What is happening to me

A couple of weeks ago i had My first Strange accurance me and My Sister were home alone and suddenly the thought that she wasnt My real Sister and that she was a replacement popped in to my head i couldnt shake the thought and had to lock My door so she couldnt Come in. My logic told me that this was absurd in the beginnig but the thought only seemed to become more real i dont remember what happend clearly but I remember beeing afraid to be near her long after. A few days after i remember her coming into My room she now had disgutingly thin and long legs i was so scared that i had to ask her to leave. two weeks passes where everyThing seemed normal but then i got a very bad headache i was also extremely dissy, i decides to stay home from school the next morning because of the way i was feeling i had some minor hallucinations in the morning that i was able to tell werent real but as the Day went on it got more extreme i remeber seeing long Black fingers and Black water coming up from the shower drain, I also saw a woman without eyes stranding at the foot of our stairs, when i went to go to bed i kept seeing her eating parts of My legs feet and vigina, i had to sleep with My parents that day even though im 15, i remember beeing horrified of looking at My mom since i thought that she might have turned into the woman. The second Day of staying home i had some of the same visions and once again had to sleep with My parents. A few weeks passed again without me having any issues but today i once again had some issues me and My family were on a trip to a different city to go shoppingeverthing had been fine until 13:00 My head started to Hurt like crazy and I got dissy again the pain was so unbareable that i started crying i went to the bathroom to cry. I got a vision of me cracking My skull open to get the pain out i started hitting My head against the wall a couple of times and it acctually worked with relieving some of the pain (dont be alarmed i didnt acctually Hurt myself very much i only have a single bruise from it and I bruise very easially) the problem was i got dissyer i remember looking in the mirror and seeing one of My reflection contording and spinning slightly (there were two mirrors facing each other so the line of reflections became infinetly long) i came out from the bathroom and told My parents about My headache My dad went to buy some painkillers i sat and cried in my hands for a bit i saw a vision of me Ripping the skin of My forhead he came back with the painkillers and I swallowed one. I asked if it was possible that i could Come home from the trip early My parents said yes and we took the earliest train home i felt really Terrible about spoiling the trip after the painkillers sat in the pain mainly went away but I got alot dissyer and i started having more realistic visions. We were on our way to the station when i remember one of My legs getting to long for the other one it felt like i was dreaming. A man was stranding at the other side of the station he kept looking at me im not sure why maybe because i was crying i remember his eyes turned into mouths after the train trip we had to walk the rest of the way home i was still really dissy and felt very unsafe around My parents and tried to walk a few steps behind Them when we got close to our house My dad walked up to me but I was to scared to look at him i remember thinking he was an alien with sharp teeth breathing near My ear i ran home the rest of the way when i finally got inside i hurried up in bed and locked the door.

nothing feels real its like im dreaming im really scared not only of the visions but also of something beeing terribly wrong with me. Im to scared to tell My parents how i feel espacially My mom since she has a tendency to not believe me if anyone has any sort of advice then please help me even if u think it might not be helpful i dont think i can handle much more of this

If u have any qeustions just ask i wont be botherd

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Comments ( 36 )
  • CountessDouche

    Please ignore the comment accusing you of making this up. It's disgusting to see someone who might really be suffering mocked for the sake of calling out internet trolls.

    I'm really sorry you are going through this. It sounds absolutely terrifying.

    As others suggested schizophrenia is a real possibility, along with something called capgras delusion (the delusion that those around you have been replaced by imposters). Schizophrenia symptoms usually begin to manifest in early adulthood & the symptoms are similar to what you are describing here, but no one on this site can diagnose you.

    Well this disease can be horrifying & devestating, the good thing about it is that it is manageable! With the proper treatment & medication, many people who suffer from schizophrenia go on to lead normal lives.

    I know taking the first step & seeking treatment can be extremely scary, but let me just clear up a few misconceptions. It is very unlikely that you will be institutionalized against your will. In order for that to happen, you would have to be evaluated by multiple people & deemed an imminent threat to yourself or others. In other words, doctors would have to be convinced that you plan to harm yourself or other people. Based on what you describe, this doesn't sound likely, assuming you are open to taking medication. You, of course, will have the option of institutionalizing yourself should you feel the need to.

    My point is, doctors will be able to help you, and the notion of them strapping you down or forcing drugs is just hollywood nonsense.

    I know seeking help is scary, but in your case it is necessary & your symptoms can be managed. You can put an end to all of the terrifying things you are thinking & feeling. All you have to do is take the first step & ask for the help that you need. You absolutely do not have to live like this.

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    • Nikclaire

      I'm sorry but someone with the level of psychosis described IS indeed, a danger to themselves and others.

      Someone who sees terrifying images such as described, cannot be stable and is not able to make rational decisions.

      It's just not plausible. Visions of ripping skin from their forehead, thinking others are aliens, is not something one can hide if their parents and siblings pay any attention to them at all.

      I'm not calling this poster a troll to mock them, but I don't believe them and I think it's disgusting if they came here to make up stuff like this.

      As you know, things like this are real, but if they are occurring to O.P, they don't just go about their life as if all is ok, and have no one notice something is terribly wrong with them.

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      • CountessDouche

        Honestly, nobody gives a fuck what you think is plausible. If you wanna call out people who say they eat poop or fuck their dogs for lying, that's fine. It has no consequences for anyone. But if you're going to accuse people who are talking about something that involves trauma or suffering, you better be 100% sure they are lying...because if you aren't, then not only are you mocking and belittling someone else's serious problems, but you are discouraging them from getting help. Since you have no way of being 100% sure, that makes you an asshole.

        Also, if this is schizophrenia, it is a progressive, adult onset disease. That means that people experience the onset of symptoms after having relatively normal mental health & it is incredibly common for schizophrenics to hide their initial symtoms.

        Involuntary commitment is a complicated legal process & is often times not deemed necessary for schizophrenics who are med compliant as it is considered a treatable disease. The most severe thing dr's can initially do is a 72 hour hold for evaluation, and that is IF and only IF the patient has specific & articulated plans of violence & self harm. But again, the majority of schizophrenics are completely non-violent when medicated. Your absolute bullshit about people just getting locked up easily is not only NOT EVEN KIND OF TRUE, it is absolutely harmful & irresponsible advice because it will discourage people from seeking treatment.

        This person needs to see a doctor, not hear a bunch of bullshit from you & your degree in google.

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        • Nikclaire

          Actually it's personal experience with this kind of thing, not google.

          IF O.P really saw some woman with no eyes standing around, heads break open, black shit in the drain, their face peeling away, a sister who looked like a spindly leg spider, aliens, they would freak the fuck out.

          If they didn't freak out then they have a lot more issues than hallucinations.

          72 hour holds are quite common, anyone suffering a psychotic break would not just brush it off, and their family would sure as fuck know. Holds only require that the person is incapacitated to where they can't take care of themselves, ie a danger to themself, it's not necessarily a suicide threat.

          Not plausible. I have my opinion, you have yours and no I don't have to be certain of anything. This poster came to IIN, for medical advice on what they have described as a life changing horrific set of circumstances.

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          • itsamistake

            Fuck me you have lived a full life for your supposed 20 years. Lets clarify, shall we?
            1) You claim you are a lesbian but you have also screwed men in the past while holding on to your then girlfriend who you had great sex with but it was a platonic relationship.
            2) You claim that you lived in Australia but cannot name cities or even hospitals that you have meant to have lived or visited.
            3) You claim that you are a dog expert, also expert in parking cars, you are an expert on guns, goats and other animals.
            And now you claim to be an expert on schizophrenia and psychotic breaks and all other areas of mental health.

            Face facts dude, a lot of us know that you are a 14 -26 year old male virgin, who lives at home with his parents, and also I am 99% sure that Jen1998 is another one of your alts. FFS get a fucking life.

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            • mauzi

              I know right, Nick the sick fuck is now getting jealous of people who have actual mental illnesses because it wishes for that attention. Well lucky for them they probably do have histrionic/munchausen or some other factitious disorder, anyway I'm waiting for their next phony suicide/breakdown ploy to kick their creepy manipulative attention seeking ass off this website again, cutting off their supply.

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            • Nikclaire

              This again. Get a job.

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          • paramore93

            Everybody experiences psychotic stuff differently. You can't accuse OP of lying just because the symptoms differ from yours.

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            • mauzi

              Don't be fooled, Nick has no experience with this at all. It has been proven through their years on this site under various now banned accounts that they lie excessively for attention (probably one of those Munchausen freaks or similar) and is obviously getting jealous that someone has an actual disorder like they wish they had.

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            • Nikclaire

              Of course everyone experiences symptoms differently. No one has answered my concerns tho.

              How does a 15 year old experience all that and keep it together so well no one has a concern? Legs and vagina being eaten, aliens, people with no faces, black liquids spewing about. Come on.

              How do they not freak? They just rationalise that it couldn't be happening and brush it off with a pain killer? No way.

              Visual hallucinations are very real and it's physically impossible not to be noticibly affected, unless as I stated, there is something much more troubling going on with them.

              I'm not ruling that out but if that was the case, again, someone in their family would have noticed a long time ago.

              The O.P would also be extremely traumatized. They wouldn't just come to IIN.

              And yes, sorry but of course I can accuse them of making this shit up. Mental illness isn't game and should not be triffled with like I believe O.P to be doing.

              I am perfectly within my right to have my opinion of this bullshit post.

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    • Malleballe

      Thank u so much for ure advice it really means alot

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      • CountessDouche

        You're welcome & I hope it helps!

        & please remember this is a disease & no different than having a physical ailment. It is not your fault & you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of

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  • RoseIsabella

    Don't do drugs, and please tell someone about what us happening you are probably developing schizophrenia.

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    • Malleballe

      Thank u so much for your advice im thinking about telling a freind Who is visiting two days from now on a side note is there anything i can do to lessen the symptoms until i bild up the courage to tell My parents

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  • Nikclaire

    I'd say you are disturbed, not because you are really seeing things, unless you are having acid flashbacks, but because you made this up.

    Think about it. If that was actually happening you would be hospitalized immediately.

    What kind of parents do you have anyway? Even if they thought you were making up stories, they should get you treatment.

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    • Malleballe

      Why would i be hospitaliced imediatly if i have had a few breakdowns over a two month period and My parents dont know what has been happening to me, u dont know me or My parents

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      • Nikclaire

        Your parents didn't question why you were sleeping with them at 15?

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        • Malleballe

          They did and I told Them i had had a bad dream im not sure why they would let me sleep in the bed for that reason but im really glad they did.

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  • brutus

    If any of this is true, you need antipsychotics plus benzodiazepines. Please contact a psychiatrist and a neurologist.

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  • paramore93

    Talk to somebody that you trust. A parent, teacher or whoever you feel comfortable with. That stuff doesn't usually go away on its own and even if it did, there's a good chance it would come back even worse. I went so long without getting help that I have this kind of thing every day.
    I hope everything works out for you, good luck.

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  • litelander8

    Babe, be open and honest with your parents. It's truly impossible to get help unless you ask for it.

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  • raisinbran

    Paragraphs, please.

    A couple of weeks ago i had My first Strange accurance me and My Sister were home alone and suddenly the thought that she wasnt My real Sister and that she was a replacement popped in to my head i couldnt shake the thought and had to lock My door so she couldnt Come in. My logic told me that this was absurd in the beginnig but the thought only seemed to become more real i dont remember what happend clearly but I remember beeing afraid to be near her long after. A few days after i remember her coming into My room she now had disgutingly thin and long legs i was so scared that i had to ask her to leave.

    two weeks passes where everyThing seemed normal but then i got a very bad headache i was also extremely dissy, i decides to stay home from school the next morning because of the way i was feeling i had some minor hallucinations in the morning that i was able to tell werent real but as the Day went on it got more extreme i remeber seeing long Black fingers and Black water coming up from the shower drain, I also saw a woman without eyes stranding at the foot of our stairs, when i went to go to bed i kept seeing her eating parts of My legs feet and vigina,

    i had to sleep with My parents that day even though im 15, i remember beeing horrified of looking at My mom since i thought that she might have turned into the woman. The second Day of staying home i had some of the same visions and once again had to sleep with My parents. A few weeks passed again without me having any issues but today i once again had some issues me and My family were on a trip to a different city to go shoppingeverthing had been fine until 13:00 My head started to Hurt like crazy and I got dissy again the pain was so unbareable that i started crying i went to the bathroom to cry.

    I got a vision of me cracking My skull open to get the pain out i started hitting My head against the wall a couple of times and it acctually worked with relieving some of the pain (dont be alarmed i didnt acctually Hurt myself very much i only have a single bruise from it and I bruise very easially) the problem was i got dissyer i remember looking in the mirror and seeing one of My reflection contording and spinning slightly (there were two mirrors facing each other so the line of reflections became infinetly long)

    i came out from the bathroom and told My parents about My headache My dad went to buy some painkillers i sat and cried in my hands for a bit i saw a vision of me Ripping the skin of My forhead he came back with the painkillers and I swallowed one. I asked if it was possible that i could Come home from the trip early My parents said yes and we took the earliest train home i felt really Terrible about spoiling the trip after the painkillers sat in the pain mainly went away but I got alot dissyer and i started having more realistic visions. We were on our way to the station when i remember one of My legs getting to long for the other one it felt like i was dreaming.

    A man was stranding at the other side of the station he kept looking at me im not sure why maybe because i was crying i remember his eyes turned into mouths after the train trip we had to walk the rest of the way home i was still really dissy and felt very unsafe around My parents and tried to walk a few steps behind Them when we got close to our house My dad walked up to me but I was to scared to look at him i remember thinking he was an alien with sharp teeth breathing near My ear i ran home the rest of the way when i finally got inside i hurried up in bed and locked the door.

    nothing feels real its like im dreaming im really scared not only of the visions but also of something beeing terribly wrong with me. Im to scared to tell My parents how i feel espacially My mom since she has a tendency to not believe me if anyone has any sort of advice then please help me even if u think it might not be helpful i dont think i can handle much more of this

    If u have any qeustions just ask i wont be botherd

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    Are you me because you described what I see Every day?

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    • Malleballe

      Well i feel very isolated in this situation if u want to i would love to talk to someone in the same situation

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      • TheBlindInquisitor

        That would be nice.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    schizophrenia or a tumor

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    • leggs91200

      (In Arnold voice) IT'S NOT A TUMOR!

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  • TLDR

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    • leggs91200

      I skimmed it.
      Something about getting headaches and his sister transforming into some kind of weird creature.
      And his skull cracked open and his dad was an alien.

      So you see, it makes perfect sense.

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      • raisinbran

        I read something about a 'vigina' and Black Fingers.

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      • oh yeah totally

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