What is the most frightening thing that has ever happened to you?

The title says it all. Care to share? Will you? Pretty please.

i would rather not discuss it 9
car accident 14
plane crash 3
boating accident/shipwreck 2
mugging/robbery 5
fire/explosion 3
bungee jumping accident 0
animal attack 8
paranormal event 14
lost in an unknown area 9
war 4
mafia related incident 11
mountain climbing/spelunking accident 2
illness 15
other 52
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Comments ( 23 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    My vote didn't go through, sorry.

    I got into a 70mph front end collision with the back of a massive pickup truck. It was stopped on the freeway (just that lane of traffic) I came around a corner, slammed my brakes and they locked up. I remember trying to turn the wheel into the emergency lane, 350 ft... 300 ft... and the tailgate just got closer and closer and the wheel was locked.

    When I woke up, I was laying in my airbag, there was nothing in front of me and the airbag dust was choking me and the horn was sounding. The door was stuck and for the moment I thought I was trapped. I was extremely confused and disoriented. I remember people, getting out the passenger side... it gets fuzzy afterwards.

    The terrifying part was how confused I was. It was like someone took me out of my bed and put me in that car right there. I honestly had no clue what had happened or what was going on, the cop was yelling at me and I just wanted to know what the hell happened. That was the worst thing... being so confused.

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  • NoraBaker


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    • EndlessSuffering

      LOL good one :D

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    • Hey! Don't troll my poll! :p

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  • Francophile22

    Take your pick:

    Eyewitness to a murder

    Held up at gunpoint

    Having my gf's father point a gun at me and tell me I would die unless we married (we had broken up that day)

    Pushed over a 30 foot wall by a dog, breaking my vertebra

    Being hit by a drunk driver

    Getting whooping cough at 12 and almost dying

    I have more, but this should suffice

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  • BluntsRolled

    Was robbed at gun point in a really bad part of town. I thought it was all over, until they took what they wanted and let us go. Only for them to end up shooting at us as we sped away. One bullet actually hit the truck I was driving you can still see the bullet mark to this day.

    It still fucks with my head even now, I constantly worrying about weather or not I can trust an individual or not.

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  • xXScYtHeXx

    I was in a warm and cozy place with a nice soft place to lay down and stretch my legs, it didn't even last a year, some bastard doctor had to reach in and pull my ass out. Being born must be frightening.

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  • Anime7

    I actually can't recall an event which caused me to experience any serious trepidation.

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  • dappled

    Been in a car accident. That wasn't scary (at the time) but I had flashbacks afterwards. Been mugged twice at knifepoint (also not scary at the time). Had a gun pointed at my face at close-range by a seven-year old boy (no idea if it was loaded). Got trapped in a crowded lift for a few hours. Been on a ferry in gale force winds where it was impossible to dock because it would have smashed a hole in the ship but also not possible to stay at sea because she was tilting badly.

    But the worst was almost drowning. I got my arm caught underwater and couldn't get it free. After 30 seconds it started turning to panic and I really wasn't thinking clearly. Although I loved swimming, I haven't done it since that day.

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    • kupokupo

      Wow. You've been through a lot :\ hope you are well now!

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      • dappled

        It's weird. When I posting this, I was thinking about my friend who had so much more happen (even entertaining in a scary way). I guess I've crammed quite a bit into life too, though. :)

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  • Bmac17

    Pack of dogs. I was attacked by 4-5 dogs and almost didn't make it, I had to have a blood transfusion, and I have to walk with a cane for the rest of my life, because one of them f&@ked up my kneecap, one of the few things that your body won't repair. I was 16 when this happened and lucky I carried around a combat knife for protection, if I was going to give advice to anyone, if your going to have to fight a pack animal get good with a knife. I killed at least 4 of the fuckers before I passed out from blood loss.

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  • alv1592

    Sexual assault. Thought I was going to get raped, but fortunately I didn't. Still the guy who did it is sick and perverted, the thought of ever encountering him again scares me. :(

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  • kupokupo

    I almost drowned. It was the most terrifying feeling in my whole life. I wasn't a strong swimmer at age 6 & i was thrown into the deep pool & all i remember is panicking, flailing & hyperventilating, causing me to swallow so much water then everything is kind of black & next thing i remember i'm lying at the side of the pool.

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  • Rinnyw

    I was woke up one night by my Dad screaming... turns out he was having a nightmare.Wasn't a pretty sight - half naked kicking the washing basket and almost falling out of his bed.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Getting hit by a car. I was laying in a puddle staring up at a street sign of my same name when two tweakers came to my rescue. It's been over two years and a the sound of an engine still causes my heart to race.

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  • Crazy step father (little brothers biological father) threatening to shoot the family with his gun in his hand. I was very young.

    Having to quickly leave the area because of past Scottish Mob boss (great unlce) knew we were in the area and really disliked my grandfathers family, regarldess if we were involved in their mob business or not.

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  • Kitche

    I watched my dad go insane. He's a paranoid delusional freak who thinks his wife gets drugs from her veteran father and puts them in his food. He also belives we are the ones who control the masons, or some other really high order of men that don't exist. I was 12 when it happened.

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  • Well I once caught a glimpse of myself in a full length mirror in my tighty whiteys, that was all it took, I immediately had all the mirrors removed from my house.

    And every reflective surface sanded down.

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  • Jessie735513

    I can't pinpoint anything that stands out... Just a series of things - when I was young my family and I stayed at a "friends" the man there got very drunk and raged. He dragged me out of my bed in the middle of the night and put me on the doorstop. I was only four.. But Then he kicked my mum and dad out too.

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  • Blather!

    2 things. Sexual Assault. I was raped by my family dog at 12 years old.

    I was also gangbanged by 10 40-50 year old men when i was 15 at a robbery.

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  • Store210

    My own dog bit my face, one bite, out of nowhere, when i was going to pet him, after the bite he ran away, and i went to the hospital, when i cam eback everything was the same as before

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  • There was a bunch of stuff that sent my adrenaline levels over the rooftop, but I can't say it's frightening.. worst case scenario -I die.

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