What do you think is the worst injustice in the world today?

What do you think is the worst injustice that exists in our world today? I listed a couple of ones that people might think but there would definitely be more that I've missed.Add a comment on what you think it is.

Death Penalty 13
Abortion 15
Homosexual Marriage 16
Gap between Rich and Poor 69
Unfair Distribution of Recources 38
Other (Add a Comment) 36
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Comments ( 80 )
  • lc1988

    I think the situation in North Korea is horrible. Those who escape to China are returned to North Korea to be put in some kind of concentration camp where they die. Families are torn apart. Orphans aren't even given a chance. Plus, the people are starving and are just looking for a better place but China is no help whatsoever and the UN hasn't even stepped in on this practice.

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    • InvadingPotatoLeader

      I even heard when you are a criminal your whole family goes with you to the work camps...really sickening.

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      • lc1988

        Yeah I forgot to put that in there. If you're caught trying to escape the country, the whole family dies.

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  • phoebe8

    the fact that sexual predators are running rampant and the law is doing NOTHING about it.
    they give them a slap on the wrist and let them do whatever they want.

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    • DriftsMcGee

      I say start Executing them on national tv. Those kinds of people are undesirables...

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      • Charmo

        Yeah, and then let the American citizens feast on their eviscerated corpses as they're dragged through the streets for all to see!
        ...Or we could try to remain civilized in spite of things that may provoke outrage. Just a thought.

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      • suckonthis9

        I agree. Not just sexual predators, but serial murderers and gangsters as well.

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        • DriftsMcGee

          Educate and arm every american citizen. Remove the people that do not belong, quickly, not with a bunch of paperwork. Kill these people that do such insane crimes, they get five or six life sentences. What the hell. We know he did wrong. End his life!

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          • suckonthis9

            The only problem is, it is unethical to impose a death sentence on another sentient creature.
            A solution to this dilemma is to allow them to volunteer to end their own lives. This is ethical.

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          • what if it turns out that the person in question was innocent? or what if he was truly remorseful?

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            • suckonthis9

              I'm talking about the worst of the worst, where there is not a shadow of doubt that they are the guilty person. Are you suggesting that if someone says, "I am very truly remorseful that I murdered 17 people and violently raped 9 women" we should let that person go?

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          • A life sentence is worse than a death sentence. The death penalty hasn't stoped them because killing people dosn't show people that killing is wrong. There is no way to stop them, there will always be serial killers and sex offenders in the world. People like that don't give a damn about the consequences....thats why they do it in the first place.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress


    That people don't understand the "1%" are really the politicians.

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  • Faceless

    Donald Trumps hair!

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    • Ono

      I demand to see its hair certificate. I'm not a hairist, but it says clearly in the constitution that hair on the head should be human hair. I'm not anti non-human hair, I'm just standing up for the hair constitution that's all, it's got nothing to do with the colour of his hair. I've produced my hair certificate, he should produce his.

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      • Faceless

        Awesome! I got ya.

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    • GothamCityDiva


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  • pandabear1209

    That equality is still a major issue, in this day and age everyone should be equal!

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    • lolol555

      We've all seen how Communism went for Russia... Not so well.

      If you work hard, then you should make profit.
      It's all about equal opportunities, not totally everyone equal.

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    • DriftsMcGee

      Wrong. Lazy people that don't work should be put in concentration camps.

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      • Why? If your going to die one day why should someone contribute to a society that dosnt mean anything in the end. Why waste your life working for the rest of the worlds benefit instead of doing whatever the hell you want. You only get one life, its insane to spend 75% of it in an office. A human is his or her own god and answers to no one in life or in death. If you want to waste your time working for something only to fade away into nothing then go ahead but others dont have too.

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        • DriftsMcGee

          Answers to no one? March on capital hill with a blunt in your mouth, and a fully automatic AK slung over your shoulder, in a completely tranquil state. See why happens..

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          • what/no

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  • chicken471bologna

    All the innocent people the US kills for oil in foreign countries.

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  • pala

    The long war between the amoeba and the humans. Humans have been drinking them, boiling them, and peeing on them for centuries. When the amoeba declared war, the humans didn't even notice and just carried on regardless.

    Save the amoeba! Before it's too late.

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  • sleepingbeauty

    That 100 million women are 'missing' as a direct result of violating their human rights, through honour killings, violence and trafficking.

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  • NocturnePonyFan

    These high-ass gas prices!!!!!!!!

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  • Darkoil

    The parking situation at my university!

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    • seabird_71

      Hell yes. Parking is a friggin' nightmare for colleges. Bastards.

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      • disthing

        I blame all the students who have cars but don't need them taking the spaces of those students who have cars and definitely need them.

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        • seabird_71

          At my school, it's ridiculous. There are so many empty parking spots that students can't use because they are reserved for employees with a sticker only. And they are the ones at the back of the parking lots where no employee goes because they have all the free ones up front. And if a student tries parking in an "E" spot without an Employee sticker, they get towed. It's crazy.

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  • abhishek_t87

    I cant get another coffee and I was working the whole night on this project shit and my boss is going to take the credit and I have to be at office today again.

    I mean Underpaid work. No overtime salaries. No bonuses. Hardwork under a fear of getting fired.

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    • assh0le

      That's grim. I feel for you man!

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      • abhishek_t87

        HEHE I left the job.. I am free.... :D I have started my own business.. :D

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    • DriftsMcGee

      Hard workers should be praised. All the underdogs are what keep companies, and this country moving. Truckers, mechanics, farmers, mail room workers, etc, etc

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  • FCBarcelona

    That dictators still exist in the world. Kim Jong-Il (although now deceased) of North Korea where there is mass starvation, children have stunted growth because of malnutrition, and almost every citizen is completely brainwashed for fear of being thrown into one of the many concentration camps; Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe where there is 85% unemployment; Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan where you cannot practice any other religion than the accepted form of Islam and where citizens are used as slave workers to harvest cotton; the Castro brothers of Cuba where people can be imprisoned without having committed a crime, but "look" like they might in the future; Omar Al-Bashir of Sudan who is responsible for the Genocide of over 300,000 people; and the list goes on and on.

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    • disthing

      I agree with you. In most of these countries, ALL of the options listed in this poll are problems, add to that the violent oppression of human rights and you have a recipe for massive injustice for innocent people.

      More people should be educated (without propaganda) about foreign affairs so in the future the everyday citizen is better informed. Those people who think they have it hard living in the US, most European countries, Japan, Australia etc. are usually naive - most of them have no idea how hard it COULD be, and don't realise how offensive their ingratitude can be.

      Every country should strive to be better, yes, but many people should realise how lucky they are to be born where they are, that they don't have to struggle in severe poverty everyday, risking their lives just to exist.

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      • FCBarcelona

        Totally agreed. People in developed nations should be grateful their governments abide by the Rule of Law.

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        • Glass

          Just because we live in first world countries, doesn't mean we should stand around and say "Well at least were not North Korea" when governments do things we don't approve of. Governments should always be questioned by their people, when you can't question the government anymore, you have a dictatorship.

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          • FCBarcelona

            Well duh. I said be grateful for the rule of law, not to be complaisant and okay with everything the government does. Mark Twain said it best: “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.”

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    • DriftsMcGee

      I think a major problem is we are too damn busy in other people's affairs, that we overlook our own problems. We need to re-isolate ourselves, until we get our shit straight. Country is slowly falling apart...

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      • FCBarcelona

        I am not saying that the US should be trying to oust these dictators. I am in fact pro-isolation. George Washington warned against getting involved with the affairs of other nations in his farewell address when he retired from office. And George Washington was one of the wisest presidents we've ever had.
        All I was saying is that it is a huge problem when a single man can so negatively impact the lives of millions.

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      • suckonthis9

        Yes, we should deal with our own problems. No we should not isolate ourselves. The world is quickly falling apart.

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        • DriftsMcGee

          So that is our responsibility to babysit them? I mean our navy commercials say a global force for good. We have based in nearly every major country. I dont see any British bases around my state. Or Russian. Or Canadian...why is that??

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          • suckonthis9

            We do work in co-operation and conjunction with the British and Canadian and the Russian (to a lesser extent) forces. Have you not heard of NATO?

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  • EnterUsernameHere

    Marijuana is illegal in the United States.

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    • DriftsMcGee

      Even if hemp was legalized. One can make hundreds of things from hemp. Even if just for paper production..

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  • DolphinAngel

    The humanity!!

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  • Crudhouse

    What's happening in the Middle East. Basically US/EU/NATO/UN dealings there. Israel is just a selfish pawn

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  • ivanabanana89

    Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian, Twilight

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    • EndlessSuffering

      Istra fqajtni XD Translation....(sort of)...you blew me up XD

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  • Rape and anykind of abuse!

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  • Venchen

    The unfair distribution and waste of resources!
    Especially when it comes to food. More than half of the world's population suffers from hunger, and still every day about a million tons of food is being trashed by industrial countries.

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    • DriftsMcGee

      I used to work at a Walmart. Anything in a crushed box, or opened, etc, gets thrown away and the box saved. Perfectly good food, still in sealed bags, going in the trash compactor...

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    • suckonthis9

      Your first sentence is bang on!

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  • assh0le

    People not taking the questions seriously on IIN ;)

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  • Death Penalty - I am very much for this, however I think we should prove someone did what they did without a doubt to prevent people from being unwrongfully executed. Actually I think we don't execute enough people. I would also vote to also execute people who molest children and other similar people who abuse children as well.

    Abortion - I think this one is very contraversial. I think it should be completely banned after the first trimester because the fetus develops a nervous system by then and can feel pain. I think for certain reasons such as pregnancy can kill the mother abortion is ok. I also think if someone has an abortion for other reasons the woman should have a mandatory operation to not have children. Some people abuse their abortion privleges and they should not be allowed to have children at all. I do not understand why they wouldn't just give the child up for adoption.

    Homosexual Marriage - I could care less who marrys who. Why does anyone even care who gets married. Personally I find marriage meaningless anyways. It seems to be something entirelly made up by religion.

    Gap between rich and poor - Some people will always have more stuff than others. Just deal with it. I don't have much money and would be concidered poor, but I don't expect some rich person to give me a bunch of money either. I understand some people are homeless and its not their fault always. Maybe there should be more programs to get these people more sucessful.

    Unfair distribution of resources - It depends on what resources you're talking about. As people we can't always control what our government does with the money they have, but what we can do is try not to be a dumbass with the money we do have personally.

    Other - I think one of the biggest problems in the world is child abuse. Children are going to be who makes and solves these problems in the future. I think there should be no tolerance for child abuse and much harsher punishments including death penalty in severe cases.

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    • babygotback!

      I personally think these organizations that try to get convicts off of death row should be illegal, and we should actually execute more criminals. I bet if we crucifed a few murderers noone would ever hurt someone else in their right minds again.

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      • I don't know if it would prevent violent crime as where I live they already have capital punishment and people still commit violent crimes anyways. I don't think its possible to ever eleminate murder and violence from society but I still think we need to execute more violent criminals. I saw a documentry recently about prison and there was a prisoner who kept murdering inmates while in prison. What the fuck is wrong with that prison I wondered. Also think about all our tax money going to support people in prison because they fucked up. Personally I feel the most disgusted with people who abuse childern and only get a few years in jail. I say we execute them.

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  • nonameforeverwhatlol

    i cant believe there are people that actually voted "homosexual marriage"... are they forcefully marrying you? no? then? whats your reasoning... actually i think people deserve those things the poll's made of. (im not gay)

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  • Others could be racism, sexism, bullying, violence, rape, or inequality.

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  • TerryVie

    Organized Religion!

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    • Alittlecoconut

      amen to that ;)

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  • PumpkinKate

    Ewww, I can't believe "homosexual marriage" got a single vote, let alone more than some of the other options.

    I spend so much time around people with at least the tiniest shred of intelligence and moral decency that when I encounter or am reminded that there are so many without... it surprises me.

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  • kckvekili

    cultural and language assimilations..

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  • crowl13

    Inequality, particularly with women. Here I would include pretty much everything from different salaries to prostitution, machismo, social stereotypes...

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  • randomperson1000000


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  • BlueAlice

    Political greed and corruption.

    Mores specifically, the fact that Visa have restricted ALL ATMS in and around the Olympic Park in London to.... erm... Visa only (or cash if you're rolling in it)

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  • lollypoop

    I'm not losing weight as fast as I'd like.

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  • Omglmffao123

    Deffinetly the problem in china. The one child per family rule. The fact that they can either just abort a child as many times it takes until they conceive a boy, or just simply discard there beautiful baby girls like trash is just appalling to me.
    Something has to change about that,
    If anyone wants to learn more about this, go to google and look up "the dying room china".
    It's a 4 part programme that explains this aweful practice.
    I sincerely hope this changes sometime in the near future, because too many beautiful baby girls are loosing their lives for nothing!

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    We are the only species who pay rent to live on this planet. Our money has no value because we abandoned the gold standard. We are depleting the planet of resources and the population is growing too quickly. We no longer have a niche in the ecosystem we inhabit, throwing off nature's balance like a cancer. Our culture has become trivial, and people would rather distract themselves with shiny cars and big cities and vacations and boats and extravagent partying than try to make things just a little bit better.

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  • Quiblum

    That someone in it thinks there is an absolute worst injustice out of all of the countless ones.

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  • assh0le

    That some guys get frigid girlfriends who don't want to suck dick.

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  • GothamCityDiva

    That we must pay rent for shelter.

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  • suckonthis9

    The worst injustice in the world today. Ourselves.
    Most of the other injustices can be solved by simply limiting our population. The people in the United States cannot continue blaming the rest of the world for problems associated with overpopulation. The United States and Canada use far more energy and resources per capita than any other region in the world. We must break the endless cycle of poverty. It is proven that people who are uneducated and poor reproduce most prolifically. There is only one way to stop this endless cycle. Re-distribution of wealth coupled with strict reproductive policies. Think about it, if women who are living in poverty are limited to one child, each generation doubles its wealth. Look what has happened in China as a result of the One-Child-Policy. We need to change only a few laws to make this happen. Our goal would be to double the standard of living for poor women, and in exchange they would agree to sexual sterilization (tubes tied).

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  • zchristian

    Why did you put homosexual marriage do you mean that they cant get married some places or do you hate them...

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    • i mean tick it if you think that gays not being able to marry is an injustice. gays can't get married where i live, Australia.

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  • orichalcos

    I think its fucked up that everything is based around religion

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  • FCBarcelona

    Also the sex bias in China. The majority of Chinese provinces have 26-38% more boys than girls. According to their 2000 census there were 19 million more boys than girls in the 0-15 years old category. Over 70% of the abortions in China are female fetuses. Quite a few of the female babies that are born are abandoned or given up for adoption. The huge difference in gender ratios has led to a major upswing in human trafficking of women and prostitution.

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