What do you think will happen to the starving africans & their babies

I'm just watching the UK's Red nose day and I keep seeing all these poor starving children dying. The poor kids are dying from lack of medication, lack of food and lack of the correct medical facilities such as mosquito nets. I don't get it why are the adults in Africa having so many babies if they cannot afford to take care of their children? Why don't they just use condoms and if condoms are not used for religious reasons then their religion be damned. I think the aid should stop and education should begin. After all these years of countries pumping money into this huge continent where have the funds gone? My question is what do you think would happen if the aid we provided stopped and education was the next step to their self sufficent progression?

They will succeed to resolve their own issues 1
Stop Aid and provide Education 11
They won't succeed in resolving their own issues 24
Stop Aid and let them work it out for themselves 12
Establish where the money over the years has gone 13
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Comments ( 5 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    They reproduce because humans have the innate urge to continue their species. Additionally, many of these countries have wealth and their leaders pretty much just hog it all. Condoms? Ha. Where are they gonna get em, from the drug store? Or is the government they live under that gives more of a shit about their own stupid tribal warfare and wealth supposed to hand it out to them? These people are kept alive by pure instinct in their condition and part of that instinct is the will to reproduce.

    There's not simply one reason why these people are in the condition that they are in. There are enough explanations, economic, political, cultural, etc. To fill a book. I'd suggest you go do some research because if just handing out condoms and parachute dropping birth control and leaflets with banana diagrams would solve their problems, it'd have been done.

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  • carolina99

    If they can't afford food and medical care I seriously doubt they can afford condoms

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  • q25t

    Can we not provide aid and education? Honestly, one without the other seems to be ineffective. You end up with either starving sages or people who will die as soon as you leave.

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  • dom180

    A lot of aid money is used for education.

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  • darkimp19

    How can you educate someone that is starving?
    I agree with you in the sense that instead of just handing out food to the people, you can do that while at the same time training them to sustain on the long term.

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