What is the name of having a phobia of sewing needles?

I was at my school and me and a few friends got onto the topic of phobias in class. One of my friends said he had Arachnophobia (fear of spiders) another said she had Achluophobia (fear of darkness) and the other said he had Chiroptophobia (fear of bats). I felt so stupid when I said that I just had a fear of needles and didn't know the fancy word for it, so does anyone know? It would be of great help to me because I cant find it anywhere. Oh and I don't mind other types of needles like injections or knitting needles, just sewing needles. (Its a long story, if you want to know just ask but I'm not going to babble on about myself all day). THANK YOU!!! :D

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Koda

    Aichmophobia - the fear of sharp objects; especially needles. This term would work for you because it doesn't refer to hypodermic needles, and refers to things much sharper than knitting needles.

    It's also called belonephobia and enetophobia.

    Trypanophobia, like Redcoats mentioned, is a fear of injections/innoculations. So it's too specific for your case.

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  • chained_rage


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  • Redcoats

    I don't think there is a specific name for a phobia of sewing needles, but a fear of needles is called Trypanophobia.

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    • Koda

      That's a fear of being injected. Aichmophobia is a fear of any needle or sharply pointed object.

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  • thegypsysailor

    G O O G L E

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