What does it mean

What does it mean that in my dreams for 1year I keep having the same dream that my right leg is gonna get amputated from the middle of my thigh. What’s worse is the bit in the dream that is gone is that bit that is always in pain irl

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Comments ( 2 )
  • xxLucifer

    Recurring dreams generally mean that there is a conflict that hasn't been resolved. If the pain started before the dreams then it might be that you are thinking of the worse possible outcome and your subconscious is acting out the situation. If the pain came after the dreams then it could be just that you are thinking about the dream and it's causing a kinda nocebo effect (the opposite of a placebo) to take place. Although depending on how long you've had the pain you should go to the doctor to see if actually wrong. If you go to the doctor or already went and said you were ok then I recommend going to a therapist about it if it is really bothering you.

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  • It means there's a crack in your hard drive.

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