What is wrong with my friend?

Sup IIN, I'm going to explain to you what this is all about. There's this Dutch girl I know, I shall not mention her name, but she has told me recently that she has interest in me, in a romantic manner, however I have just gone through a big break up with a girl I fell in love with so I told my friend that I need time to think about things before we do anything, anyway that isn't the point sometime next week she has to go to some sort of rehab place (not sure on its name) and I asked her what was wrong, she told me this; "people keep telling me I'm crazy and saying bad things about me and they tell me I'm stupid and insane" I asked her why anyone could think she's insane (keep in mind she is a VERY normal person without any other problems other than her language skills, meaning her english isn't always so great) and she told me "people keep saying to me that I'm seeing and hearing things that are not there, it is called psychosis or something like that.." And I asked her "oh.. What do you see for them to think you're insane because I think you're 100% normal.." And she went quiet for a second and quickly said "uhm can we not talk about it?" And I said "sure" and we got on with our convo we were having before this. I wonder IIN, what is it she sees or what is it she has wrong with her, she's told me "people hurt me and no one believes me when I tell them, they think I'm crazy" she's a really nice girl IIN, I don't think there's anything wrong with her though, also yes I am the same anon from the thread asking about this same girl thinking she likes me, my ex cheated on me behind my back and the Dutchy has been very supportive towards me and I care about her and want to return the gesture and help her, thanks.

It's probably what her parents think it is 5
Not sure 15
I think I know (Leave a comment) 6
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Comments ( 14 )
  • erica1925

    Psychosis is An abnormality of the mind.. meanning her mind is not freakn NORMAL!. I wouldn't trust this chick.

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    • Not her fault she has it though, I'm at least glad she's getting help for it, she's practically addicted to an online game (she misses it more than she misses her parents) considering its the only thing she seems to gain joy from, that's how I know she isn't bullshitting about where she is, why shouldn't I trust her though? Just wondering.

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  • Mando

    Why don't you just be a supportive friend and allow mental health services to do its assessment? Make it clear that you are there as a friend and not there romantically. But if you think your presence may not help, do step back.

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  • Purinsu

    there must be something wrong with her
    its not like people would call her crazy to hurt her
    she says that people wont believe her and that she sees things
    Maybe she doesnt even realise that she sees and hears things like that she doesnt realise tis there

    Further... since its all online to you it might be a lie yes since ive seen some lonely bipolar people doing that

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  • plum6

    come on this girl doesn't sound normal to you either right? It just seems like a weird situation for someone to be in no matter where she is from. It is difficult to judge people via contact over the internet. The things she is telling you might not even be (completely) true, and even then it is a very weird cry for attention.

    You probably just like the attention she is giving you, especially since you still see the thing that happened between you and your EX important enough to mention. However, considering your story this cannot possibly lead to anything positive or normal anyway so just let it go FFS..

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    • I don't see where you're going, I mentioned my ex because this person has stuck by me since my ex messed my life up, I don't really "like" the attention she gives me at all, if anything it isn't exactly a good time for her to tell me she feels that way about me, plus I don't really look at her as anymore than a good friend. I don't really think me and her would work anyway so it won't happen. I said I need to think so it softens the blow. Anyway, back on topic, I get where you're coming from thinking it might not all be true however, she seems 100% normal until you talk about the "problems" she has, if anything I think she just wants someone to listen to her but I have no idea what the real problem is, she isn't the type to bullshit I don't think.

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      • plum6

        Alright I know what you mean, and I guess it actually makes you a good guy that you are bothered by it. I mean, in all honesty between us guys; it is a lot easier to listen to a woman's issues and care if she is sexually attractive right?

        So kudos for being a real worried friend for an emotionally unstable girl. I myself have dealt with an unusual woman (it was back in high school though, but still) who got so deep into it at one point she thought the could literally feel when I was in pain.

        Anyway I would say that if you feel that you don't feel comfortable keeping in touch with her the best thing to do is to gradually decrease the time spent talking together because she doesn't really seem stable enough to take a direct rejection IMO.

        On the other hand if you like her company and your chemistry it isn't at all a bad thing to keep in touch just be sure not to get sucked-in to all the drama.

        Good luck!

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  • "What Is Wrong With My Friend?"

    She's Dutch.

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    • Don't be a twat, thanks, also I heard about you on another post you're a keyboard warrior, ha.

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      • Actually you mistake my sense of humor for anger.

        You see not everything someone says has a deep hidden meaning, you'd know that if you weren't stupid, but you are :(

        So try harder....if you think, i mean really think, just use your tiny brain and think, you'll get better at "comebacks".

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        • No, point is your humor isn't exactly funny in many peoples opinion, its racist.

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          • But because it's a joke, it's not truly racist.

            Duh. And besides, alot of people on here love my humor as you will see if you have a look.

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