What is something you do that other people find weird?

For me its,

- pouring the milk before the cereal

- wearing a hat inside the house

- eating large quantities of food really fast

- and walking very quickly, usually in a park or mall.

I once tried breaking these habits, but they were too hard to break, so I just do them without a care now. How about you guys?

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Comments ( 22 )
  • DrFeelGoood

    -i cover my things in stickers, i just enjoy childish things in general compared to the average 19 year old. I still sleep with stuffed animals and buy them on the regular.
    -i find that cat's nutz are cute, like little pom poms! no, im not sexually attracted to cats. the same cannot go for dog balls, they are gross. [tho i do love doggies!]
    -i eat combos [the cracker/pretzel snack with the filling] very particularly. i first nibble around the outside until it is just a tube of filling with a very thin wall of crust, then carefully crack that open and lick out the filling. yes, it does hurt my tongue after a while. but i dont care
    -i have an abnormal fear of pregnancy, especially pregnancy before im ready/financially stable/romantically stable. It stems from my childhood and seeing that kind of thing go wrong. its to the point where I blow up all my boyfriends condoms and squeeze the balloon and hear for air escaping from any holes.
    -i lick all the flavoring off of most chips before eating, i realize this list makes me sound like i have an oral fixation.
    -i like to collect items such as acorns, bones, butterfly wings, teeth, and anything quaint or sentimental. I actually made a necklace out of one of my own adult teeth.
    -i actually love clowns! i have a few clown dolls and a clown mask i made myself!
    -my 18th birthday was care bear/lisafrank/rainbow themed, it was the best birthday i ever had and the party i always wanted as a kid.

    all this makes it seem like i think im some sort of weird or quIrKy girl, but honestly, i find myself relatively normal. those are just some things people have pointed out that are weird about me.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I shadow box in public sometimes. And I look at the ground alot when im walking. I dont make good eye contact. I can make things very awkward.

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  • controversy

    i have a shitload of porn dvds(around 150)

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  • Cliche1234

    "pouring the milk before the cereal"

    Obviously cuntsiclestick.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Gotta get that calcium. XD

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  • dirtybirdy

    I tend to walk fast and say "little legs gotta move"... they aren't thin little, just a bit short little.
    I talk to myself, like, conversations, mostly in myhead but sometimesout loud...

    I'm a very vocal driver..
    I'm having a brain fart, I know theres more

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Whenever I have chips with my meal I'll always eat all the chips first, before starting on the main meal. I couldn't eat them both at the same time.

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  • Dan13309

    I always eat the crust on my sandwiches first

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  • Fugazi,again

    Buy the smallest size milk and drink it

    There have been times when ive been standing in an alleyway with the boyz while they drink alcohol and take drugs and I'm just drinking a pint of milk. Protein is my drug

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  • --

    I buy the smallest size milk and drink it.

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  • GaelicPotato

    I buy the smallest size milk and drink it.

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  • sissycakes

    i sleep eat and drink a lot of soda.

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  • megadriver

    I love symmetry. So if I have a shelf with one decorative object on the left side, I have to have another similar sized object on the right side, ideally within the same theme.

    When I get into any car, I always put the car in drive, or first and move a tiny bit forwards. It can be only a few centimeters, but I never start out in Reverse. It's a thing I picked up from my dad. It's considered bad luck to start in reverse. So I always move a tiny bit forward, before reversing.

    Even more weird: I only do this at the start of the day. Once you've done this little ritual, you don't need to do it for the rest of the day, so if I go to the grocery store after work, I'll just reverse out of the parking spot.
    I do this only when I set off for the first time of the day.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    almost never make eye contact (unless i think things are going to get physical)

    Rock back & forth when sitting

    if there's ever a way to communicate without talking, I'll do it

    & for shits & giggles. purposely give conflicting body language to confuse people

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  • raisinbran


    Pouring cereal into milk is a sign of a very serious mental illness. I really think you need to seek professional help.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      But what about oatmeal?!

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      • raisinbran

        You mean to prevent clumps from forming? I guess you have a point if you like your great grandpa's cereal (it wasn't even cereal, it was eggs). Modern cereal of the 19th century was designed by NASA to deflect milk with embedded anti-gravitons.

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  • curiosilla

    I move my head quick and constantly while hearing music or singing

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  • geek_god_101

    Mimic birds, dogs and cats. Often they respond back.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Shitting on my hand then something it on houses I pass by.

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  • KholatKhult

    I always keep my hands above the table/counter.

    I have this thing about always wanting my hands to be visible. I think I carried the habit over from prison because the guards always asked us to show our hands like 200 times a day

    I despise eating alone. Anytime I eat I have to either share or buy someone else food.

    I’m really pushy about trying to get people to try something new or try my food/drink.

    When I text I send a dozen small texts instead of just sending one big one.

    I try to reason with inanimate objects or animals

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  • Mammal-lover

    Walk quickly.
    Lots of hand gestures.
    Shower only every 3 days unless otherwise needed.
    Always honest
    Put everything in the same location everytime.

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