What do you think about this idea for a sex toy?

I came up with this invention for a sex toy recently called the songinator (might change the name), where it's like a mini music player right, and you can put it inside you, while listening to your favourite song on the headphones, and it has sensors on it which stimulate a pulsing, throbbing or vibrating sensation with the rhythm of the song you're listening to. Maybe by turning up the volume you can turn up the intensity! I came up with this cause I have a crush on a certain song. Y'all probably laughing at me and think I'm crazy, but maybe you'll be thanking me for when I make this invention and every music lover will want one so they can do sexy times with their favourite tunes...

I wouldn't want one 3
I want one!! 4
So you want to fuck a song? Weirdo 1
This is a genius idea 3
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Comments ( 28 )
  • Somenormie

    So a little like a vibrator?

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  • Yaidin

    Wtf I just like music on a platonic level I don't want to be fucked by it

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  • Crocotta1

    Fuck yeah

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Sex toys just seem depressing

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    • litelander8

      I assure you, they are not.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Thr vibrators for women arent

        Hows the whole baby thing going for you? Mine constantly wants breastmilk we csnt sleep

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        • litelander8

          Mines wonderful. Only woke up a couple times a night to eat as a newborn and now he’s 3 months and sleeps from 10pm to 5 am.

          He is just starting to cry. Like if he doesn’t get milk immediately he’s screams his head off.

          I always say “God only gives you what you can handle” in reference to all 3 of my kids being such good babies. I say as the 10 year old puts the 5 year old in the sleeper. 🙄

          When did she have him? Are y’all home yet? Has her milk came in? 2 days after my baby was born he started shaking from low sugars. If the baby is hungry, give his ass some formula.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            She had her thursday. The baby has a heart condition called SVT so we had to spend 5 days in the NICU and just got home yesterday. Her condition often gets better after birth and so far it has. Her heart rate is normal.

            We also had the same issue with her sugar getting low because my wife didnt have enough milk yet to feed her enough. But now she's feeding fine but last night she was literally screaming once an hour to feed and she fed for 30 minutes at a time. We got no sleep. Now that we are up shes sleeping like a baby again througu the day. Seems like shes stuck on the nightshift

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            • litelander8

              A girl?! For some reason I thought you were having another boy. We’re yall able to stay with the baby at the hospital? The fact that she’s showing an improvement is a really good sign.

              Breast feeding is hard Bc you never really know how much she’s getting. I would try to give her some formula just incase she’s actually hungry. When mine was born he never fussed so we assumed he was getting enough until he started shaking.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    This would make Dragon Force a force to be reckoned with.

    Also, pray tell, which song do you have a crush on?

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    • True!!! 0.o
      It's the, uh... Spongebob outro song >//<

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      • SkullsNRoses

        Just looked it up, I hadn’t heard that since I watched my Spongebob VHS tapes. The comments are full of people discussing if it’s scary or not, I just associate it with disappointment at the end of an episode personally.

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        • Yep, I vaguely remember feeling a sinking feeling when it came on at the end of my DVD boxset when I was alone. But now I think it's that harmless but eerie nature which draws me to it sooo much.. Because now I'm addicted to that feeling I get from it. I get the same feeling from liminal spaces too <3 Sorta reminds me of myself in a way (harmless but everyone thinks is "creepy") I always find myself drawn to/turned on by things like that.

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  • GaelicPotato

    This already exists.

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    • but does it work with ANY song?

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  • KholatKhult

    The Lovense toys do this actually.
    They Bluetooth to an app, you can sync to music, to a set pattern, someone else’s phone, or be motion controlled by phone / smart watch

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    • BleedingPain

      Was going to say… they definitely have the capability but it doesnt work too well cause I think it vibrates based on what it deems bass.

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      • So it wouldn't work with a song that doesn't have a drum or beat, but is just guitar? So would it work with this?

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        • BleedingPain

          It might. I dont like that feature. I want constant vibrations

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      • KholatKhult

        I think you might be right

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    • :O so you can like choose whatever song you want?

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      • KholatKhult


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        • heh... hehe :3

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          • raisinbran

            So someone already came up with the idea. 99% of the time good ideas already exist. Disappointed?

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            • No... Should I be? I would be more happy because I'd be able to get one myself. But would it work with the spongebob outro song is what I want to know... And also I don't think their idea is EXACTLY what I came up with since it has all these other features. Like being linked to other people's phones and whatever else. My idea is much more simple; you just want to fuck a song, in the comfort of your own home. No complications. Much more simple. I came up with my idea cause I wanna fuck a song. My thought process was "hmm, how can it be possible to have sex with a literal song? AHA! This is the closest thing I can come up with." I'm sure that wasn't those people's thought processes. Because the people that made that are probably attracted to people like a normal person.

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