What is wrong with women?

I'm a guy. I started working at a place where I get a good salary. I have been living on my own (use to live with my parents).
The other day a woman who knows me told me that it's so good to see me and that my cheeks are becoming nice and round.
I laughed a bit out of politeness and replied with: "thank you, and so are your cheeks"

All of a sudden she was mad at me.

Why is it okay for a woman to imply that a man is starting to gain weight but it's taboo when a man does it?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Because she wants you inside her.

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  • She sounds like a bitch.

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  • Leika

    People are hypocritical. A lot people think just because they are a woman/black/gay/trans/whatever they should have some special rights over other people. You probably shouldn't be friends with her or anything, she'll likely just get offended by everything.

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  • Lifeistooshorttotakeseriously

    It's not about her it's about you. She knows your parents. She's older than you right? Sounds like you should learn to quit while you're ahead and stop being cheeky :)

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  • yokohama

    It seems to me that this particular women may be a bit of a hypocrite. Or maybe she didn't think through what she was saying and only realized how hurtful it sounded when it was said back to her. Whatever the case may be, you shouldn't let this color your view of women as a whole. Women are not a hive mind and the stereotypes like "women are confusing" or "all women are hormonal bitches" are really harmful.

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  • Fashakibi

    She definitely has some issues, but not all the women are whores! Generalizing isn't right, humanbeing can be psychologically sick from any gender!

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  • Cocktimus_Prime

    Which cheeks? Her ass cheeks?

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  • tadabrown

    As you grow older and get burned a few more times by women you'll learn that dealing with females requires a lot of tact and lying your fucking ass off. Her response may have seemed irrational young one, but believe me when I tell you that at many times women are stark raving fucking nuts! And that's why I love and adore them so much as most older men do. :-D

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    • Mario214


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  • lordofopinions

    By referring to her cheeks she assumed you were referring to her ass cheeks. Some bitches are so fucked up.

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  • ZaneT

    I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. You are not going to please or click with everyone. Life goes on.

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  • Gaspipe

    They are all stupid by nature.

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  • Cheet0

    Way too much

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