What happens when you hang up on a suicide hotline?

Just called to see if its legit and it was because someone answered. I didn’t really said anything other than my age. Keep in mind that it was in an asian suicide hotline (southeast) and I’m freaking out cuz what if they tracked my address and send a police in here. I’m not suicidal, I just called because I called.

Feeling Suicidal?
We couldn't help but notice that you might be asking about things related to suicide...
If that's not the case, please ignore this message.
But, if that is the case, please, please, please call this hotline and talk to someone about it. Or, visit one of these websites and get some help.
Unfortunately IIN isn't the best place for you to be asking about this. Check out the above websites or call one of the hotlines instead. They can help. Really. We know what we're talking about. Call. Do it. Please.
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Comments ( 8 )
  • LloydAsher

    That must suck for those who are hotline receivers. Cant imagine a more depressing job than constantly talking to people who are at the point of killing themselves. Sure you save a few but then again some dont. I wonder what's the statistics.

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  • YE

    The devil breathes a sigh of relief.

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  • Ihidabody

    They abduct you, put a gun to your head, and force out of you what you were gonna say.

    It's horrible. It happened to my sister. OP, you have made the biggest mistake of your life. I cannot fathom how someone could be so dumb. You ESPECIALLY do not want to hang up on the asian hotlines. It's even worse.

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  • my_life_my_way

    They don’t have the funding or people to check on everyone most likely

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  • Somenormie

    Nothing happens.

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    2 things: 1 You ought to be thankful that you have such a responsive and conscientious resource in your area 2 Let that be a lesson to you not to fool around with such a serious problem as suicide

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  • kikilizzo

    I doubt anything happens because prank callers exist.
    They probably only involve authorities if someone appears to be a danger to themselves or others.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    (Speaking as someone in the United States.)

    Nothing. Maybe there's a rare instance here and there were the authorities get involved but there's really not anything they can do. Back when I was struggling with my mental health I had called one seeking assistance. I ended up bailing when I heard the person on the other end.

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