What happened to the equal rights question

Just wondering what happened to the equal rights question.

Is it just me? Was I blocked or did the op delete it, or was it taken down by the site.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I imagine the OP probably deleted the post.

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    • darefu

      That's what I was thinking, but I thought it was going pretty good.

      It's gone for me too!

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  • I wish the moderators or system was set up to let you know. Question has been deleted by ..., Or you have been blocked by the site moderators or a user.
    Something that would let you know if you crossed a line, ticked somebody off, or op just didn't like their feed back.

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    • Rocketrain

      Yeah a simple pop up
      You are blocked by this user
      You are blocked from this post
      ...due to rule braking, or any other reasons that happens. Because if people are not aware that their bad action has no consequences they keep their bad attitude continuesly.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I disagree, I don't think anyone should be informed about which users have blocked them. I think people should be entitled to their privacy when they choose to block another user.

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      • I understand the privacy issue, but a simple pop up that says thread deleted by user or moderators, or a pop up that says you have been block and a basic reason, not by who could be used.

        Yes if there is somebody out there blocking people just for the fun of it, or because they just disagree with them, others would soon figure out who it is. As far as I'm concerned if that's what you're doing then you don't need to be here to begin with.

        Personally I don't think I've ever used the block. I'd much rather reply and tell them why I disagree or just ignore the post.

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  • KholatKhult

    Gone for me as well

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