What is the most frightening creature for you?
Spider | 329 | |
Snake | 106 | |
Shark | 192 | |
Rat | 53 | |
Skunk | 16 | |
Tiger or big cat | 67 | |
Dog | 26 | |
Bear | 73 | |
Other | 147 |
Ask Your Question today
Spider | 329 | |
Snake | 106 | |
Shark | 192 | |
Rat | 53 | |
Skunk | 16 | |
Tiger or big cat | 67 | |
Dog | 26 | |
Bear | 73 | |
Other | 147 |
i think the scariest thing in the world is my mom when i get 14 missed calls from her
Centipedes. One of them bit my finger when I was a kid and I had a phobia ever since, although it's not as bad anymore.
Centipedes are nasty. Their bite can be really fierce. I do not blame you for not liking them. The biggest one I have seen was eight inches long, it had segments about 1/2 inch wide and legs that were about 1/2 inch long and it was yellow. The thing gave me the creeps when I skimmed it out of the swimming pool!!!
Sharks creep me out, if i think of them in the shower or in a pool I get paranoid...
But they need to be protected, in every part of the world. (:
Stupid people scare the hell outta me, Stupidity is the one thing u cnt get rid of 0_0
Spiders would kill more people and injure than any big cat or bear easily. Bears and cats often avoid humans and rarley attack anyway.
Spiders and Humans.
With a spider, it doesn't matter if it is the size of a penny or the size of my hand, I will be scared of it. I wish they didn't existed!
Not all humans should be feared but the majority of our race should. We have proved to be a destructive force time and again. We start pointless wars and create "scientific abominations" (GMOs, cloning, etc), but the saddest thing of all is what we have done to our planet. I hate to imagine that in a few decades, if the majority of us haven't changed our ways, that our planet will become "dead". Our space agencies look to find "superearths" and terraform inhabitable planets for our usage. I fear that our path of destruction would destroy those planets too.
werewolfs ur talkin to ur boyfriend the moon appears from behind a cloud and poof ur boyfriend is a 9 foot standing on to legs werewof then he eats joo
The botfly - they can get into your EYES and EAT them. I'm a lot more afraid of small animals (insects and parasites), because I'm not likely to ever see a wild tiger or shark or crocodile in my life. Or even a wild bear - I live in Canada, but there are no bears where I live (unless the weather has been extremely bad and the bear's food supply has dried up - and even then, it's almost unheard of to see bears in a city).
I'd say rats are the worst out of this list - they can carry more diseases that are deadly to humans than any other type of animal.
the maggot...as seen on macrophotography. utter disgust.
oh, and this creature called the waterbear....also macromagnified. creepy.
First off we have many kind of spiders and many kinds of snakes. Snakes either have venom or constrictors. Dying by a snake bite can be painful and agonizing. Some spider bites can eat you from the inside out. Being eaten by an anaconda would not be pleasant either. Snakes swallow what they eat whole. After which the muscles slowly crush what it has swallowed.
Spiders that are poisons has similar effects when bitten. Some can kill you right away and it will still be excruciating and horrific. Sharks are terrifying if you are in waters where they live. They often seem to mistake swimmers and surfers for a different kind of prey. Sharks will not always hold on to someone they bite but in some cases they have.
Skunks spray you and make you smell bad but it is so difficult trying to wash out the smell. Tiger, cheetah, lion or any other type of large cat is probably a lot heavier and stronger and can rip you to shreds. Dog depending on the dog comes with the same issues as a tiger(big cat) but smaller.
Some dogs can be up to 200 hundred pounds and over. A bear is huge and very dangerous and territorial. You can not outrun them despite the massive size as they run very fast. From what I heard you can make a sharp turn since they can not turn but most other things can not really stop a bear. So they are all pretty dangerous and all something that you would want to stay clear of.
One more thing I forgot to mention. Its not always easy to identify spiders or insects. So you might find one that is poison when it isn't. So you can not always tell if one is really dangerous.
You also forgot parasites which I believe would have been a good choice. A parasite can attach to you or come into your body without you realizing it. We have many of them. Some of them can be swallowed or gotten a number of ways.
Thank you I enjoyed that and I agree with you, I should have added ghosts on my list.
Snakes have swallowed people. Adult people as well that they found in their stomachs after death. Also been cases of babies being eaten. I also have heard in Africa they have man eating ants that will eat anything. Including people so no one is safe from them.
Sharks are terrifying, and I used to surf. Originally from coastal south Florida. I once was paddling next to at least a 10 footer. When I spotted the dorsal fin I put all my limbs on my board and started praying.
That said, any carnivorous animal is pretty damn terrifying, no more than the other if unarmed and run into them. I guess I'd have to learn which is the most aggressive to humans.
I wouldn't want to run into a Grizzly Bear in the forest anymore than I'd want to run into a Shark in the ocean.
Terra Fomars made me scared of cockroaches D:. Edit: Or at least mutated cockroaches from Mars...
I find it strange that small creatures seem to get the most votes. For me it`s the size of an animal that`s scary.
mosquetos - they likely kill more people by transmitting diseases than anything else.
Daddy Long Legs/Crane Flies. Hate them. With their gangling legs and shit..
I love those animals, haha even spiders, I'm not scared of any of them! I think people are the scary ones.
SPIDERS got the most votes?! You got to be kidding. Bears and Dogs are my main fears.
Spiders scare me way more than sharks or snakes. (sharks are actually awesome) but even with spiders it's more 'freaked out' than 'scared'. If there's one in my room (other than daddy long legs) then i'll relocate them to somewhere outside. They only ever die if they pop out of nowhere (usually on me) then I squish in a panic :/ If I see it coming though, relocation every time :)
It depends if I was in water or not. I mean a shark can't do dick when I am on dry land. So fuck sharks they suck.
Well shit, this kind of depends on my position. If I'm in the middle of the ocean it would be a big shark. If I'm dropped in the middle of Africa, it would be a predatory cat or aids infested negro tribe.
Generally, it's just spiders. And I used to see sharks when I surfed.
any sort of parasite, but especially the Candiru, that fish that crawls up your genitals and feeds off the blood in there.
More people are afraid of a spider than they are of sharks and of bears combined.
I picked the shark. A bear would be second though. Pretty much anything that could maul me.
What the fuck is this world coming to - so the majority of you would rather be stuck in a cage with a hungry tiger or bear than a little tiny spider?
I know I'm weird, I will hold snakes, deal with aggressive dogs and pick up spiders But the creature that makes my skin crawl is a slug. I hate them with a passion and will walk on the other side of the garden to avoid one.
That's pretty much me, too. I love snakes and will hold them - I posed with a snake when I was a little kid haha. I wouldn't go as far as holding a spider (unless someone told me the particular one is 100% safe) but I think they're cool looking and awesome for helping me with stupid flies and stuff. But then I fear all bugs and insects, no matter how big or small. =P
I'm fine with sharks, alligators, snakes, spiders... but when it comes to roaches i'm terrified :O
Dinosaurs freak me out. I love reptiles, but for some reason I've just had this fear of dinosaurs since I was a little kid. I'm 20 no. *sigh*
I'm terrified of cockroaches. I'm afraid of Snakes, spiders, sharks and rats too. But nothing terrifies me more than a cockroach!
um smash and bye bye spider! smash... its head popped off and its still moving (snake)
Spider's even the harmless ones i just fucking stomp them or punch them with book i fucking hate those they even live in my house sometimes and thats some freaky shit.
i dont like spiders, but i dont like humans even more. at least they eat flies
Sharks. If i'm in the water and they're there then I'm dead. I can't swim.
Sharks, big cats and bears and the only ones reaaally likely to hurt you.. and i doubt you'd have much leverage against a shark as you couldnt exactly hide in the ocean.. So i pick shark.
I hate snakes the most. Those bastards inhabit pretty much every part of the world. But the worst part is that if you live anywhere but the tundra, chances are you at least stepped over or walked past one at least a dozen times in your life.
I don't care what any of you say, spiders are waaaay scarier than humans.
Dang, you're right, that daddy long legs in my backyard is freaking me the fuck out. But Jeffrey Dahmer in my front yard - ehhh, whatever.
You can't really instantly pinpoint the face of definite serial killer can you? Whereas poisonous spiders can be found and identified in an illustrated book.
People have a mind able to think up ways to scam you,betray you, hurt you, scar you, insult you, and ruin your life. Unless you're wading barefoot through a forest or untamed grasses filled with poisonous spiders, the most they can do to you is crawl a bit over your skin and leave minimally itchy bites on your skin.
I'm pretty sure that walking down the streets of a notoriously crime-filled street at night you'd be more terrified of the dark figure passing you than a little baby spider creating a web on a parking meter.
Of course if you were just trying to be humorous and cool by saying that spiders can be scarier than humans, this was all in vain.
Look friend, I have this thing, a legit thing, called a phobia. Spiders fucking scare me. Alright? Most people haven't done anything to hurt me, infact I could probably count people who have done me any serious wrong on my fingers and toes, so I feel no need to be afraid of people
I was once in the shower and I saw a spider that looked like a shark so that really freaked me out! OMG or maybe it was an acid flashback.. I dreamed about it and oooh I didn't have a wet dream for a month because my penis got scared!
I don't like gorillas, because they're massive and their actions are very human like and it creeps me out. They also have evil eyes. o.o