What does it feel like to get older?

Im 31 and I was always curious how it would feel. For me I just notice a little more joint pain after I workout too much as to where when I was in my early 20s I couldnt make my joints hurt no matter how much I worked out. Is this what aging is all about? Just getting more joint pain?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    Every year seems to go by faster & faster.
    When you're 30 you wonder where your 20's went.
    When you're 40 you feel like your 20's weren't that long ago.
    By the time you're 60 you can't believe how fast the past 20 years have gone by & you recall when you were a kid the 8 wks of summer seemed to last forever.
    Also, get used to death. People you know unexpectedly drop dead and you're left felling "But I just talked to them the other day". But it wasn't the other day it was months ago.
    And you'll see the cumulative effects of years of Sun exposure, and drug & alcohol abuse take on yourself and the people around you.

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  • olderdude-xx

    At 31 you should not be feeling joint pain with normal exercises unless something is wrong.

    But, yes its normal for people over 50 to start feeling joint pain.

    The other thing is that it seems almost everyone accumulates some "modest" health issue, which results in changes in their life (you just cannot do everything you could when in your 20's).

    Emotionally people usually become more stable and become happier. Part of that is just recognizing that life really is finite and we stop arguing and getting upset over a variety of smaller things - and focus on making an impact with the remainder of their lives.

    Sex lives and relationships often improve with the improved emotional stability. It's not a matter of frequency as it is having really good and emotionally satisfying sex (although I would not object to 3X per day if I could get it and had the time for it - as for me each sex session is usually about 1.5 hours of involvement even though the actual sex itself is a small fraction of that).

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  • Boojum

    It feels like the whole dadgum world is nothing but young whippersnappers who want to tromp across my perfect lawn.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I'm 32 and my skin is more sensitive to the sun than it was in my 20's. My teeth are more sensitive to cold food and sugar too.

    I'm not sure if this one has to do with age, but I hurt my sacroiliac joint doing the same normal work I do 5-6 days a week . I never felt any pain or struggled with anything there until that day. XD

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    All kinds of stuff. You’re tired a lot. Your memory starts to go. And you have problem with your teeth. But you make the best of it, be glad you’ve made it this far. And be very, very grateful for your family.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      I can deal with that but does the joint pain get worse? Thats hard to deal with. If im tired i can drink coffee but joint pain is something you cant push through.

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      • DADNSCAL

        Yes, but you have to exercise to keep arthritis from getting worse.

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  • Somenormie

    Just a step up nothing that particularly special other than changing appearance but you still have some of the personality of your previous ages.

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