What do you think of people who are extremely quiet?

For example: you meet this quiet person for the first time at a dinner party/ car trip with friends/ in class, and all they do is just listen and hardly ever say anything (almost mute) and they seem shy; what would you think of this person for being so quiet?

...I know this data might be biased seeing as like 78.6 % of this website's readership is introverted, but what the heck...

I'd like to get to know them, but they're just too private so I won't. 46
He/she seems interesting and I'd like to get to know them. 80
He/she is a loser. 7
He/she is boring. 40
He/she seems like a good person. 34
He/she is rude for not contributing to the conversation. 7
I'd like to get to know them but I don't want to risk looking stupid. 41
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Comments ( 28 )
  • ladyday

    I'm usually really quiet. I have my moments where I can be really funny and talkative, but if I don't know anyone then I tend to be really shy.
    I'm always worried that people think I'm arrogant or something if I'm not talking, but I just want to be their friend!

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    • supaflyafro

      i think im the same way

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  • bronte_91

    I chose the last one because although I find quiet people rather intriguing, I am rather shy myself and if I don't know someone I'm quite hesitant to start the conversation for fear of looking stupid.

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  • TheConsciousElectron

    There is nothing wrong with being quiet.

    It is rude when somebody says something to you and you do not respond. Unless the comment was rude or something.

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  • Echoes

    I like quiet people, on the other hand I hate people who talk too much. I feel that the more a person talks the lower his/her credibility goes. That's just me.

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  • charligrl56

    people have two ears and one mouth. makes sense to me to listen more than you speak. people are so interesting, i find it boring to talk much myself when i can listen and contemplate.

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    • b454

      Well said

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    • Nitastar

      Wow great! I'm the same :)

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  • i have trouble with small talk its tiring, silence doesnt bother me

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    • Uzzie101

      Same here, I prefer actual conversation...small talk is boring. People who excell at small talk are awfully boring....

      Although, that said, I can talk about the weather to people I don't know too well.......

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  • wigsplitz

    I prefer to talk to people more on a one on one basis in most situations. I am not shy in the least, just quiet. And I don't gossip, which pretty much leaves me out of most group conversations! I don't like to reveal much about myself either and I want to know people well or at least know what type of person they are before getting involved with them and letting them in on personal things. I personally prefer to talk about ideas, observations and accomplishments rather than worthless chatter and it's hard to find opportunities to talk about that kind of stuff in most social gatherings.

    I have no trouble approaching people and starting conversation but people don't approach me too much, I've been told I look intimidating or pre-occupied.....And providing I like a person, I have no trouble proceeding with a friendship....but I only proceed with people I actually like, not just anyone. I hate "friend collectors". I'd rather have one good friend than a clan of idiots following me around that I don't even like!

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  • imtherealpandabear

    I'm not introverted so count me out of that statistic. Hm, I know quite a few people who are shy and I opened them up and now they're not shy at all so theres no problem anymore.

    Most people who are shy are actually very normal. They just have insecurities like anyone else.

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  • b454

    I'm like ladyday. I'm a very quiet person for the most part. Unless I know you, I won't talk to you. If you say hi first, I'll respond, but I usually never say the first word. I've always been like that. And I always said/heard, its the quiet one you need to watch out for. Muahahaha!!! You never know what is going on inside out head

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    • b454

      inside 'our' head .

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  • kingofthedust

    I hardly ever speak because I'm shy. I must seem like a boring person to a lot of people. But, to me, a lot of people seem as if they have a lot of mis/preconceptions, have very short attention spans, and dislike others for irrational reasons (e.g. someone called me a loser when I brought up a speech I had gone to by a famous politician—one that I found insightful that truly sparked my intellect and curiosity in politics. I suppose this is because I appeared stuck up, but in reality it was all that was on my mind at the time and I thought it was interesting enough to discuss openly. Look, I am very sorry if you don't care about politics, but some people find it as fascinating as sports are to athletes.) That said, I think it is a huge mistake to judge someone entirely on a single criterion. I might be fascinated by "boring topics", but if you took the time to understand it just a little, you might learn something interesting. I might be a quiet, intellectually-oriented person and perhaps lack the ability to entertain others with humor and cute, witty dialogue, but I will never belittle someone else if they aren't so inclined to what I find most interesting. I can't help being shy. Sometimes I'm just not prepared to talk about anything and since I have very few friends, I don't get much practice. You must realize that socializing means very little in this fleeting existence we have here. Sure, it can be fun for a time, but it doesn't hold much weight in the way of real progress and an individual's will to power.

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  • Tyler13

    Well people like that keep to them selves. I use to be like that until I started talking to people. But I try and talk to the people who hardly ever talk and they talk to me when ever I ask a question. :)

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  • la_uva_mojada

    it's hard to choose because it really depends on the person and their vibe.

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  • Treynine

    Well if its a girl and she's shy and good looking I would DEFINITELY talk to her

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  • CaptainObvious

    They don't say much...

    ~Captain Obvious.

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  • xino00

    always boring!
    but it depends

    some people do it on purpose.

    for an example, I only speak if I know the person well, if I'm not comfortable with someone, I'd hardly talk and let them do the talking.

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  • Ganjicarlo

    Everyone says that quite people are the most intelligent, but I, as well as Jens Lekman, believe they are really really boring.

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  • ShanFan101

    Most quite people I know, dress REALLY colourfully! It makes themselves stand out where there voices do not :)

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  • joybird

    In every test I've ever done, I am always evenly balanced between introverted and extroverted but 'shy' is not a word that would ever be used to describe me. Sometimes I like to be quiet but if I meet someone new then I like to draw them into conversation. I like to learn about other people but if I only get yes / no answers I give up and decide the person is just boring and not worth the effort.

    Please remember that it can be like pulling teeth, trying to get someone to converse, so at least appreciate the effort they are making!!

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  • SweetSherry

    People that are too quiet can be really creepy

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  • everyhumanlovesAbel

    I cant judge based on the fact that they are quiet. For example if they are wearing very cool clothes and shoes then maybe they arent boring after all. But if you notice they get excited when a boring subject comes up in a conversation (boring for me or you) then maybe they are boring. First impression is important and i know it sucks but thats just the way it is. Just give everyone a fair chance and be nice.

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  • UnrecognizableMan

    Most quiet people are virgins or/and have a small penis. They are quiet because they are scared they will get embarrassed in sexual conversation. Also quiet people are very aggressive when angry. Hitler was a quiet person at home, he also had a small penis.

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    • noid

      Non quiet people are aggressive when angry

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  • timebobbu

    im introverted but hate other introverts because they draw attention to themselves by stupidly looking around the room and then make you feel guilty for glancing at them by playing the 'i have my insecurities' card. idk i just find them two faced and arrogant.

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