What do you think will happen as a result of technology?

There are several interesting technologies concerning human reproduction already in existence. Most are not allowed to use on humans... currently. Here are some possibilities:

* Lesbian reproduction. You can make sperm cells from bone marrow. The result of this union will be always female (with some intersex exceptions).

* Gay male reproduction. You can make egg cells from skin cells. But wait, you still need a uterus? Well, scientist have already made several working (for animals) artificial wombs, so it's only a matter of time. Such babies would be mostly (2/3) male, but one in three would be a girl. (Ignoring intersex conditions.)

* Human-animal hybrids. There has been already millions of fetuses with mixed genes created in labs. So where are all the catgirls? Unfortunately, scientists are obliged to destroy them after some time, so none of them, as far as we know, have yet been born.

* Designer babies. It's quite easy, with the newest technology, to swap several genes here and there in the zygote to remove genes causing disease, but why stop here? Why not add some comic book-level shit, like superpowers?

So, looking at these technologies, what do you think will happen to the Earth society in the future? Not what you would like to happen, but what you honestly forsee happening?

Humans will keep popping out the natural way 4
Women will reproduce with each other, men will die out, Earth will be lesbian 1
Men will reproduce with each other, women will die out, Earth will be gay 2
Everybody will reproduce with everybody, the concept of gender will change drastically 3
Designer babies will become a thing, superhumans will wipe out normies 2
Human and animal DNA will be mixed, Earth will be furry 0
Designer babies + hybrids, furry superhuman future 2
Marrow sperm + hybrids, lesbian furry future 0
Skin egg + hybrids, gay furry future 0
Marrow sperm + designer babies, lesbian superhuman future 0
Skin egg + designer babies, gay superhuman future 0
Various reproduction + hybrids, genderfluid furry future 0
Various reproduction + designer babies, genderfluid superhuman future 0
Gay reproduction + hybrids + designer babies 0
Lesbian reproduction + hybrids + designer babies 0
All things mentioned, future will be a cross between Tumblr and anime 3
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Comments ( 11 )
  • JonathanOo

    Totally too long of a post.... You should write a story instead. It'd be interesting

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    • Zonfire80


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  • Wtf this is hilarious.

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  • nikkiclaire

    I think eventually sexes will merge which is a shame cause i love both.

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  • Nickvey

    because of college women window to breed will be age 21-36 or 15 years out of a 85 year life span. most wont breed because it interferes with being a professional career minded women. so the uterus is obsolete. in the future both men and women will adopt children , because of divorse marriage will be obsolete. the children will come from breeders women age 13 -26 that are constantly pregnant for money. a child will cost 30, thousand dollars in today's money , far cheaper than a divorse or car. sorry , it has to be that way.

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  • lonewolf94

    Most likely the Terminator movies will come true. Apparently they are making human like robots now.

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  • Nickvey

    none of the above. due to unjust divorse laws and the way modern women treat men the future is men having sex with female robots, women resenting men and having sex with women. little to no babies being born and the population plumints . the muslims that do reproduce will all get nuked out of existence. the women tha do get pregnat do so by buyin the sperm

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  • Annie25

    Go and watch "black mirror"

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  • DosSombreroes

    Whatever it is, I bet it'll be awesome. Think, we're so close to getting anime in real life! Woo-hoo! :D

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  • AmbitiousPrincess

    Hopefully none of it

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  • samiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    whoever posted this this is an amazing human being

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