What do you think happens when you die :(
Well look up and that explains it all^^^ -_-
You burn in hell :( Oh no! | 10 | |
You go to heaven YAY... | 68 | |
Reincarnation | 77 | |
Nothing... -_- | 195 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 49 |
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Well look up and that explains it all^^^ -_-
You burn in hell :( Oh no! | 10 | |
You go to heaven YAY... | 68 | |
Reincarnation | 77 | |
Nothing... -_- | 195 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 49 |
Well i have many ideas. many interesting ideas.
One of them is that after you die you just are reborn as yourself again. Energy that you have now carries the memory of the life already lived and makes up the "new" you . in that energy some memories are stored and thats what de ja vu is. everyone has experience dejavu its inescapable. and the reason is because after you die, you just re-live your life, over and over and over and over...
then there is this other theory that I have.
we are all gods playing this game we call Human Life because we got bored of having everything handed to us. Thats exactly what we are doing with video games right? ;)
the idea that im re-living my life over and over terrifies me for some reason
then explain the theory about deja vu that states it is not a past recollection or a perception of futuristic thoughts but only the occurence of having seen the event and chosen to recall it before recognizing it. (mind fucked yet?)
anyways. I believe one can only find the reason to life after death, after discovering the reason to life before it.. If you cant define life for everyone, then you can draw the conclusion that one cannot define death for it will be different for everyone. And so if death and life is not the same for anyone specifically, if you specify ones life to predict the variable of death (x being life and y being death) x must me 0 or infinity to come to the result of y. therefore you will repeat your life infinitely from 0 or nothing in order for your soul to reach death. Finally, if you wish to reach death at the soul level, you must do more than nothing in your life. So you must live your life to the fullest to die to the fullest.
btw this is a collection of high thoughts
ps: i also believe in past lives and rebirth.
You die. Grim reaper appears and waves his scythe over your remains. Your ghost floats up with wings like an angel. A big flashing sign appears above your lifeless corpse:
Everything gets recycled. This is a closed system, nothing leaves nothing enters. Everything only changes form or shape. Therefore reincarnation is the obvious answer. Check the Laws of Conservation.
I don't think it's just a void-like nothing. I have a few theories about it:
1) In the last few seconds before you die, where your life flashes before your eyes, the memories stretch out and on forever (very American Beauty-like).
2)It's like you become a "watcher" of sorts - you get to watch over your little part of the universe (metaphorically speaking).
3)You fall into a dream-like state - good dreams for the "good", nightmares for the "wicked".
Eh, I have doubts at times that we're even alive at all...
I think it's just an endless black void of nothingness. No memory, no conscience, nothing.
Your body stops function, therefore you are no longer alive. That is what happens. Unless your religious, then you go to "heaven" and live in peace and harmony with rose petals all artound and angels singing with harps. You know, all that god crap.
But wouldn't you like to think that there is just a spirtual side to every story? Yeah sure, go ahead and dis-religion from your point of view. But on the other hand would really want to stop here, on a bad note. Life sucks SHIT... There has to be something beyond our day to day lives. Our lives are so vulgar, the world is doomed to an all hell society. There has to be a reason of being here, maybe that's just my heart speaking, hoping there's something farther from here.. But I really hope that you can try to believe there is something beyond here.
Hey, that's just my hopes and dreams.
And myself talking into the wind.
I believe we already exist in other realms of existance. Dieing herw only pulls our consciousness's attention out of this realm and into one 'in front of it'... Its hard to explain and saying 'in front of it' is a terrible way to explain it, lol. But I've experienced what I'm saying (without loosing my body). To get to that point, ignoring imagination is very hard to do and nI believe that's where people get caught up.
Now what happens past said realm, well who knows xD. Maybe we choose to pick up different bodies that don't have an entity already attached. Or maybe our consciousness move in a different direction. But regardless, life after death isn't an answer we can relate to because we don't have any recollection of experiencing it. It's something, like say you're looking to feel what I'm talking about, you can't expect it to feel like anything you've felt before or else you're never going to find it.
To put it all together, nobody would know until their time comes. Guessing isn't getting none of us an answer.
^^^ I feel the same, I don't believe in any kind of after life or higher power but I wish there was, cause id like to be with my family forever- but then again iv done some bad stuff so id proly end up in hell lol
Nothing happens... We decompose and become a part of the Earth again. :P
Our cells become degraded and certain parts will get recycled into the world.
I'll tell you when I get there.
I'm not religious at all, but damn, it'd be nice to hang about to haunt some folk. :P
Well actually I put reincarnation, but I belive in a specific type of reincarnation, more of a science type. I belive that when you die, I just find it so impossible to be dead and then have no sense in anyway atall. I belive that what is born, is the next big thing. I belive that the new dude knows nothing of the previous life. basically another kid on the block. a whole new life. No souls or crap.
If I were to die
than I hope that people go or get or become
what they believe will they will end up or deserve
think you die and become a ghost?
die and become a ghost
think there's nothing comin?
you get the nothing
Think you'll go to hell and go to hell
that kind of thing
it'd be nice don't you think?
I like to believe there is somthing at the end of the tunnel. To die and just become nothing,forever, it .. it scares the hell.
I have 3 theories
1. we live in our bodies for ever, we feel ourselves decompose and become a part of whatever consumes us and we stay conscious within whatever eats us. or if you are cremated then you feel the pain of being on fire, then part of you will float around in the sky while the other part sits in ashes wherever the living decide is suiting.
2. We are reincarnated as... perhaps a human? but what happens if no one is reproducing...do you wait in line till someone does xD ?
3. you go back to non-existence that we cannot even try to comprehend because we cannot imagine what non-existence would be like
The human mind is WAY too powerful for nothing to happen. I think you are projected into another reality.
What if when you die you actually evolve into a multi dimensional light being (alien) and the whole purpose of life on earth was to evolve into this being? We are all energy and energy never dies, it just changes.
I believe there are aliens by the way. Too many galaxies,planets, and space for there not to be other life out there. There are actually people who believe that aliens are on this earth in human form but who's to say we aren't all aliens?
I think that we reincarnate, and we are never truely dead. We have some of the same trates from the old life, but we don't remember our old life. No one knows for sure about heaven or hell or being reincarnated but I hope that we do reincarnate and never truly die because we'll always carry a piece of our old self in our new self even if we don't remember, our old self is still there burried in your new being....confusing??
I personally like to believe in reincarnation as it seems that if god were to exist and you had been living a resonably good life what reason does he have not to put you back on earth and let you live again and again until you eventually decide you want to "die" and join the rest of the people who have chosen :D
Personally, I don't think anything happens when you die. But I do hope that I'm wrong. The idea of heaven is nice but even if it's true, I wont get in because I don't believe in God :P
The righteous and the unrighteous will be resurrected to a beautiful life in paradise on earth. All the wicked will be destroyed.
I believe that when you die, you are born into a different human-worm-earthbaby,but have no memory of your past lives.
Well as i christian i believe that you're body and soul are two different things. Based on the word of God your body is just a shell, and your soul goes to one of two places. heaven or hell, based on your humanly works of course and based on whether or not you have accepted Christ as your savior and know that he is the only way to God and to heaven. I can't believe how many people put nothing. I would suggest you to get your life right with God learn his word,have the fear of him and live your life according to his word and to the best of your ability. =) GOD BLESS
what happends is the extremely complex chemical reaction that is your body stops. then the very large mass of organic matter (you) decompose. you are not anything special or sacred, you are a very large organic machine driven by chemical reactions and controlled by a very sophisticated computer. nothing more nothing less.
63 people are really dull minded, and by that, i mean boring. i mean i like to think there is a heaven out there, but i do know that something happens to us after we die, we dont just rot in the freakon ground, unless you wanna be one of those gullible kids on that episode of family guy where Peter tells them that
You are born again with a AK47 in your hand and run around naked killing Zombies! GOSH!
Lol at more people believe in reincarnation than Heaven.
I knew there would be a lot of so called "atheists" it's cool to be that when you're a teenager.
if you think about it, nothing's not that bad. it's like when you have dreamless nights of sleep and stuff. I mean you know, all in all peaceful. deaths not a bad thing either, sure it may seem sad, but it can be good too, like motivating us to really live before we die and stuff and cherish stuff. y'know it's not too bad, ends suffering too. :)
I can't believe there are so few views, nothing or heaven and hell. I know some believe in reincarnation too but why do people only assume the afterlife is either heaven or hell? I believe that God is the universe and every single molecule and quark in it. When we die we become reunited with those molecules and atoms, and a free to roam the universe as that. We become part of everything again. How can anyone believe there is "nothing" when we live in "something". And like some other people have mentioned, the first law of Thermodynamics is that energy cannot be created or destroyed.
i respawn on an island in the bermuda triangle,
ooh... some guy called osama just turned up
Honestly, its hard to say. I do believe in some sort of afterlife, but as far as the details, I just dont know. i like to go with the "Heaven and Hell" thing, but whose to say how it is really set up. we could all be ghosts, wandering wherever we want, either here on earth, or somewhere in the universe, or even on another. We may also be reincarnated, whether it's in this universe or another, is unknown. We may never know the truth untill we die, that is, is our memories arent wiped in the process.
Everyone is entitled to their own theories, but that's all they are- there is no fact to be found here. No one has really died and lived to tell about it so we have no way of knowing whether there is a magical place in the sky we go to, if we close our eyes and nothing happens, or something else that could be completely beyond our comprehension. I don't believe in the stories told by people whose hearts have stopped for a moment because that isn't truly death, and they all tell different tales. People are terrified of death, but my opinion is that i won't care when i die, because i'll be dead. But we all believe whatever makes us sleep better at night.
Reincarnation IMO. I'm not a buddhist but, it seems logical that when something dies, something else must be born. When I die, I might be reborn as a flower. When the flower dies I may be reborn as a leopard. Simple as.
really wow I cant believe nobody has a religion or spiritual belief I think we get reinacarnated I feel that for some reason
We will all find out what really happens if you believe that your in heaven your in heaven if you decide that nothing happens then nothing happens it's your opinion but I'm praying to god there actually is life after death to see all my dead loved ones one more time
I think when you die it will be like before you are born, nothing, but an eventual circumstance will revive all living things that will eventually respark life in everyone.
Well you can see it in whatever direction your mind can see and eventually living and waiting to see what it is will become of no meaning since you already lived it most of the time, especially when being alone, so you are already dead :) just think of it as a new fresh beginning were you need not to focus on what will happen as much as learning from what passed to use in the future and living it as if the future will be your own advanced past...we will be back here or anywhere else to experience what others did as they experience what we are and through out we learn how to leave current time without even dieing...cheers to you all :)
I'll tell you when I die... wait I won't be able to... XD Daaa! No one knows... So it's easier not thinking about it.
Thanks for the comments guys. keep 'em coming... i like seeing other peoples views on this
It is true and beleived Fact that after ur death u will be asked questions by the ANGELS about everthing u have done in your life good or bad and then u'll go to hell(Jahanum) based on your bad deeds and then to heaven(Jannat) according to your good deeds but remember life after death is very very long .Whether u listen or beleive anyone's thoughts but it is fact and no one can change this and those who make fun of this will face something after death that they never ever have or want to or have thought .
Facts can be proven. You cannot prove the existence of angels or some floaty sky daddy. You "knowing" or "believing" them to be true doesn't make it a fact. Chances are there are numerous religions that existed prior to yours. It's no different than believing in Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny or Magical Pink Unicorns.