What is the normal age to be sexually active, regardless of laws.

12-14 244
15-16 376
17-18 298
19-20 85
20+ 65
Other (please comment as well) 23
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Comments ( 64 )
  • coolio75650932

    Chuck Norris lost his virginity befor his father :)

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  • aminormal321

    I said other, and i'll explain. It's when you're ready. Everyone's different. I don't think you can really make an average age. It's when you want to

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  • Allistalla

    should be after 19 - 20

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    • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

      Oh btw Allistalla everybody hated you before I came here dipstick

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      • Allistalla

        Also why did you say you where leaving! I honestly thought you might and you begged me to stay popcorn.

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        • RaNdOmPoPcOrN


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          • Allistalla

            I kind of liked you till you lied to me.

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            • disthing

              You guys have so much melodrama going on :D

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    • Mason554

      Bull me and my gf before we were gf and bf had sex at 10 even tho it felt so good we were alone in the middle of the day she brought it up bam under her bed doing it

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      • Allistalla

        You mistake common with normal.

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        • topper33

          thats right.alot of times mother nature makes up your mind for you

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        • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

          Alli tell me why you called me retarted and a moron and asked me questions and then you block me, so how should I reply to them? Idiot.

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    • VioletTrees


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      • Allistalla

        Why are you being so stupid?I guess women arejust whores that deserve to be beaten and abused. Good job im so glad you dont evolve. You know what happened during the witch trials and the romens? Are you mad you want to bring that back? evolve some we are not savages like you wish us to be.

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        • VioletTrees

          You KNOW I'm an abuse and rape survivor. Why are you bringing that into this?

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          • Allistalla

            You are saying we should just deal with it? You say we should deal with it since it happened in history and we are bwetter off today than before. This is the only way we make progress and we are going back into the shitholes we crawled out of. Scociety is becoming shit. Kids are becoming more fucked up than ever in the 50s. We are going to back to the krap we were so lucky to be able to crawl out of. Yet that means nothing.

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            • VioletTrees

              If by "more fucked up" you mean "less racist", then I agree.

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          • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

            Just leave her alone, she a pissant and I feel sorry that that happened to you :(

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            • Allistalla

              Also they hate you too. You kept telling me about it! Also I dont troll that I was raped or hurt around the internet like you do! That is not even funny dude. Also you said you were going to leave than said oh joke just kidding haha. Also I do not care if im hated for my screw ups but I do not want to be blamed for yours.

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            • Allistalla

              why did you say you where leaving?!

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            • Allistalla

              if I do something to get disliked thats my issue. I should not have to deal with your problems. I and you are not the same I am me and you are you. I do not want to bothered for your mistakes since I can do nothing about that. If I make mistakes I have to deal with them but I can not control you. We should not be responsible for each other mistakes. Also I withold alot of imformation but I dont troll around on websites for abused victems and random websites.

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      • Allistalla

        Well some are savage but some of us do not want toact likeanimals like you wish so stop yelling and crying how cavemen is what should act like. Sweety you might be dead you know this right? You honestly want to go back to the past. Do you have any idea how horrifuc history is? Do you know how much easier tosurvive it is now? How about when you had no right to talk like this. Yet you want to go back? You are mad!

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        • VioletTrees

          Uh, I didn't ever say I wanted to go back in time. I don't. It's just that often, these things have a "kids these days" tone to them, like people think that people today are more promiscuous than they used to be, and there's no reason to believe that.

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          • Allistalla

            It has been proven that people are not finished developing sexually till age 18,19,20s around that range.Also they have reports of it damaging children who do it before that range, making them furtile,have urinating problems,and psychological trauma along with in some cases tearing and internal structural damage to the entier cavity of the vagina and anal area themselves. a Sciencetific reason to wiat to have sex but you are not going to stop horny kids these days.
            Not like anyone cares how messed up they make there insides.

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            • VioletTrees

              Haha, "making them fertile"? You have no idea what you're talking about.

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  • AAbatteries

    When you're in a committed long term relationship.

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  • To be honest, the ammount of teen pregnancies make me re-think my opinion on the age of consent. SO many teen pregnancies that ruin both people who had sex's lives, before their lives even started.

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  • rockybanana

    All of us have lust and sexual appetite. I also could not control when my friend's mom seduced me in my 17th year. I continued my affair secretly with her for 16 months.
    My grandpa had slept with many of his cooks and employees. I remember a young cook of 17-18 years age who had been sleeping with my grandpa who was 73 years at that time and even after she got married a few years later, she slept again with him during one of her visits.
    Love and lust know no age bounds

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  • Allistalla

    It has been proven that people are not finished developing sexually till age 18,19,20s around that range.Also they have reports of it damaging children who do it before that range, making them furtile,have urinating problems,and psychological trauma along with in some cases tearing and internal structural damage to the entier cavity of the vagina and anal area themselves. a Sciencetific reason to wiat to have sex but you are not going to stop horny kids these days.
    Not like anyone cares how messed up they make there insides.

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  • Mason554

    I know 2012 is a hoax but I'm having sex every night cause I want to make the most of it if it happens just to be safe

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  • Mason554

    A girls skill in the sack is a strong aspecked I wouldent know I'm fliping 20 but worth the wait I'm dateing a super model so Hot I barfed when seeing ha naked and had an erection 5 sizes to big

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  • codboz

    I got my cherry popped when I was 10. My older brother's friend was at my house one night for a sleep over. I was asleep at like 12 when it felt like I was being poked in my vagina. I turned on the light and saw my brothers friend on me. I screamed but he covered my mouth and told me to be quiet. Then he told me to relax. He then put his penis in me. It felt SO good. I had the amazing feeling 4 more times. Later I realized they were orgasms. We had sex about 8 more times until my mom found out. We both got in a lot of trouble. Btw he was 14.

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    • Mason554

      Happend to me but she mentions it and you say ok sac wow I had sex with a presupermodel lol that's comedy she wasnt even that hot back then tho uh I don't care tho I got laid by here 2 1 back then 2 yesterday lol I haven't been a virjin since 10 lol I got laid before I knew what to put in the playground

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  • i lost mine at 11 but i choose 15-16 because its better to wait.

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  • DonnaFurInMyConverse

    any age really, but if you are stupid and dont know what you are doing i'd say wait until you are an adult.

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  • Shaung1

    Definitely 12, that's the age most kids start going through puberty

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    • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

      ? I started when I was 8

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  • dongwhan

    some of us may die without ever getting laid,how old is that?

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  • notemojustsad

    As soon as you get the crux of responsibility, the age doesnt matter.

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  • thepickler

    Wow... I have some catching up to do.

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  • taylor-mae14

    i say, if your committed to one another and your 17.

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  • jboykindacurious

    I think a decent age would be maybe 16, considering that alot of teens younger then that are pregnate or have been.

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    • Mason554

      Well if you do it before sh has peiod not a problem

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      • Mason554

        By that I mean age wise

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  • Avant-Garde

    I suppose 16-18, but it really depends on the country.

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  • anti-hero

    I say about 16.

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    • MrLong!

      I lost mine at 14

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      • anti-hero


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        • MrLong!

          Why thank you. ;)

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  • dappled

    Depends upon where you live and in what era of history. The life expectancy of neolithic man was about 18 years, so I'm guessing not many of them waited until the age of 18 to lose their virginity.

    Legally, it's usually between 14 and 18. Although there are exceptions. It's 13 in Spain and Japan, and can be 12 in Mexico. In one of the north African countries, it's 20.

    In actuality, it depends on country (and also gender). I'm from the UK and the UK is different than most of the rest of the world in that many more underage girls are sexually active than underage boys. I think something like half of fifteen year old girls are sexually active and only a quarter of fifteen year old boys.

    Worldwide, I was told that by the age of 17, 50% of people are having sex. So while that's not the "normal" age, it's the age where people are as likely to be virgins as not be virgins. The age where most* people are having sex is somewhere in the early twenties.

    * - most is a vague term, but I meant it to mean 85%+

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    • thinkingaboutit

      18 year life expectancy? No way. If cavemen didn't die before age 6/7 or get hacked up by a [insert predator] they probably lived 30+-10 years.

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      • dappled

        Nah, it's actually true. Depends what you mean by cavemen, though. The Paleolithic probably averaged late twenties or earlier thirties as an average, but not Neolithic.

        Shockingly, there are places on the planet even today where average male life expectancy still hasn't risen out of the thirties.

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        • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

          You mean places like Detroit?

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          • dappled


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        • No, it simply can't be true. I think you mean that was the mean age rather than the median age (....um, or vice-versa).

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          • dappled

            Yeah, you're right. It was the mean. Problem is, I don't know what the standard deviation is, so it's tricky to know how much that figure is skewed by high infant mortality (implying that there are an equal number of people who get into their twenties and even thirties).

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        • thinkingaboutit

          by cavemen I meant paleolithic. I wiki'ed it. I guess you're right but that still sounds preposterous.

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          • dappled

            I remember the first time I heard, I couldn't get my head around it. If 18 is the average lifespan, that's not the age they're breeding, that's the age they've "finished" parenting.

            I agree with you. It doesn't seem to stack up. Then again, my mind tends to hold onto facts like these; the ones that don't seem true.

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            • TerryVie

              also, don't forget that e.g. neanderthals, homo erectus or homo heidelbergensis did not have a "puberty" phase of growth.

              Their childhood was shorter and they grew up to "adult" format during that time.
              for example: chimpanzees become fertile between 8-10 years.
              Since their(early humans, not chimpanzees, who get to be 30-35 even in nature) life expectancy WAS around 18(with the possibility to grow quite a bit older, as pointed out...same as we have people well beyond their 100's today), it's reasonably to assume they were fertile well before 10 years of age and started breeding. No use losing time if you could die any time.

              As for the poll, i put 12-14. With sexually active i also include stuff like mutual masturbation/handjobs/fingering/blowjobs/going down...
              Most people i knew experimented with those things around that age. And why not, we are awakening sexually.
              The time you actually start(and keep having) intercourse may vary. I guess the median would be 15-16 then.

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