What do you think most black people think about white people?

There have been a lot of polls touching upon a white person's view of blacks. What do you suppose most blacks think of most whites?

Blacks are superior to whites. 105
Whites are somehow lame and inferior to blacks. 118
Blacks are physically beautiful and whites are ugly and lacking. 58
Blacks are more intelligent than whites. 15
Blacks want to take over the planet and to enslave whites. 59
We are all equal. 260
Blacks are lazy and they wish that they could return to slavery. 25
Whites are more intelligent than blacks. 43
Whites are physically beautiful and blacks are ugly and lacking. 35
Blacks are lame and somehow inferior to whites. 11
Whites are superior to blacks. 47
Blacks are indifferent to white people. 59
I haven't a clue what most black people think about whites. 200
Something else ( my comment is added below). 23
Why did you create this stupid poll? 218
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Comments ( 59 )
  • eternalsmoke31

    As a black man I feel most white men have no idea what it is like to be a minority in america. We are all judged and expected to be criminals and cause problems...although a few bad apples fit this description, certain white ppl believe the actions of a few are the feelings of us all. I believe most whites just have an illogical fear of us which is why they always watch me (dont trust me enough to keep their eyes off) white women will ignore me or even cross the street whilst clutching their dooney and burke bag for dear life...Here in DC a lot of whites are cool and will speak and even help you out in a spot of bother....but its the very few that slight you who always leave the door open to racial hatred and seperatism....

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    • junky

      You're guilty of the generalizations you are attempting to fight. The hypocrisy is too bad.

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  • SpLaTTeReDcRaNiUm

    Well I'm not racist. I hate everybody equally! J/K I was not being serious. I have dated girls from different countries and ethnic backgrounds so I am very far from racist. The way I look at it is this way. We all bleed red right? So we should all consider each other equal. Just because we have different skin colors doesn't mean anything. It also has to do on how you are brought up. Some afro americans are brought up to hate whites. Vise Versa. I was raised to love everyone except people who cannot drive LOL! I'm a normal lookin white boy. There is a black lady that works next to my parttime job and i see her when i work weekends. If I could choose a 2nd mother, it would be her. She is awesome and her name is Cheryl. I would do anything for that woman. She's also a muslim. And she is actually more polite and friendly than any of the christians i know.

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    • karmasAbich

      Muslims know more than people give them credit for.

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    • Poopgadget

      Cows and chickens have red blood?

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      • SryButPepsCanSux444

        Yeah... Your point is? That you're a dumbass? Please, get a rope and a chair, you know what to do.

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  • Queeny

    First off, this poll is so unnecessary and it only causes unneeded tension between races (whether people want to deny it or not it does). With that being said, most minorities in general feel the same way about whites, including black people. That feeling is, white think they own everything, they think they run everything, and they have this self righteous superior mentality about their race. I'm not stating that these are facts by any means, but I know firsthand that this is what most ethnicities in general feel about white people.

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    • screwface69er

      You are very wrong and your outlook is quite sad and racist in its self.

      Most people with the exception of the degenerates of this world have modernized and don't even regard different races in terms of value or worth. They just see humans. I'm white and when I look at a black man i don't instantly think "hes black" I just see some guy i don't or do know.

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      • Queeny

        All I can say is, the truth hurts. What I stated is indeed very true. Just because you are one person who claims you "are not that way", does not mean you make up the majority. The majority of our society is racist. Dont get mad at me for stating the truth, get mad at society. As a matter of fact, dont even waste your energy getting mad at society, just move on with your life and worry about yourself, its easier that way.

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        • pixie_dust

          it depends on where in the world you live. im in the pacific northwest and in seattle and portland, racism isnt a big problem, but I know that other parts of the country it's not that nice, and that really sucks that in this day and age we still have scars from the past that causes such pointless hate.

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          • Queeny

            Thumbs up and I agree

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    • Queeny

      After reading ItDuz's answer, all I can say is "exhibit A..."

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    • Thats why every other race can be proud, except white people. It kind of sucks to be white, when white people have a sterotype of being assholes

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      • bigtoy

        I don't think it sucks to be white. Anyone else?

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      • Queeny

        Yes its sad that such stereotypes have to exist and make innocent people look like dicks

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    • disthing

      Whites are a minority in many countries so I'm guessing you mean minorities in America NOT world-wide. What you're claiming is that most non-whites have racist opinions of whites. That's not my experience at all :/

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      • delling

        Well, I'm white, and I think white people are assholes. It makes me hate being white, and that internal guilt turns into anger sometimes and I blow a fuse when I think someone is trying to make me feel guilty.

        Most of the time, though, I'm fine. But I rant a lot about white people and I can't imagine why black people wouldn't do the same.

        Gaaah! Whites! (*foom*)

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  • SryButPepsCanSux444

    I'm tired of bullshit like this, humans are like m&ms! We're all under a different colored layer, but all the same inside. Yeah, think about that. We have different facial details and skincolors, thats about it. We all were born with just as equal minds as our next ones, every black, asian, white latino and all dem races. We were all equal physically and mentally when born, but its what we see, hear, do and all that shit that makes us. So lets just stop all this race bullshit, all the m&ms tastes the same! so stfu about this, and live on, we have much more shit to think about!

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  • graydarkness

    This is stupid.

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  • Let's just all get over ourselves and get along.

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  • Psychological

    Psychological speaking.Are such polls supposed to turn us away from each other? It's not a stupid poll in the least, but disturbing. I feel ashamed to even be commenting on this subject.Why I care about negative-cultural views, I don't know... Human impulse possibly? Well, whatever the reason I will say this and I will say it repeatedly: I dare not use the word racism,for we are all the same race-Human.

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    • I<3KA

      Thank you

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  • Not trying to offend black people here this is my opinion on the world that are facts. Notice how its mostly black people in prison? I feel they should be equal and I do realise not all black people are like that but an awful lot are but it makes you wonder what was the point of fighting for freedom when all most of black people do with it is commit crime.If you ask me racism is a shield protecting black people because if you say anything that could be true it will be flaged as racism just because they are black. I know for a fact I will be called a racist for my comment but that just proves my point even more because it is a fact that it is most prisons have more blacks in them than whites etc.

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    • I<3KA

      You're an idiot. There a mostly "blacks" in prisons because of racism. Have you thought of that?

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      • Ok you're right blacks dont cause the most crime, the rest of the world is just racist. Its quite irritating how people like you have such a stipid opinion as to say "It isnt the blacks fault for comitting the crime its the whites fault for being racist".

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        • Crudhouse

          Black people in the US and some other white majority countries are like that. Africans in Africa are awesome. White people have done that to them in their countries. Idiots like you propagate it. What's 'the rest of the world'? I'm from Sri Lanka and most Asians (constituting 60% of the world) feel this way

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    • Real

      seriously?! Maybe most prisons are filled with African-American people because the people in charge of filling them think like you.

      Ever heard of racial profiling... what about being born into poverty or facing a life of adversity...

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      • Yes, surely most of those black people didn't have any evidence against them. Note my sarcasm.

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    • Ted Bundy, Ed Gein, Jeffery Dahmer, Gary Ridgeway, Jim jones, a majority of serial killers and mass murderers are white. Your argument proves ridiculous.

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      • Did I ever say that whites arent in prison? I said the majority of them are black I never said all of them are black. I find it funny how you had what I said right infront of you and still didnt understand what I ment when it was explained perfectly.

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        • Did I ever say a majority of inmates aren't black? No, I was just pointing out that a majority of our mass murderers and serial killers are White. I feel that if you are going to make an argument about why you feel the way you do because of blacks and prison then maybe you should have the same attitude towards whites because the most notorious serial killers are White.

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          • Whats to say I dont? I know most of the worlds biggest and most known killers were white. You dont hear them shifting the blame on to racism though do you?

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            • bigtoy

              Funny isn't that serial killers are never black. Wonder if they have serial killers in Africa? They certainly have had some evil, mass murdering leaders.

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    • dappled

      Your point isn't racist; you are just stating what official figures reflect. Prison populations don't reflect the national demographic. A greater proportion of men are incarcerated than women. A greater proportion of younger men than older men. And a greater proportion of black men than white men.

      There is one question which is fundamentally more important than any other comment that could be made on this. That question is "Why?"

      There's nothing about the colour of one's skin that makes someone genetically prone to crime. But yet more black people are in prison. So what is it? It can only really be environmental. People commit crime because it's the easiest way of getting what they want. For much of society, the easiest thing is to go out and earn it. What is it about our society that is denying people that option and making them consider the wrong choice?

      If I had the answers, I'd probably be in a government think tank. But it doesn't take the Brain of Britain to see that different races of people are treated differently, and some viewed with hostility and suspicion. You can legalise equality but you can't change the human instinct to tribalise, and - by extension - to exclude.

      Punishing people yet again for their own exclusion (and the knock-on effects from this) should be a source of national shame.

      I'm not unaware, by the way, that my liberal utopia wouldn't work. My friends point this out at every opportunity. They say people are mean and not to be trusted. I know they are right but I don't want to live in that world just yet, if ever.

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      • I agree its the enviroment but anyone can work hard enough to move location even if it takes a long time. I do agree with you though.

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    • Wes9999

      Notice how also, it's only blacks in America? Coincidence?

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      • UK, too.

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    • howaminotmyself

      racial profiling

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  • AliciaMcneal

    When it comes to cocks and fucking, my daughter an I both know a black man is sexually superior in stamina, size, and the amount of cum he produces to a wbite guy.

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    • SMILEifyourstupid

      hahahaha! I gave you a thumbs up for that comment, it was a nice change from everyone else's.

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  • DrinaVonCheez

    White people are lame. I'm not even gonna lie, it pisses me off when they're those upper middle class families with smart kids that party every weekend. The parents get them a nice new car, and they all have nice things & live in a nice clean house & the parents play golf & go to the gym.

    They have no idea what its like to struggle.
    It must be nice where your only problem is figuring out which expensive university will your secretly slutty, unappreciative daughter attend.

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    • Wes9999

      Except not all white people are rich, and not all black people are poor. I'm white, and I grew up in the poor neighborhoods.

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  • Watashi

    As a black girl I was say I do not care about white people. What white people do does not concern me or even more business.

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  • Mersaphe

    I wish I was white even though I am Mexican. White people are so tall and good looking. They also have the best looking women. That's why men of all races lust over white women.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    we're all members of the HUMAN RACE. damnit people let's quit fighting.

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  • disthing

    If someone was to ask me what I thought of most black people, or most white people, or most asian people etc. I'd say that I don't know most black people or most white people or most asian people, so I have no opinion.

    It's like if someone was to ask me what I thought of most cars... I'd say, they are all cars. That's all I could say.

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  • sugarbunny772

    That was soo racist and pathetic i don't seperate between black and white people-i love all the people ;D

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  • la_uva_mojada

    Martin Luther King certainly hit the nail right on the head when he said that a man should be viewed by the content of his character.. Nobody chose what color/ethnicity they came into the world as.. WHY trip on something that is really so pointless??? LOVE SEE NO COLOR!!

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  • disthing

    I don't get the "Blacks are lazy and they wish that they could return to slavery" option when the pole is "What do you think most black people think about white people?"

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  • ManicMan

    As a white man in Canada that lives in the gta area, I think whites are coming at par w/ all races. It's not necessarily white versus black anymore it's white versus all races. As far as what black people think of me I voted I haven't a clue. Who am I to dictate what another person thinks? And yes I did acknowledge that black people are "persons", which is a huge step in fighting racism.

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  • there must be animosity and even if if there's none now. respect and knowledge of the past would give and understanding of the helplessness the black man endured. not to lead or be big boss would be frustrating and hateful for some i'm sure. time travels by but it is recent in the scheme of things. the slave

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    • Heh? You lost me with the time travel.

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      • me too

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    You're confusing cultural differences with racial differences.

    There are different cultures within each race.

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    • Psychological

      Fine...shall I use Species?

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        @Psychological (74478)

        Um you missed the point completely.

        You cannot take ANY race and get an accurate result of "what do most of this race think of this other race?"

        You're only looking at skin color and not other important factors such as...
        financial status, upbringing, education level.

        EVERY skin color has different brackets such as those. Within those brackets you may find opinions and thoughts that don't match opinions within other brackets... even if they're the same skin color.

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      • SryButPepsCanSux444

        No you shall use the brain. Stop beeing so fucking stupid.

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