People are giving their opinion, and if you cant tolerate that then you should just shut up and stop making us look bad.

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  • fuck bushes, not the president, but the bushes u know? you stupid if u dont get it...

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    • texasgal

      That made absolutely no sense. Well maybe yankee sense. Note to yankees - stay out stay away your not needed or wanted in Texas. We take great pride in executing yankees for crimes against true texans. For all yankees still trying to fit in- never going to happen. Go home and turn the lights on for the rest of the imposters. Take your anchor babies with you they are not true texans just accidents Texas doesn't want or need any of you!!!!

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