What is a hangover like

I rarely drink but in the last 2 years ive started drinking more (on the weekends). I still try to be careful and not drink every weekend since I have migraines and a sensitive tummy, my tummy isnt always sensitive though and its triggered by stress for me. I like drinking because im always an anxious person but when I drink I get happy and relaxed which ive started noticing more and more so I drink more now. Some weekends I have like a half a bottle of wine and im small so I dont need much to feel anything then the next day my head hurts but it gets better if I take more wine ? or if I dont my head just pounds and I feel very tired and a little easily agitated more than usual. Is this hangover?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • litelander8

    Let me help you become a better drunk. 👍🏾

    What type of wine are you drinking? Anything high in sugar, will give you a worse hangover. Not to mention that people just get headaches from wine. I spoke to a lady the other night that said anything high in tannins will give her headaches.

    I’ve found that the best drinks to avoid hangovers is vodka and soda with just a splash of your preferred juice.

    Most of us drunks just live in a perpetual hangover and barely acknowledge them aside from having a coffee and some Gatorade.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      The more you drink the less it gives you hangovers. I drink so rarely that I get them bad.

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      • litelander8

        I’d disagree. We’re just used to them so we don’t complain as much.

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  • LloydAsher

    As a lightweight I've never could get to black out drunk but I definitely could get hangovers. Hangovers is like having both an upset stomach and a pounding headache at the same time with the intensity highest in the morning and than hopefully easing up in the day.

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  • jethro

    I have never had a hangover, regardless of how drunk I may have gotten the night before. I have drank wine, beer, whisky and no hangover. I must be lucky. But I understand it may be similar to a migraine. Sensitivity to light and sound. Bad headache. Body soreness.

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