What is the best energy drink in the world?
Hello can anyone here have an idea what is the best energy drink in the world? I really love to buy it. Thank you for the great suggestion
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Hello can anyone here have an idea what is the best energy drink in the world? I really love to buy it. Thank you for the great suggestion
None of them. They're all liquid-cancer.
Water is more refreshing, hydrating and healthier.
the best rehydration ,energy ,muscle repair juice is watermelon. not the juice just eat the plant. it has everything needed for life in it. proven to also reduce pain after a strenuous workout.
I like sugar free redbull. But I've always wanted to try the cocaine energy drink
Monster nitrous the orange one I forget what its called. You can find them at gas stations they're like 3 dollars and much smaller than the big monsters but they have 1.66x the caffeine total. Actually they dont say caffeine but 5000mg "energy blend" which is a mix of caffeine, taurine, ginseng, guarana, and yerba mate. The strongest one I know of and tastes good too. The drink is also nitrogenated instead of carbonated so it pops when you open it and nitrous oxide steams out. Make sure it has a top that dimples up because they also make the same flavors in similarly looking cans but those are not the good stuff. The green one is equally strong but I preferred the orange flavor. Also there is a black one which is sugar free but has less caffeine. For softer drinks I liked rockstar lemonades and Nos. This shit is so addictive though, I have stopped drinking these for 5 years I don't even drink coffee.
There's nitros oxide in the energy drinks? Like at the dentist? I didn't know, I'm gonna get me a can and breathe in with my mouth over the top of it the second I pop it open. Lol. Just kidding.