What do you think of people who are homophobic?

I used to be homophobic myself until I came to terms with my own sexuality. Now, I don't really know what to think of them. My problem was always fear and insecurity. Is that usually the cause?

They're insecure about their sexuality, maybe even afraid. 195
They're right! Gay people are weird! 134
I feel sorry for them. 67
I support them. 79
They're ignorant and/or close-minded. 562
Other (Please leave a comment) 41
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Comments ( 87 )
  • wigsplitz

    It pisses me off ROYALLY when people treat gay people any differently or badly solely for being gay. I don't get why it's even an issue for ANYONE. What people do in their bedroom as consenting adults should not be of concern to anyone else.

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  • SMILEifyourstupid

    I don't have an opinion about them. I am not, but I have a friend who is, she doesn't actually make fun of homosexuals (to their face or behind their back) but I know that she does not feel entirely comfortable around them and she disapproves of homosexuality. I think because she's civil about it it's perfectly fine to believe what she wants to.

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  • GinnyWeasley

    they are narrow minded and they should mind their own business

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    • norm

      The very term homophobe implies that people do not have the right or freedom to think as they want to.

      Some have now set themselves up as "thought police", and if you don't think the way they think, you are unacceptable, outdated, evil.

      You must change the way you think, or you will be labeled with derogatory names.

      You will be treated EXACTLY the way the "open minded" claim to reject as intolerable.

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      • HumiliatingMe

        i agree.. your the man!

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  • Cookieboy

    As a gay guy myself I don't agree with them, but I do respect their right to their own views and opinions.

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      why would you have any respect for somone who doesnt respect you?

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  • delhidreamgirls1

    I think it's usually a good indication that they are homosexual themselves. I've actually seen it happen. A guy my girlfriend at the time met in college was always saying "I hate all those [deragatory term for homosexuals]....blah blah blah." Thing is, he wouldn't let it go, he would constantly say stuff like that. Two months later, he's wearing lipstick, fishnet shirts, booty shorts, and has a boyfriend. Not joking.

    Source: http://www.delhidreamgirls.com/

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    • bargem

      Yeah usually a good amount of these "homophobes" are really just insecure about what they are and trying to convince themselves they're not gay... being gay isn't a choice at all and is socially unaccepted (for the majority) so people who are gay and really don't want to be seen as one are the ones who insult homosexuals and take violent acts and other methods of discrimination to "prove" to others that THEY'RE not gay. however they eventually accept it and do as you said, find their true self O: I have nothing against gender benders in fact I support them, they accepted who they are and for that I am happy xD

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  • everlily76

    I was raised to be open minded and to not judge ANYONE bfore you know them properly. In short you shouldn't really judge them for something they feel happy and secure about. It's ok not to know what to think of them I mean, as a teen (I'm 18 now but you know) I was very on the fence about it. My friends were gay haters so for a bit I joined the club to be cool but as I got older I saw how much it hurt gay people. You don't have to like them, just accept them.

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  • poopdeloop

    i cant get my head around people that are gay, i mean i just dont understand how they can like other men...saying that i have niothing atall against gay people and i have a freind who is gay, people that are homophobes are horrible if they go arond hating on gay people, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion aslong as they keep it to thhemselves and dont offend any gay people then thats fine i guess.

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    • GreyWulfen

      How can a real man not like other men? xD

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  • I have lots of homosexual friends and a relative of mine is gay too. And here's the clincher, they act no different to my straight friends apart from they aren't attracted to the opposite sex.

    I never understand how you can judge someone in an entirety on what occurs in their personal/romantic/sexual life. So I'll end this by saying, I love my friends and always will, gay or not gay. <3

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  • HumanMan

    Last night at work, I was called a "homophobe" by a male gay couple who came in to buy some food. One of the gentlemen ordered food and kind of wandered off and the other guy told me what he wanted.. (I typed both into the cash register in order.) I asked him if they were paying together or separate.. (f*cking mistake!) They both kind of freaked out at me for "assuming" that one was paying for the other.. but I was only standing at the cash register asking what they want in exchange for money. I didn't mean to make a scene I just needed the money for the order, and I've seen plenty of straight men buy each other food. I've done it myself... I wasn't assuming they were gay by saying "HEY, The man in this relationship needs to pay for this meal!" I was just doing my job. In addition to this I've been called a "homo" and all sorts of derogatory terms in some degrading manner by either overly masculine dipsh*ts or (the overused technical term) homophobes. In summation I deem this question irrelevant.

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  • Muloc7253

    Insecure, foolish and scared.

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  • SnifferOuter77

    There are so many gay-supporters on this website titled "Is It Normal"...... it's like a silent yet blatantly obvious joke lol.

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    • yourfuckinghero

      You're an obvious joke. If only you were silent.

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  • monkyyy

    ignorant, it says clearly in the bible "let him who is w/o sin cast the first stone" and then share ur views kindly and not in a "burn teh witch" way

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  • Basketball401

    They themselves are homosexual, or virgins.

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  • lbj

    Not sure if I'd say I'm homophobic since I love the idea of gay women ( I know, but I'm a guy what do you expect ). I do find gay men to be a bit disturbing. It just has no appeal to me. I've had gay friends and don't really go out of my way to avoid homosexuals. I think that according to Darwin, the more that gays come out of the closet the less there will be eventually. They are just less likely to reproduce. Unless of course the bi-sexuals keep the gene going.

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    • yourfuckinghero

      Are you saying that straight people don't have gay kids?

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  • Its the same as making fun of people wearing glasses..Completley stupid and pointless

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  • I feel bad if the homophobes are just badly educated about the subject. If they know what they're talking about, I feel like they're just very close-minded. I hate homophobes.

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    • Hmmaybe

      Often they're not homophobic due to choice. It's down to their upbringing and society. Humanity is not perfect and can be very horrible at times but it is no individual's fault.

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      • Very true. I didn't think about it like that.

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  • They're entitled to their opinion.

    And I'm entitled to accidently press the accelerator instead of the brake when they're in front of my car.

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  • shannon_love


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  • swordfish

    homophobia is OUT. society has evolved to the point that homosexuality is no longer a deviant life-style or taboo. . to be homophobic in this day and age is backward and ignorant.

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  • dude2242

    Homophobes shouldn't exist, we live in a modern society and don't have time for this crap why not just accept people for the way they are?

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    Homophobic people fall under one of three categories:
    1. People who were raised to believe homosexuality is wrong and don't know enough about it to actually form their own oppinion.
    2. People who are afraid of what they don't understand and follow the once popular attitude of homosexuality instead of trying to understand the "taboo" acceptance of the lifestyle that is becoming more and more common.
    3. People who are afraid that they might be homosexual or are covering up the fact that they are. When people are fighting their own demons, for example being gay but feeling that it is wrong, they begin to overcompensate in their opposition towards them.

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  • BreakTheMold

    Now, im straight as can be, but this is a very serious topic.
    ok, so i have a few friends who are gay, and i am perfectly fine with it. in fact i even support it to a certain degree, its not bad, just personal preference. my best friend is homophobic, and he expresses his hate towards homosexuals very openly. as much as i disagree with his views, i can understand where he is coming from. somewhat. i just feel that he should accept it as a fact of life.

    I was curious about how somebody becomes gay so i asked my gay friend. he said that it wasnt something that he just chose, that people are born with it and do not choose it, just like skin colour, so why discriminate against it. PLEASE TAKE THIS INTO CONSIDERATION! what if you were discriminated because of something you did such as playing a sport that you love or something like your love for a certain hobby like baking. if you were discriminated for something like that, it would crush you. you would have to hide that love of whatever and blend into the crowd. this is vaguely how i see this topic.

    ***Also, my social teacher told me a very emotionally impacting story once, about an openly gay person when he was younger. he told me that on the first day of class, the man stood up and said "i am gay. That is who i am" and from then on, kids began to make fun of him and the teasing eventually escalated into severe beatings which left the kid broken both physically and mentally. This unfortunate situation continued on for about a year, until finally he stopped showing up to school one week. a teacher called in to see if everything was okay and was told that the kid hung himself..... RIP.***

    Please, i hope that for whoever reads this, homophobes or not, have a different view on homosexuality and homophobia. its not just something you choose, and for those who are harsh against it, please. you dont have to accept it, just for the sake of every one, please PLEASE keep your vulgar and ill mannered statements to yourself. everyone deserves an opinion, just use discretion when vocalizing it.

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    • Interesting comment and helpful to those idiots who think bullying just rolls off people.

      I loved your analogy on homosexuality, but it was slightly off. I love working with computers, I'd be devastated if I couldn't work with them anymore but I could learn to move on. Sexual attraction doesn't have an off switch. If you're attracted to the same gender, no amount of psychological restraint will change that. Supressing that part of yourself just brings continual misery.

      Humans have a tendency to fear that which they don't understand. After several thousand years of human history we still don't understand exactly what causes sexual and emotional attraction. Thus homophobia exists for two reasons.
      #1 We don't understand why their orientation is different
      #2 We've attached a negative association to being different, so on a subcouncious level we fear becoming like them because we don't like being judged. This is what causes a lot of close-mindedness in my opinion. We judge for fear of being judged, kind of hypocritical.

      Your story made me feel the need to say this, if you're reading this and struggling with suicidal thoughts, there are people you can talk to. I can't remember the number right now but if you google "yellow ribbon suicide" I'm sure their site will come up with a phone number on it. They're not going to judge you, they're there to help. Don't throw away your life to some fool who thinks they're cool for picking on your differences. I've been in your shoes before, there is hope.

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      • norm

        "Supressing that part of yourself just brings continual misery"

        Following your logic, we should legalize pedophelia, rape, polygamy and beastiality. And embrace them as normal, alternative lifestyles too!

        After all, how can we possibly expect those people to supress their urges??? What judgemental, intolerant bastards we are!

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        • Hmmaybe

          Homosexuality is different to those abnormalities in that it doesn't harm anybody. Rape obviously harms the other person, whereas people can live in a happy homosexual relationship just as easily as in a heterosexual relationship.

          People with urges like pedophilia must suppress them because expressing them would harm others. It is not their fault that they have them, and I feel sorry for them to have to repress it. However it cannot be safely expressed and so must be repressed.

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  • i was raised to tolerate everyone. ha, fuck that. i celebrate everyone around me. sexuality is no different that the color of a man's skin. EVERYONE has a right to be happy. EVERYONE. anyone here who is a homophobe, message me, assholes, you guys are discusting and have no idea how hard people have it with racism and homophobism and etc. we don't need anymore discrimination, i have no respect for any of you. if you dont want to fight, then let's commprimise. i dont agree to disagree.

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  • a215

    its not affecting your life. who gives a shit.

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  • NothingMakesSense

    some ppl get it and some ppl don't it all depends on ones environment. If they grew up with strong homophobic/religious backgrounds then of course they won't be too open minded. Some may be tolerant while others r outright nasty and violent. All together judgmental. Makes for a yucky concoction of ignorance. Those that are scared on the other hand, have other issues.

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  • asdf90091

    The stigma society places on sexuality is retarded. There shouldn't be such a need to label people anyways, people are sexual beings by nature and shouldn't be discriminated against just because they don't prefer the opposite sex. People would be better off if they could be honest with themselves, even if they couldn't be honest with anyone else. They'd feel so much better if they didn't suppress their feelings. I think alot of people have feelings for both genders to some extent, but the amount towards each gender varies from individual to individual, thus there are gays that feel almost nothing towards women, but also men to feel almost nothing towards other men. I'm talking about men that are honest about their sexuality, not the idiots who are afraid of doing something "homo" all the time. That applies to women as well.

    Take it from someone who was raised to hate homosexuals (my parents are Christian extremists, borderline cultists even), it's not easy to change your mind. Going against what you were taught to believe is extremely difficult, even if it was wrong. It's even worse when you occasionally have thoughts that don't fit the straight stereotype. Then comes the fear, and that piles on top of intolerance to cause homophobia. So says the ex-fundamentalist anyway :P

    I think it's a phobia like anything else. There's always an underlying cause somewhere. It's also treatable, like any other phobia, it just has to be worked through. But there's a lot of fools who never will, unfortunately.

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  • They're close-minded... you don't have to be insecure about your sexuality to be against it. Most of them are just unwilling to let other people be.

    I hate it when people use the insecure thing though. That's like saying people are jealous whenever they criticize someone else. That being said, live and let live : D I don't have a problem with homosexuals.

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  • graydarkness

    I think homophobics are idiots. They're closed minded and so freaked out about homosexuality when half the time if they didn't know that person was gay they'd really like that person.

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  • PBandG101

    Homophobia is synonymous with ignorant,prejudiced JACKASS. Peoples' sexual identities are,frankly, none of Anyones' damn business.

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    • SnifferOuter77

      That's damn skippy! NOBODY else's business! And the word "gay" doesn't mean "happy anymore. It now means, "guy who fucks guys" or "girl who muff-dives" which others find a bit nasty. Which is why you're exactly right, gays SHOULD keep it to themselves. I mean hell, if someone happens to like opium, and others don't agree, should they have an opium-user-pride-rally? And furthermore should others feel compelled to support them and the "different" things they like to do? Nope. Quit publicizing & encouraging homosexual behaviour.

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      • yourfuckinghero

        You're saying that gay "identity" can effect your "comfort". Fuck your comfort.

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        • SnifferOuter77

          MY comfort? You dumbass, if gays could just be comfortable with themselves they wouldn't have to be the damaged flamboyant broken fucks they push themselves to be, throwing pride rallies making the rest of the world accept it. Fuck YOUR comfort, and the comfort of EVERY faggot that can't just be whatever they are and fuckofffff.

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          • yourfuckinghero

            People being themselves around you makes you uncomfortable. People should not have to change their identity to please a random retard on the internet, or a hyper-religious neighbor. If you are not being hurt by it, quit crying like a baby about it. It's that simple.

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          • Muloc7253

            So you've clearly been bummed.

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      • Hmmaybe

        And why should homosexuals, in the same way, put up with heterosexuals. What if they are adverse to the idea of heterosexual sex. If homosexuals were the majority should heterosexuality be covered up and condemned? Of course not, so why should it be that way with homosexuality?

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  • Parsleybro

    Everybody is entitled to their own opinions... But it doesn't change the fact that homophobic people are incredibly ignorant. Blame society and its religious nature. Life is too short to spend the entirety of it worshipping a non-tangible being who supposedly "loves" each and every one of his "children"... although condemning those who sin. Homosexuality being a sin, of course. Fuckin religious cunts. Honestly, some people have to wake up to themselves and have a nice long think about what it is that made mankind automatically "heterosexual". Given, it is the only way to create another human life, but seriously, do we even NEED to create more humans? Not right now, that's for sure. Anyway, the point I was actually trying to get at is that "god" gave us the "gift" of freewill. In christianity anyway. If this is so, why is one not allowed to share feelings for one of the opposite sex? When did caring for another being become a sin? I'm sorry to say but if you're homophobic and reading this, you are a fuckwit. A complete and utter fuckwit. All you know is ignorance and that is all you ever will know. If you're religious as well, then there really is and never will be any hope for you. Enjoy having faith in something that doesn't exist... I'll just sit here and enjoy my bud.

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  • xXAnnaXx

    "Homophobics are like those blondes in movies who fail to know what month it is. Just complete stupidity."

    Have to say this is wrong. Phobic means fear, some people are scared of heights, others spiders, others homosexuals. Its how they deal with it that lets us determine whether we go and buy a shotgun.

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  • Kukakuko90

    i think gays are weird. nuff said.

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    • GreyWulfen

      I think you are weird.

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  • duckmoopoo

    I've had a lot of gay friends growing up, they are so freaking nice. Naturally, I hate when people pick on people who are my friends. But I'll admit sometimes I do ponder about why gay people exist, what makes people gay, if gay people are born that way or not, the sociology of it, the psychology if any. I'm overall just curious though, because I look at humanity in a Darwinian perspective (man + woman = baby). Of course I don't mean to offend anyone by this, I mean it in the most respectful way. I think it's just easier for some people to hate homosexuality or fear it than to try and understand it. And in the end, do we have to understand it?

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  • I think "homophobic" is such an asinine word that people use way too much. Obviously most people who don't approve of homosexuality are not AFRAID of gays. Gimme a break. On the other hand though, they should mind their own business.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    "They're insecure about their sexuality, maybe even afraid."

    This is what I suspect the most - like that man from "American Beauty" who hated homosexuals so deeply because he was trying to fight off his own sexual desires for other men.

    I am also reminded, however, of another interesting myth that many homophobic people like to believe in: the myth that if someone is gay, they WILL hit on you.

    I worked with a man like that. He (Y) knew one of our coworkers (K) was gay. Y was very disgusted, apparently by the notion that K was checking him out.

    The thing is... Y never really understood the truth... He was safe from K's advances; he was simply too ugly for consideration. Seriously. He didn't meet K's standards for attractiveness.

    That's what a lot of homophobic people don't understand. Most gay men usually hit on other men who have given them "signals" as to being available.... and some of them have standards that the straight men don't meet.

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    • asdf90091

      They tend to miss the entire idea of sexual attraction. They wouldn't bang every chick they see, so why would a gay guy bang every guy they see?

      Silly male psychology trying to fool us into thinking we're hot when we're really not XD

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress


        And I wasn't kidding about Y either. Hell even I as a woman found him unattractive. Unattractive and dim.

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        • asdf90091

          -sigh- some straight people just shouldn't be allowed to reproduce

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  • loveholemaster

    they should get a 12 inch dildo and experience the absolute ecstasy of getting assfucked. after just one time being fucked by a woman with a strapon i started wanting big cocks.I regularly enjoy time alone with huge toys and every once in a while go out and feed my constant hunger for big cocks.

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  • I think there terrible I am personally bi and when ever I hear someone being a homophobe I will tell them to fuck off

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  • jnkbortka

    Let's do some thinking here... The 2% of US citizens that are gay men, are 61% of the AIDS victims. Sound bad to anyone yet? By the way, it affects all of us when everyone has to pay taxes for their medicare.

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    • asdf90091

      I have a feeling that percentage is outdated. And if you broke it down by ethnicity instead of sexual orientation, I bet you'd find a higher percentage within the minority groups too. Percentages are useless when dealing with minority groups, the amount of women with HIV/AIDS is at an all-time high but the percentage is still fairly low.

      Oh and being an American myself, not everything boils down to tax money to me. That just makes us all sound cruel and insensitive. If it's all about money I shouldn't have to pay for medicare at all, who cares if someone desperately needs help and can't afford it right?

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  • Andyen

    I large majority of Homophobic people are brought up to believe that Gays or any types other than Straight are wrong. I addmit that before I moved to the city. I was increadibly homophobic. Anyone who was Gay scared the crap out of me, and thought they worshiped the devil. Now years past, Some of my best friends are gay. I think alot has to do with the way people are brought up. others for close minded ness and wanting to fit in a certain group of people.

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  • Meh.

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    • shag776

      well put

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  • zippitydooda

    I'm not sure that most people are homophobic as much as they are sick and tired of homosexuality being pushed on them. Once it was considered an aberration and even criminal, later a mental health issue, and now it's an alternative lifestyle. What people do in their own bedrooms is their own business, between them and God and the four walls, not mine or the government's. I do not need, or want, to know about it.

    Case in point: Ellen Degeneras had a funny sit-com, which was doing great until it turned into a platform for the gay lifestyle and then it tanked. People did not want the in-your-face attitude.

    Homosexuality obviously exists, but to call it "normal" is odd. Biologically, the purpose of sex is reproduction. That does NOT mean that every act of sex should be for the purpose of making a baby, sex is also for pleasure. It just means that: BIOLOGICALLY, the PURPOSE of sex is reproduction. Homosexuality is a biological dead end. If humanity suddenly found itself to be 100% homosexual tomorrow, this would, in effect be the final generation. Then there is the often bizarre behavior that is sometimes exhibited at gay events. So if homosexuality seems odd to heterosexuals, cut them some slack.

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  • FiestaXR2

    Pathetic Human Beings... thats what homophobes are.. Pathetic waste of spaces that need to learn that not everybody can be perfect like they think they are...

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  • F.S

    I think that homophobic people are either brought up to beleieve that homosexuality is wrong, they themselves are insecure about their own sexuality or they are closed minded or traditional people.

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  • OppositeofNormal

    They're usually Christians

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    • monkyyy

      racists tend to be old,
      correlation =/= causation

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      • Hmmaybe

        I agree. My church is very accepting, it is not racist, homophobic or discriminatory in any way. (It is certainly not sexist as the priest is female :) ). Christians who discriminate give the religion a bad name, just as islamist terrorists give muslims a bad name.

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  • alarmclock1130

    Idiots like that make me idiophobic.

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  • a.b.c.d

    they were brain washed bye there parents wich makes the parents assholes LOVE IS LOVE!!!

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  • SOADslave

    I'm Homophobic, but I don't walk around hating on gays. I accept that there apart of today's Society, some people like them some don't.

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    • yourfuckinghero

      Why are you afraid of them? That's hard to understand.

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      • Hmmaybe

        People can have irrational fears. It's like being afraid of spiders but understanding that there is nothing wrong with them and not wanting to hurt them.

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  • Malice27

    I feel sorry for them, My sister is gay and even though I don't agree with her lifestyle I still love and support her.

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    • yourfuckinghero

      Fuck "not agreeing with her lifestyle". She's your sister and her sexuality is NOT WRONG. That is her nature, not her lifestyle.

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      • monkyyy

        "in her nature"
        thats a bad argument, as cheating, murder, pedophilia, mass murder, war, incest, drug addictions all can be found in monkeys(user name not related)

        and i`d agree w/ his views both sticking to his morals and being kind and tolerant (on a side note stoning sinners is bad, so dont play that card)

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        • yourfuckinghero

          If his morals create division instead of unity, then they're shitty morals. He should love his sister unconditionally. Because that's how to be a good human based on the core of the book. Love without preconditions.

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  • If a guy acted feminine I used to say oh he's so gay or he's a fag. I was immature however and in 8th grade I discovered I was bi so that made a huge difference. I sometimes call people fags but to me a fag is just an annoying person not a gay person.

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  • cutelittlesailboat

    I've never been prejduce against gays in my early life. I never grew up hating gays at all. I even had gay friends in highschool.

    It was only until college when I started getting harassed by them. I've been stalked, followed, approached and humiliated, none of which I've done anything to attract their attention whatsoever. I just simply mind my own business, but they just keep coming onto me. One even had the nerve to whack off DURING CLASS!!!! (he kept glancing at me with his hands down his pants)

    What can I say? I am a gay magnet. So yeah, I hate gays, and hate them only to protect myself! No ignorance there!

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  • Riggist

    A bit shallow.......live and let live whatever your personal preference..

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  • Zeldox

    As a Gay Man of Age
    I have had to live in working class Australia and have been bashed and slagged upon.
    I am very glad to say my next generation of family don't see sexuality, just their great uncle whom is a cool guy and they all love me dearly!!
    I know we old Fags took it for the kids of today. If they only respected us as much as our families!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • darkmagneto

    I don't think there's anything wrong with being homophobic, as long as you aren't bigoted to people in real life. Gay people can be very flamboyant and to some the idea of too men having sex can be strange. People reserve the right to feel the way they do. It doesn't necessarily have to be rooted in ignorance. It's one thing if someone who's homophobic denies a person a job or refuses them service on the basis that said person is gay, but there's nothing wrong with just not liking gay people.

    The word homophobic is also thrown around quite a bit. I think it's possible to just dislike homosexuals without outright being in fear of them. I don't fear flamboyant homosexuals, I just don't like them. I have nothing against homosexuals who don't flaunt their sexual identity constantly. I've had many gay and lesbian friends, but I can't stand the homosexuals who feel like they have to act homosexual.

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    • BabyDollStarx7

      I totally agree !

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      • yourfuckinghero

        I think that is the attitude that makes gays closeted. You should change that attitude.

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  • i dont care where people find love. we all need it, from where ? its a hard life sometimes

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