What does this terminology mean?
Please explain in layman's terms: "pleasure cannot compare to the vibrance of subtle emotions."
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Please explain in layman's terms: "pleasure cannot compare to the vibrance of subtle emotions."
Pretty much facial reactions that are obviously a tell for what emotion are feeling are pretty vague in the intensity. But smaller gestures (subtle ones) can give a greater context to what specific emotions the person may be feeling.
The difference between a smirk and a grin. Same connotation with happiness but different in how much happiness the person maybe feeling.
I would say it means that pleasure is just a simple and basic response, just like relieving hunger or thirst and can't even compare to even the littlest of a true emotion.
This is interesting. Im not the OP but I not heard this phrase before and couldnt really guess the notion myself.
1. Enough humans.
2. Artificial insemination.
What's degrading is sex, not procreation.
I don't have sex. I'm asexual.
And the only sole purpose for sex was procreation. But it still was degrading, and it still is degrading.
I wasn't referring to sex. I was referring to the act of inserting your genitals into someone else's mouth. However, all sex is degrading. It's not my fault if you can't accept that what gives you your sweet little precious pleasure is actually degrading. Calling me a retard isn't going to change anything, I hope you know that.
Im going to take it as:
pleasure,from drugs,sex, alcohol dependency etc, can't compare to being able to truly be present and feel your emotions instead of run from them to more pleasurable things.
Or perhaps
Pleasure(sex), can't compare to the more subtle things that come with a relationship like feeling compassion and at ease with someone.
Who knows. That's my hot take.
For once I agree with RoseIsabelle. Sounds like some kind of crap made up by a pseudo psycho guru.