What is/are your fear/s?
Spiders | 33 | |
Heights | 26 | |
Public speaking | 36 | |
Death | 35 | |
Other (comment) | 29 |
Ask Your Question today
Spiders | 33 | |
Heights | 26 | |
Public speaking | 36 | |
Death | 35 | |
Other (comment) | 29 |
Totalitarian government, creepy old men in the park at night, the mirror on sunday mornings.
Everybody I care about shunning me, or dying.
Developing psychosis, especially paranoid schizophrenia.
Losing my legs/arms/sight/hearing.
Developing Altzheimer's, or another degenerative illness.
Wasps (especially when they fly near my face or ears).
Never amounting to anything in my life I can be proud of.
I fear hospitals, needles, doctors, and anyone of working under a medical professions aside from dentists.
Heights ,public speaking ,death ,darkness, ants ,life ,knifes by my neck ,singing by myself ,my friends and I am just putting random commas I don't care
I'm only afraid of losing people I really REALLY love!If I do I'd cry for a thousand days!
I put "Other" as I'm scared of spiders, heights and climbing ladders (which may be due to my fear of heights). Even really short stepladders.
I have a fear of persistent nausea, stomach aches, chronic illnesses, panic attacks, fainting, old age and dying.
well Heights, bees and Wasp and being in the pitch dark without the light flashing in through the window,
everybody is a scared of something.
like the dark, water, or spiders.
I am afraid of very little actually...I really had to think,but when it came to me it hit hard. I am afraid of the call telling me my wife has died.That's the only thing that I can say really scares me...natural death is unpleasant but to fear something so normal is weird.The sudden unnatural death of my one significant other is absolutely terrifying and I regret thinking so hard....
I've been extremely afraid of death lately. The thought of having no consciousness, which could happen at ANY moment, is enough to drive me insane. I don't know of there if something or nothing after death, but not knowing makes me want to stay alive a while.
Bird Mites
Getting too attached to someone.
Becoming a completely useless person.
Getting infected with HIV after a visit to the doctor who knows maybe there was a mix up in the lab or the nurse was too tired and used an infected/used needle by mistake to give me my flu shot.
It's a trap! Do not disclose! I repeat do not disclose!
......... (a cthulu-headed zombie barges through the door)...
They read my mind.
Carpenter bees
Deep water
Sleeping with my closet door open
The dark
Falling in love
Those are probably my top ones /: I'm paranoid.
haha sorry, i'm not scared of any of those things. But what i am scared of is my own reflection, haha only because i previously had blonde hair before dying it dark brown, so i freak every time i see my reflection XD