What do you think of spoilers?

For those who do not know what spoilers are:

A spoiler is an element of a disseminated summary or description of any piece of fiction that reveals any plot elements which threaten to give away important details concerning the turn of events of a dramatic episode.

Typically, the details of the conclusion of the plot, including the climax and ending, are especially regarded as spoiler material.

I don't like them. 24
There's no shock or surprise anymore but I'm totally fine. 12
I can't care. I'm still watching/reading it. 9
I LOVE spoilers. It makes me want to watch/read it all the more. 7
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Spoilers ruin the event its watching something happen when you know its already going to happen which takes out the element of suprise and instead of the event being shocking and all the emotions involved it feels empty and boring.

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  • worriedgirlhere

    I, myself have been a victim of being told spoilers, and I can say that for myself: it ruined the story because I was basically told the ending. So I felt discouraged to finish the book.
    It also depends on what the spoilers were.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Bruce Willis is a ghost, he is kayser soze, they are " the others " and Nicholas cage is actually Gary busey in disguise :0

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    For some reason spoilers don't ruin the story for me.

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  • Gbm1

    I kind of do it to myself. Like, if I'm reading a great book series, I'll read the back of the other books and then wish I hadn't. Although I dislike it when other people ruin the ending on purpose. That's just mean.

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  • a hammer hitting steal

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  • Paradiddle

    I'm actually one of the ones who LOATHES spoilers. When something big happens, its supposed to catch you off guard to give you the "wow" factor once it actually happens so if you're spoiled to an event, you already know what is going to happen and you're literally watching while constantly thinking "Okay, when is that thing going to happen that I was told about, I know its coming just not exactly when", I shouldn't be able to predict like that. I even dislike anime gifs I have seen as people's signature because lots of times, those gifs are incredibly important moments in the anime and even if you don't know what anime it is, the moment you start watching, you think "Hey wait, these characters look familia-*flashback to gif showing main character epic transformation* "well shoot."

    Yeah I dislike spoilers, might be kinda hard to tell, but I do.

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  • ㅤㅤㅤ

    Kind of ruins the point of finishing the series, but eh, it's whatever to me. Once in a while, a slip-up from someone is totally fine. Even if I find one by accident, no biggie.

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  • dom180

    I've got loads of spoilers about Lost, but I still intend to watch that to its conclusion. I try to avoid spoilers but it's no big deal if I'm exposed to one, especially if it's out of context.

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    • dom180

      I feel like knowing what happens doesn't necessarily ruin a story, because there's bound to be details you don't know about. If knowing what happens at the end ruined a story there would be no point in ever having remakes, or film adaptations of books, or re-watching a film or re-reading a book. Some shows have flash-forwards built-in (Breaking Bad does a lot of this, and Titanic flash-forwards directly to the end in case you didn't know what happens anyway) just to stoke you up, and those are a bit like spoilers.

      All spoilers can tell you is some actual content of the story. Actual content of the story is important, but how the story is told (for example character development, which is the aggregate of tiny details that you can only pick up by actually watching or reading for yourself) is really important to how good the story is too.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I have no idea where you got that definition of a spoiler, but here is the correct definition; "A spoiler is an automotive aerodynamic device whose intended design function is to 'spoil' unfavorable air movement across a body of a vehicle in motion". I have always disliked these spoilers on passenger cars and anyone who has one on their car is a bit weird.

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