What is the one thing you fear more than anything else?

Aging 14
Financial difficulties 17
Being alone 26
Dying 22
The opinion of you others may have 15
Mental illness 19
turning into someone you know 10
Physical illness 11
The future 20
Other ( please comment below) 17
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Comments ( 56 )
  • dom180

    To be very specific: Alzheimer's disease.

    Imagine slowly finding things harder to remember, until you can't remember anything. Slowly harder to move, until you can't move at all. Total, complete and utter dependency on someone else. You can't feed or wash or dress yourself. You can't communicate, not even with your facial expressions. You feel like a burden on whoever is caring for you, because keeping you alive absorbs their life.

    But the worst bit would be during the onset. You're fine for the most part, but then you're slowly getting worse and you know it and know there is nothing you can do about it as your brain slowly shrinks. Occasionally and with steadily growing frequency you do things which remind you about your early-onset Alzheimer's, and every time it scares you to death.

    That's my definition of hell. Thank God it doesn't run in my family.

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    • davesumba

      That is why God gave us marijuana, to prevent such illnesses. And at a later age, you only need about a single puff a day to get the desirable benefit for preventing Alzheimers and preserving your brain function. So if you don't like being high, you can still get the medicinal effects.
      Spread the word and write to your state representatives, this miracle herb must be legalized.

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      • disthing

        If you're to believe half the people on the internet, weed is the cure for every fucking problem in the world.

        I'm open to the possibility that there are benefits to regular cannabis use yet unknown, but those purported benefits should be supported by irrefutable evidence, not the bullshit or thin air most people rely on to support their claims. "Evidence suggests there may be a link between..." does not equal "Evidence proves there is a link between...".

        Wait until there's proof before declaring with certainty.

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        • After smoking pot everyday for more than a decade I can tell you that there are NO benefits to smoking it.

          The only good thing about weed is that you get high, everything else is negative.

          I love weed and I'll keep smoking it, but I'm not so stupid that I think inhaling smoke into ones lungs is beneficial.

          It fucks your nervous system and memory, but it takes years and years. Most of the people who think it's "good for you" are teens, not old enough to have been smoking for fuck all time or with any real consistency.

          That's why when I see a "weed is good for you" comment I just think "what a noob".

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        • davesumba

          Because not many if any people are willing to test illegal 'drugs' on human subjects. And the long time stoners who it worked on never even knew they would have developed alzheimers.

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          • disthing

            Unfortunately, not many people willing to test illegal drugs means not much evidence, which means no proof as of yet. That means you can't make statements of certainty, only estimations and predictions. You can't proclaim "God gave us marijuana, to prevent such illnesses", or "you only need about a single puff a day to prevent Alzheimer's and preserve brain function" and be taken seriously.

            It'd be brilliant if it turned out to be true, but you have to be patient and temper your language to reflect the current uncertainty, otherwise it's plain dishonesty and hyperbole.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I will not feed it any thoughts.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    The death of my sister or brother being the first that comes to mind. Second would be letting myself go.

    I say that because I have relatives and friends who allowed themselves to be less than what they could be by letting their diagnoses (depression, arthritis, back pain etc.) define them and excuse them for dropping out of productivity and function. My worst fear is that I will end up 40, obese, chronically ill, on 7 different types of medication and living without the intention of taking personal responsibility for my actions and health.

    With my siblings... I'd live with that horrible guilt for the rest of my life, knowing that somehow I could be blamed for their death.

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  • NiceKitty

    I fear my future.
    But hopeful all the same.
    Intend to battle this the whole way through.. I would rather myself lose my mind and not know it, than lose my mind and know it, as I am now.
    My future is very bleak in my eyes.
    However, if I remain as I am, it shouldn't be too bad.
    But I am slowly getting worse.
    So I am unsure.
    My see my future as being strange and freaky.

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  • 1. Myself.

    2. Creation theory.

    3. The kid from Hr puff n stuff.

    4. Swimming in dark water.

    5. White people like me.

    6. Shopping carts.

    7. People who are so liberal that they abandon all logic.

    8. The "laws" of morality.

    9. Deathclaws somehow coming into existence and wandering around outside my house.

    10. Virgins who think they're grown ups.

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    • spark007

      Wow once I think of swimming in dark water (especially deep under the ocean, alone...), it seems super scary!!!
      The thought is haunting me! lol!

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      • I hate just being on the surface of dark water, I keep thinking something is going to grab my foot and drag me down!

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        • spark007

          I know right...that's why the swimming pool exists xD

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    • 11. snails

      12. Elevators

      13. 13

      14. Smaller deathclaws somehow coming into existence and wandering around outside my house.

      15. Americans

      16. Dumbasses (see 15, Americans)

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      • Coolieo

        I love snails, why do you hate snails?

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        • Because I hate going outside at night and treading on them, It's sad.

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      • dude_Jones

        I forgot about 15. This all encompassing category included my points. I will renumber.

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        • dude_Jones

          15a. Narcissists.

          15b. Cognitive biases.

          15c. Institutionally induced zombie-ism.

          15d. Microbe superiority (sometimes includes Asia)

          15e. Culture.

          15f. Military cannibalism (also includes Africa).

          15g. Precision weaponry and aerospace supremacy.

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        • On the contrary, I love Narcissists.

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          • dude_Jones

            Fair enough, mate. If you can adapt to 16, you could join the Australian community in LA. Americans love to pay super high salaries to global elites like you to engineer 15g.

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  • wigsplitz

    That the criminal profilers who analyze me will make some untrue or unflattering assessments.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Losing my malarkey.

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    • NotStrangeBird

      You kidnapped an Irishman?!!?

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      • dirtybirdy

        Don't sneak up on me like that! And yes, yes I did. I was all out of cream and, well, I wanted some.

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  • call-me-nerd

    mine is losing everything ive worked for ....i might just be able to be the first female to go in outerspace;)

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  • MiChiChi

    Fire. Not Campfires, i like them, but when i'm imagine that the flat or the house or the school's burning down i'm very fearful.

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  • csiwholocked33

    losing those I love, not necessarily to death, but also to life

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  • Coolieo

    I'm afraid of having a heart attack, it runs in my family.

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  • I only fear KAMAKAZIS

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  • Hippie

    Looking into my rear-view mirror at night and seeing a decomposed corpse that screams and kills me.

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  • michaels4p5

    Well turning into someone i know very well its something i'd hate to be.

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  • Opinion8d


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  • KingOfNowhere

    Failure and causing other people to be disappointed

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  • -Solitude-

    From the list, it's a toss up between financial difficulty and mental illness. But I'm really terrified of pool drains. It's horrible when it's over 100 degrees and I want to swim (I love swimming), but the bastards who built the pool put drains everywhere. And there's one pool near my house where if you put your head under the water you can hear a loud, mechanical hum, and I have a horrible suspicion about what's making it.

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  • My next bill!!!!!!!

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  • LadySimplicia

    Being hated or picked on or being the focus of attention. I would die if I ever had to give a speech.

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  • nelly96

    Getting to middle age and realising I'm bored with life. I fear being stuck in something repetitive and draining. I want to face a challenge every day, be it stressful or fun. Every night before I go to bed, I want to say to myself "well, today was interesting."

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  • shanzy

    i fear mental illness as for death is normal every one will die.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    I fear nothing but fear itself.

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  • kingsleycrowne

    the government, corporations.

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    • Gravy

      That's a legitimate fear. Government or over-government

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  • Energy

    Death. But also, my parents dying of old age...my grandma also... And aging as everyone I once knew dies.

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  • Finding_Peace_In_A_Mad_World


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    • redoctober

      I reject you.

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  • Justsomejerk

    Not living.

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  • Coolieo

    The number one thing I'm afraid of in my life is ever of my crush will reject me. I'm also afraid if he doesn't, that'll be unfaithful. I'm also afraid of getting bad grades, so I tend to study and read things a lot :S..

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  • MissyLeyneous

    Financial difficulty. I'd rather throw everything away and start over than have to deal with massive debt.

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  • anti-hero

    Tight places and small rooms.

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    • redoctober

      depends on the "tight place" ;)

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      • Energy


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  • Fabulous

    You're gaping vagina

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    • Justsomejerk

      No, you are.

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      • spark007

        That's a good comeback ;)

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