What gun should i buy

Ive been saving for a new gun its at $800 now I'm trying to decide what to get. Thinking about another AR or a revolver. Maybe a shotgun. Idk what should I get.

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50% Normal
Based on 12 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 50 )
  • GaelicPotato

    None. Civilians shouldn't carry guns.

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      Ukraine currently is a perfect example of why civilians should carry guns.

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      • GaelicPotato

        America is the only country with a school shooting problem.

        Wonder why huh?

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        • jodi1955

          shooting in schools and other places have a lot to do with the sign that says "NO GUNS" that tells the criminal that no one can fight back and gives them free control

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          • GaelicPotato

            You wouldn't have that problem if not every household had a gun for kids to grab lul

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        • MonteMetcalfe

          If you say so spud.
          Actually kids in America are more likely to be run over in their own driveway.
          What country are you in?

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          • MonteMetcalfe

            I'm laughing at the down vote.
            You don't like the truth so you down vote it.
            Why aren't you saying civilians shouldn't own driveways, or cars?
            And on top of that, the US isn't the only country that allows civilians to carry guns.

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        • You think USA is the only place with guns? Canada has prerty lenient gun laws and legal AR15s until 2020 no school shootings, UAE has even more lenient gun laws than USA and even less gun crime than UK, Switzerland until recently you had to carry a pistol by law and theres no school shootings. Switzerland has lenient gun laws.

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          • GaelicPotato

            No, but you're the only country where there's more guns than people in households for MUH FREEDOM and the only country with a big school shooting problem.

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            • If you dont like it dont come here. If you must you can hide in a closet.

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    • Lay off the soy.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Guns are for wimps.

    Buy a hatchet you pussy.

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      You sound like the leader of an authoritarian government.

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      • Right, glad I dont live in a society where I have to defend my family with a hatchet 😂

        I didnt think this post would become a gun rights debate I just wanted to talk guns.

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        • Tommythecaty

          Defend? Very few people actually end up being able to use the gun in self defence. Because almost all of them just freeze up and don’t do much in reality.

          Me with a hatchet you’d piss your pants and shoot yourself in the foot...at best. But I’m a damned weirdy so.

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          • Id like to see a study thats not by a british university saying "almost all" people with guns freeze up when they need to use them. You literally just point it and press a button its quite simple.

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            • Tommythecaty

              You’ve obviously never been in a fairly combative situation before. Well I have both been attacked and attacked others, armed and unarmed. I can tell you it’s much more chaotic than that.

              It is simple in theory, but in practice, no.

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    • The loser of a hatchet fight dies in the street. The winner dies in the ambulance.

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  • raisinbran

    Stock up on bullets and spare parts for your AR.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    All of the above.
    Although skip the revolver and get a Glock.

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    • Thats a good one. I dont own a glock. I use to have a glock 40 and my dad had a glock 10mm at one point. That 10mm was badass.

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      • LloydAsher

        My dad just got a SW 500

        I dont know what he intends on shooting it at. Its overkill for practically everything that's alive except for elephants.

        I was actually surprised with how light it was. Expected it to be heavier.

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        • MonteMetcalfe

          It must have some serious recoil. Holy Moly!

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          • LloydAsher

            To say it kicks like a mule is an understatement. When I fired it I had to make sure the recoil didnt give me a black eye.

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  • Cable4nerds


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  • LloydAsher


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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    The answer is yes.

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  • olderdude-xx

    There are so many variables.

    Why do you want a gun? What do you intend to normally do with it?

    If it's just to own a gun... any will do.

    If there is a specific normal purpose then the choice comes down to likely about a dozen specific firearms in likely 2 or 3 cartridges; and you have to balance the pro's and con's of each one.

    What do you expect your secondary use to be... That often is the deciding factor on the gun & cartridge.

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    • Mostly just collect them but I also like to go to go shooting abit. I dont hunt

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      • olderdude-xx

        Get a 22 rifle or pistol for target shooting then... The ammo is affordable, and it doesn't hit the pocket book to go through several hundred rounds each target shooting period.

        That's where I learned to shoot so well, and today I have my dad's target 22 rifle (full front and back lyman micro adjustable peep sights). His high school had a rifle team and he competed with other schools.

        My 40SW pistols often cost about $0.50 per round to target shoot with, and what I load for self defense is about $1.00 per round.

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        • Thats actually really good advice thanks. So its settled. Ruger 10/22 it is. This is a big reason why I dont go shooting as much because I blow $200 a day doing it. Its gotten absolutely ridiculous

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          • olderdude-xx

            Great choice. My brother got one of the very early production Rugar 10/22s I think the year it came out (Late 1960's early 1970's). Great rifle and very fun to shoot. He still has it - and loves it.

            I suggest that you don't try to take the action apart... Most people have the springs go flying and cannot find them - and have to take it to a gunsmith to get it back together. I did manage to find the springs and put it back together... but it took me hours to do that.

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  • Sarah_Is_Jimins_Number_1_Fan

    buy a watergun.

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  • jethro

    Buy a Walther PPK in .380. It's a great carry piece and you don't need anything bigger than .380 for close range activity.

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    • olderdude-xx

      Clint Eastwood would disagree with you there.

      A Desert Eagle 50 caliber is also a great carry piece as well. Clint would love it!

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      • jethro

        You are funny. The desert eagle isn't all it's cracked up to be and besides James Bond carries the Walther PPK and he is way cooler than dirty harry.

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        • olderdude-xx

          There's a difference between cool and impressive.

          Saying "Go ahead, make my day" with a Walther PPK .380 does not work well. It would work with a Desert Eagle .50

          Perhaps a Glock 27 would conceal a bit better for ordinary carry.

          At least that's what I figured.

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  • YE

    Guys, c'mon! Aren't swords on samurais way cooler than guns?

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  • Chap

    Revolvers are cooler then shotguns

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    • LloydAsher

      But not as effective. Only upside to a revolver is that it has relatively fewer parts. A normal 1911 is a simple pistol that is way easier to load than any revolver.

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    • YE

      I vehemently disagree. Spears are cooler then revolvers.

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  • bigbudchonger

    One that goes boom

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Revolver I guess.

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  • Somenormie

    Guns suck. Machetes are much better imo.

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    • LloydAsher

      Sounds like you are ready for a genocide

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