What does it mean for someone to be so desperate for a relationshp?

The title says it all. What does it mean for someone to be so desperate for a relationship, they'd take anybody who likes them? What happened to them in the past?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Contrivance

    The reasons can be endless

    - Very young and idealistic

    - Never got much or any attention from the opposite sex

    - Family/peer pressure

    - Confusing infatuation, lust and honeymoon phase for love

    - Issues during childhood

    - Terrified of being alone

    - Never learned self-love so they seek it completely externally

    - A relationship is their life's ultimate purpose and goal

    - Biological clock ticking to have your own kids (adoption is just as good, nerds)

    - Trying way too hard to get over an ex, or make them jealous

    - Insecure about one's age

    - Trying to "capture" a fancy date like 12/12/12 by planning to find someone and get married on it (true story)

    - Seeking financial/emotional security (codependency)

    - Not heterosexual but still in major denial for various reasons

    - Seeking permanent residency in the partner's country

    - Major insecurities and afraid they will never find anyone

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  • bbrown95

    I think a lot of people like this are afraid of being alone, or are worried about a biological clock. Maybe their self esteem is low and they feel they have to take what they can get.

    Either way, it's not healthy and I find it sad when people do this, because it usually results in a miserable relationship with an unhappy ending. The person who settles is never happy because they're not with someone they truly want to be with, and the other person usually picks up on it and also becomes unhappy.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Being overly desperate for a relationship can mean a lot of things, but chief among those things would be a fear of being alone. I think what has been most helpful for me personally has been learning to be alone, working on my relationship with God, as well as the love, and companionship of a good feline companion!

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  • a-curious-bunny

    Severe lonliness

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  • Somenormie

    It would mean that one that they make love a priority, most of the times they will focus on it than focusing onto other things like family and friends. The other thing that I want to mention is that some of them feel desperate mainly because they feel too eager and as such they want to move way too fast with the relationship. Feeling desperation is a bad thing but the desperation goes away. Another thing that I want to point out is that a vast majority of them feel impatient as in that they do not want to wait until this is the right time. It could mean in regards to when you are asking about what had happened in the past it could well mean that of childhood issues and etc.

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    Why don’t you just tell us what happened, get if off your chest.

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