What do you think of my theory?

In this universe we are 3 dimensional beings in a 4 dimensional universe (time). What is simpler than us would be 2 dimensional beings in a 3 dimensional universe. This would be equal to characters in a simulation such as the sims where choices are made but laws of time do not apply. Now think what if someone is controlling us in that way. Sort of like the matrix but our consciousness is just thoughts floating around and our bodies are vessels of those thoughts. Those thoughts live within the fabric of space time and regenerate into physical bodies for a time. You only are what you are thinking at any given moment.
What if I were to die and upload my memories into a clone of my body made in a lab. It would be me, right? It has my DNA and memories and a replica of my brain. I could be immortal. But what if at the same time my original body was frozen. Then I am revived later. Now there is someone living as me who is basically me. But I'm me too. Now think of time like that as if you were to time travel. You would have multiple yous. Therefore you are only you at any given moment as the thoughts you receive.

Its smart 17
I don't understand 16
other 15
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Comments ( 19 )
  • You are your brain and its thoughts but you have those thoughts because of your interaction with your environment which happens through your central nervous system, so you need your body as a host. A brain without a body is just a dreaming cluster of thoughts.

    Please explain how you'd work that confound into your idea.

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    • The brain is like a receptor for thoughts. Bodies are like vehicles that our brains are hooked up to. I think thoughts are floating around in our atmosphere the way that other invisible waves such as radio waves are. Ideas come from these thoughts floating around but our brains can also create new thoughts from the data our senses collect. Telepathy can be explained as well by traveling thoughts. When we die it seems likely that our thoughts dissipate back into the atmosphere.

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      • Tommythecat.

        I don't think it's that extreme, but something similar on a smaller scale is in play.

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals

        Radio waves travel and can be detected, measured and quantified. Thought are signals inside the brain, not something that flies out of it and travel the way radio waves do. That's new age fluff.

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        • youareaghost

          How do you think thoughts travel? Action potentials, which are electrical in nature. Haha how do you think brain activity is measured?

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          • GoraIntoDesiGals

            The thoughts themselves don't travel.

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            • CreativeThinker

              I can understand after fucking many ugly looking dirty dark skinned indian smelly assless girls one can claim that

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      • CreativeThinker

        I totally Agree... U r 100% right...

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  • Aliceee93

    That's too confusing for my mind.. But I must say the sims is awesome :D

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  • peterr

    Doesn't anyone just like to suck a cock anymore?

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  • Dad

    'Thoughts' are PHYSICAL electrical pulses and chemical reactions within our brain.

    If you could take your physical brain out of your head and somehow kept it alive, it would still react strangely since part of our brain chemistry includes our body too. ie You'd like change your personality a LOT.

    Your concept of somehow downloading our 'thoughts' (without a physical brain) doesn't make sense. Its our brain that requires preserving, the 'thoughts' are NOT floating about in our heads!

    The closest you could get (in this digital concept of copying all our brain waves so forth) would NOT be you, and this digitally mastered artificial brain thing would probably know that YOU are dead. and it was manufactured.

    Actually I can't wait for computers with feelings and 'thoughts', we all strive for this 'artificial' intelligence.

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  • CreativeThinker

    Interesting , it is difficult for an ordinary person to imagine the possibility to be at two places or two bodies at the same time but Astral Trlavers or OBE's testify this phenomina that it is possible and feelings are difficult to explain but they experienced the feel of being present at two places at the same time So In that context I can agree with your theroy

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  • "You only are what you are thinking at any given moment"

    I am thinking about making sweet love to Hugh Jackman.

    But...I'm just in my room on IIN... I am not making sweet love to him even though I am thinking it...I think your theory has a few holes.

    This reminds me of twins. Twins are genetically identical, one egg split into two, with the same genetic make up, and they are not the same. Their individual experiences make them two distinct people, similar to downloading your memories to a clone and then reviving your body.

    What you perceive as you is simply just the result of all your memories, experiences, and what you have learned. If "you" split into two, then even though both branches were the same up until that point, afterwards the two branches of you will be exposed to different environments and make different choices, leading to two different people.

    You is subjective.

    Interesting thought, but I can't say I agree with it. Where is the evidence? Or is this just a belief. You must watch a lot of episodes of the universe

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    • What I meant by "You only are what you are thinking at any given moment" is that you are those thoughts. That doesn't mean you are doing what you are thinking about. It means you are simply thoughts and perception because that is all you can know for certain is real is your own thoughts and perception. There is no evidence of anything. The only think I know for sure is that I am somehow perceiving my perceptions.

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      • I have heard of theories out there similar to yours. One talks about how what if we were just brains hooked up to electrodes stimulating us, and giving us the perception of a body and experiences when really none of it is real.

        Yes, you are right about "the only thing you know for sure is that you are somehow perceiving your perceptions." Our brains are easily fooled. It could be entirely possible we are brains hooked up to electrodes, or we are just the stuff of atmospheres and waves. What matters is if we give a crap or not.

        I just suppose I am not one for dwelling on possibilities. Yes they are cool, yes they are endless, but the likelihood of ever finding out for certain "what is the truth??" is so small that I am content with acknowledging there are lots of possibilities out there instead of driving myself crazy trying to figure out which one.

        Does that kind of make sense?

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        • It makes sense. I don't think I'm going crazy over trying to figure it out but I do like to philosophize. I do realize it doesn't really make a difference what the answer are if there even are any but I like to think. If I were to discover the answers (which I don't think is possible) I wouldn't live my life any different than I already do.

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  • gummy_jr

    Well now I have something to think about tonight while I'm trying to sleep.

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  • umph


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  • SHAKEStheClown

    Where's Robbie when we need him?

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