What i should do? i don't even like the vibes of my school anymore

I'm in 12th standard and i want to know how to deal with teachers who think I'm not talented or capable of doing anything just because I don't score good marks or I'm not much attentive or interested in academics because I want to do something artistic and i can't stand school and my teacher anymore, need some help please! It's makes me go crazy everytime I go to school and they make me feel like I'm a looser how can I deal with it?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Scouselad

    I left with tbh nothing no gcse nothing it’s not what you know it’s who you know I’m a level 5 power engineer now

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    • ospry

      Power Engineers sound like the more mature, slightly more badass Power Rangers

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  • bbrown95

    I don't know where you're located or how school works there, but if you're in 12th grade in the US, that would make you in your final year of school unless you go to college. Is that accurate in your situation? If you're close to graduating, I would honestly just suck it up and get it over with. School was not my forte either (I'm a hands-on worker bee rather than an academic person), but it goes by pretty fast and will be over before you know it.

    I also hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your teachers may just be frustrated with your lack of interest, concerned for your future, and being realistic about the likelihood of you being able to make a living solely off of an artistic career. There is an enormous supply of people wanting an artistic job, but simply not a demand large enough to match that, and not many well paying jobs unless you get lucky and make it big. This doesn't mean you have to give up your dream, of course, but it's good to have a backup plan and would be smart to land a steady career and build your art career on the side. If your art career takes off enough to fully support yourself with, you could always pursue that full time and drop the other job, but it's good to have something to fall back on just in case, and to also have something that pays the bills while you are getting started. Unfortunately, not everyone can make a living off of the fun and interesting jobs, so it may also be something you do on the side for your entire career, though in my opinion that isn't such a bad thing, since the likelihood of burnout greatly increases if it's your sole source of income and it becomes more of a job with demands that must be met in a timely manner, than something you can relax and enjoy.

    With that being said, your teachers should still try to help you in a constructive manner and not demean you.

    Unfortunately, there will be many situations once you leave school in which you are going to have to tolerate people you cannot stand for at least some length of time. This is probably good practice for that. Just get through it one day at a time, you will be okay!

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  • kikilizzo

    Grow up. If you think school is hard you're in for a rude awakening out in the real world later.

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  • Scouselad

    Another thing have sex with a girl buddy you’ll get more respect

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