What is so wrong with bestiality when the animal is not forced?

I have always been a very open-minded, though blunt, person and have never been shy to admit to what I believe. I will, however, take other's views into account as long as they are thought out, courteous, and spell checked.

I have personally had vaginal intercourse with a male dog and find no issue with it. Please keep in mind that this dog was fully grown and had not been abused in any way during his lifetime.

1) the dog mounted me of his own volition. The only 'enticement' was that I made myself available to him.

2) at any point he could have chosen to stop. I was not holding him down and he had full freedom to move as he pleased.

3) I believe that the responses I read were quick to judge both the man and the fellow posters. If you oppose my lifestyle so strongly then provide well written and rational responses that do not include crude wording or logical leaps.

I await your replies and hope that those who do reply remember that courteous and well thought out responses will be the only ones I read. (Why waste my time reading something you do not take time to think out or spell check?)

bestiality is wrong no matter the circumstances 45
in certain situations bestiality is acceptable 60
bestiality is always fine as long as the human is not sadistic 86
other opinion 15
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Comments ( 68 )
  • wigsplitz

    It's not going to seem so cute and innocent a couple months down the road when Fido is expecting you to birth his puppies. Have you started to think up an excuse?

    Animals engage in sex for reproduction only (for the MOST part)...thay's why when we see animals, most aren't humping. They hump when they smell a smell, a season changes....etc. So if an animal only humps for the purpose of breeding, having sex with it is using it's naivete. Sort of like convincing a retarded person to fuck. It's the mental capacity thing.... So I look at it like that.

    But, as long as the animal isn't being drugged, abused, penetrated or harmed, I gues it's just a personal choice. An illegal one, at that.. So be careful! Happy Humping!

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    • sega31098

      We can't reproduce with dogs.

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  • Ho0ligan

    You are all idiots.

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    • LightningTechnician

      I'd love to meet your cat. :3

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  • dom180


    The animal only wants sex for reproduction, which it cannot have with a human. It isn't so much wrong, but the animal isn't gettig what it wanted.

    So not wrong, but perhaps rude.

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    • DolphinAngel

      Hmm I don't think the animal just wants sex for reproduction. They enjoy it! And they probably know that they can't have kids with you!

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      • messey1209

        I love see dogs cum into women...horny as fuck..wamna hear from women into it

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        • DolphinAngel

          No... I'm not such a horny guy searching for womans getting fucked by animals... I do love animals and want a relationship with one... I don't care about animal porn or so... It's disgusting

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      • dom180

        No. I'm sorry, but I explained WITH FACTS that animals do not enjoy sex in another story. It isn't just my opinion. Fact is fact is fact.

        As such, an animals would not have sex if not for reproduction, therefore would be expecting to have kids.

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        • chaotic_order

          It's been proven animals do have sex for pleasure. Just look at any homosexual male pair of just about any species. Plenty of sex and no issues when the partner(s) don't bear children. Ever seen pigs in heat? They will screw anything that moves. Male dogs also don't seem to mind when the stuffed animals couches etc they hump don't produce offspring

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          • dom180

            That does not prove sex for pleasure, only that there is a drive for sex that the animal does not know is linked to reproduction.

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            • DaiMounji873

              Shut the fuck up about animal sex..

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            • chaotic_order

              I'm also wondering why you assume that a fully grown animal has no mind to speak of. If it were adolescent or younger, or even considered mentally deficient by a veterinarian I would agree with you on the grounds that it couldn't know better. However. I know dogs smarter than fully grown and "fully functional" humans. That among other reasons is why I find that my actions were O.K.

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        • DolphinAngel

          Animals enjoy sex! That is fact!
          They might not have sex just for pleasure but also because they enjoy it!

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          • sega31098

            Dolphins certainly do have sex with the intention of pleasure.

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            • DolphinAngel

              That is what I said...

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          • dom180

            What is the evidence for animals enjoying sex?

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            • DolphinAngel


              or if you want a more trustable source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_sexual_behaviour

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  • redpanda

    Not something I'd do personally, but huh. That made me think a bit. Obviously it didn't hurt you, but I don't think there's a way to tell if it did or didn't negatively impact the dog. It may have done that by its own volition, but animals don't always know what's best for them.

    I don't think inter-species sex should really happen, but I respect your decision to go ahead with it, if as you claim no one was hurt in anyway.

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  • sorealsotrue

    Wow..just reading your reply gives me a better understanding of your thought process.I'm not about to turn this into a bible debate.You quoted the bible and explained how wrong it is from the bible point of view.Then you explained how you don't believe it.That explains a lot!!

    You ask what is so wrong with having sex with a dog.Its not accepted in a normal society in general,lawful or in the bible.This is just nasty why would you even just want to open your legs for a dog?All these people in the world you chose to open your legs for a dog.Is it that you can't get a man or just don't want one?Animal sleep with animal people sleep with people.Look at your votes more people don't agree with your ways of life.

    I know your opinion won't change not that I'm trying to change it I just think you want people to agree with your tactics and if we don't we don't understand.What I got to have sex with an animal to understand? That mentally distrubing!!Do u have to get shot to understand the pain of a bullet?This is just crazy!

    This will be my last reply I have nothing else to say about this.I saw you screen name is chaotic order I hope I'm wrong because how can u expect someone to think logical named chaotic.Chaotic means confused,some people think it means crazy but it don't matter which one you pick in this case.I'm not being mean truth hurts again check your votes if you don't believe me.I done..really!

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    • Siggypoo72

      He wasn't expressing his beliefs when he quoted the bible; he was merely showing us what the bible does have to say on the topic.
      I can quote a passage of LOTR without bein a fan of the series. Same thing. Read more carefully and don't add
      Your own values into what others are saying.

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    • DolphinAngel

      You have to get shot to know the pain of the bullet... bad example!

      The fact that it is not accepted or even normal in society or that you think it is nasty does not make it wrong, does it?

      And yes we/they can get it on with humans: Some rather want an animal while some also have relationship with humans!

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  • sorealsotrue

    I'm sorry but your nasty!!I'm just being truthful ,no matter how you use your words to try to make it ok or acceptable.Im not trying to be mean u just need to hear the truth.Listen, you know this isn't normal.I do understand theirs a few people into this in the world but what small percentage compared to the whole world.Do u think at least 50% of the people total in this world are into this?I guess that's nomal huh?Tell your mother or father and see how they react.

    How many movie theaters plays movies like this?How many tv shows?....None!Let's be real now ,come on man!
    How many people in the bible have you ever heard have sex with animals?I mean why would you let a dog before a man anyway?I'm sorry this isn't normal everything isn't acceptable just because u like doing it.

    Tell PETA about your lifestyle.
    Do you all these people having sex with these kids for years (leaving the law side out for a minute) are normal?You know you can program a kids mind to make them think its normal to have sex with them.Do this make the grown up normal or nasty?

    Go to church and ask a pastor is this normal!

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    • chaotic_order

      Well technically speaking, the bible mentions bestiality extensively. One example is

      Leviticus 20: 15-16 " If a man lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the animal. If a woman approaches any animal and lies with it, you shall kill the woman and the animal; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

      So who shall be my executioner? Then again homosexuality has been proven to be completely natural and the hormones/chemicals involved are introduced in the womb yet the bible in

      Leviticus 20:13 says " If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

      So I am reluctant to rely on religions who order death upon those who simply allow themselves to act upon who they are and how they feel.

      Besides, I am atheist and firmly believe that the bible was written by homophobic men who thought the ideal was suppressing the course of nature and those who follow their urges. Our society has been crippled (in my opinion) by those who condemn that which they do not fully understand.

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      • Siggypoo72

        Your final sentence I agree with so completely, words can't express.

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      • DaiMounji873

        You're so going to be burned on Judgement day if you don't change your ways..

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        • chaotic_order

          This may appear rude, but what about the statement about my atheism did you not understand? I find your post offensive because you blatantly ignored my beliefs and appear to be trying to shove yours down my throat.

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          • DaiMounji873

            Look, I just don't want anyone to burn in Hell. It's an obvious fact some people will have to, even if I don't like the idea.

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        • JackOwner

          Supporting death of your brother. God might love you! xD

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  • LonerLezbo

    If a dog is willing I let them give me oral. Feels great. Puppies are great on a clit. They can suck it all day. Never penetration for me though. Only oral.

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  • Siggypoo72

    I agree entirely with your initial post. Relations with an animal, under the circumstances you describe, as for as I understand it, would only be a happy and bonding event, pleasing to us all.

    And I ADORE your gentle admonishment that we should be mindful of our diction and spelling.

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  • Acrazyworld

    Well i try to see both aspects of life. After getting with my man i found out he intercourced with a few animals. He was desparate but also found it a turn on and pleasurable. But then i got pregnant with his child and found out he still had his old uges for animals bcause he mad it a habit before just life jacking off to porn. I found it very wrong he cheated on me with an animal, but worse with my 3 female dogs.

    I find it "fine" if someone is single i guess. But im not very fond of it. But if your going to be in a committed relationship then you shouldnt and if you cant break those habits give the person a heads up. Maybe you can work through it. I didnt like it and after 15 months he finally admitting to doing so and it is considered cheating. So he stopped, but is was in his past. If your single fine its your way of life. But dont cheat even with an animal.

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  • davidnine


    You spelled it out very well . You wanted it,and he wanted it. No one,or animal was forced ,or abused,so I don't see what the problem is .

    If a person is going to take a pet,and not have a mate for the pet,they have taken the animal out of his/ her habitat.Then when the dog starts humping their leg,they wonder why? !

    So,they neuter the animal,and even though he can't produce sperm,or the female an egg,they shake their head,& wonder why the animal still has the urge,and is still humping their leg !

    Animals have needs too.People,if you take an animal out of it's animal habitat,then you become their mate,and it's up to you to attend to their needs via another animal mate,or you,as a person to attend to their needs.

    They eat,drink,and want to have sex just like us,as it's their nature.We are all primal beings .If you think it wrong personally,or morally,then don't have a pet and expect it to act like a nun !Also don't judge other people by yours or an uptight societies' rules.

    I raise,and breed stud horses,and bulls,and sometimes collect semen for sale, for insemination to ranchers. .How cruel do you think it would be to just leave a stud horse,or bull locked up with no access to do what they were intended to do ? !

    People,don't be so quick to judge,especially if you have no clue about animals,or animal science .

    Kudos to this member !

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  • UnrecognizableMan

    My initial instinct was that its pretty disgusting. But you have put across some good points chaotic order, so now I'd have to be undecided on the matter.

    As for the arguments people are putting forward that the animal doesn't enjoy the sex. Well I personally have killed animals to eat then, I also have leather shoes, and I've even kept a few pets in a cage when I was a kid. These are things I would never do to a human, however I may have, once, tricked someone into having sex with me. So in all honesty I don't think it matters how upset the dog is that it doesn't get babies. It's just a dog. They are not equal to humans, don't pretend they are.

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    • chaotic_order

      I've slaughtered a deer for food and eaten meat my entire life. It's a natural process. The difference between a dog and a deer/cow/pig/etc is that we have domesticated dogs as companions. We value their loyalty and intelligence compared to other animals (compared to a squirrel, a goose, etc). My dog was extremely intelligent (holding a grudge against another dog and attempting to get the other dog hit by a car is an example.) I don't believe a dumb animal unable to comprehend the differences between species would be capable of a grudge.

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      • UnrecognizableMan

        If I was in a country where it was acceptable to eat dog, then I'd eat it. I don't you believe a dog is equal with a human though, am I right?

        So how was the sex anyway? Did you do it doggy style? I hope it doesn't bite you. And I'd make sure its safe!

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        • chaotic_order

          It depends on the dog. Perhaps I do view them in a way similar to humans. Intelligence in the animal/person is a large part of how I view people and animals.

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          • UnrecognizableMan

            Well I've never heard anyone say "My friend is extremely intelligent, for example he hold grudges against people and has attempted to trick an enemy into getting hit by a car".

            Either way, I have no concern about how stupid the dog is, or how the dog feels. I think my biggest concern is it's acceptably hygienic (we all do *some* unhygienic stuff in bed) and that it's safe. And if you've done that research it's cool by me. I couldn't do it myself. Dog's just ain't sexy.

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            • chaotic_order

              Look at some of history's great people. The ability to trick their enemies into traps. They don't forget the people who betrayed them and find ways to eliminate the threat.

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  • BoredGuy

    ok... but why? I mean i could that dog's job much better and at same price (yeap free)

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    • chaotic_order

      Because unlike men, dogs are loyal and will not screw you and then disappear. Also you cannot be impregnated by a dog when having unprotected sex

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      • BoredGuy

        I got vasectomy so no problem with children and don't worry i will fuck you as long as you want, as long as you don't wanna marry me (if you do wanna marry the dog, well thats a deal breaker soz)

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  • Gelmurag

    Although typically "shunned," I see no problem whatsoever with it. I have a few very good friends that have let dogs mount them, and I've even tried it myself. Although lacking a vagina and a gay dog, it didn't work. I feel like ranting about rights and so forth, but I'll just say, more power to you for doing it.

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  • seabird_71

    It makes sense that more than likely, it's going to hurt for an animal to be penetrated by a human sized penis. However, when it comes to oral, I guess it does depend on the situation. It's still one of those things that's still way too taboo to really consider "normal". But do I think that your particular story is extremely cruel towards the animal? No.

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  • chaotic_order

    I accidentally miss wrote #3. Reposted this same poll with revision, so the correct one should appear shortly.

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