What does long term flexing do for your boyd?

Im pretty much taking an idea I learned from a yogi and another idea from Dragon ball, for whoever is familiar with that. I stand with my legs slightly spread out, enough to "hug the ground" or slightly twist my legs inward, my arms are raised up almost like I am trying to defend my chest/face, I slightly abduct my humerus but not enough so they are fully abducted or adducted, I flex my forearms so they are not fully extended or flexed, and I pretty much try to do the same with every muscle in my body. In other words, I try to make sure that all of my skeletal muscles are constricting in a proper ratio of each other so nothing is being used as a antagonist. As I breathe in, I hold my muscle tension in place and with every breathe out I try to increase the tension. I do this for as many breathes as I can before I feel like my heart rate is getting to high. I've taken notice of some reactions when I do this, but I'm curious to hear people's thoughts on what this might be doing for the body. Does it build strength? Endurance? does it increase oxygen flow? increase metabolism? reduce stress? turn you into a super sayain?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Ellenna

    I don't know and I don't care and I'll bet Boyd doesn't either

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  • CozmoWank

    Who is Boyd?

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    • Murun


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  • dickwashington

    may cause rectal prolapse!

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  • nobodynose

    so you just stand there and flex, and want us to tell you it is going to give you super powers

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    • no I just want to hear what people think might be going on inside the body. Increase in blood pressure and heart rate, increase use of oxygen, build up of lactic acid, possible hormonal response, shit like that.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Yes to all of the above

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