What is discovery zone?

I have no where else to post this, so why not ask it on IIN. People say there is a place called discovery zone. It was kinda like chuck e cheese I think. I know they went out of business. I have an immense fear of chuck e cheese robots and I'm worried to search it up cause the robots might be there. Here is my questions

1. Do they have those creepy animatronics there?

2. Apparently on pawn stars they bought one of the robots, did they?

3. Was there an arcade?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Freedom_

    Chuck E Cheese doesn't even compare to DZ, Imo. Chuck E. Cheese is the over-bred trailer park of fun zones. DZ didn't need animatrons to be cool. It was the greatest easily accessible place for children ever. Do yourself a favor and never Google it -not because of scary robots (there were none) but because your heart will begin to long for a place that may never exist again and if it ever does, your grown ass can't play there anyway. There was an arcade, but nobody went for that I don't think; we went for the mini ninja warrior training..... :*(

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  • Goomats

    I miss Discovery Zone. It was a giant indoor playground with ball pits and slides.

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  • ☆I'm☆A☆Star☆

    Discovery is when you notice me for the first time because ☆I'm☆A☆Star☆.

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  • thegypsysailor

    A discovery zone is an area of the human body that has heightened sensitivity, the stimulation of which may generate a sexual response, the production of sexual fantasies, sexual arousal and orgasm.

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  • bucho's_butt

    When I was a kid my mom would take me and my friends to discovery zone. It was the funnest place ever. But she would always prevent us from entering the tunnels if she saw any fat kid go in. She was worried that we wouldn't be able to get back out when the fat kid got stuck and they had to call the paramedics.

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  • I took my kids there a few times. I don't recall animatronics, there was a small arcade. Mostly it was a giant version of a McDonald's play place.



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  • MaryLouiseCatwhiskers

    I got a Discovery Zone at the top of my inner thighs.

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    • FJK_frm_AK25

      I like those kinda discovery zones the best ;)

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