What is your most biggest fear?

I would like to know about your big fears. Do you have a fear of any of these things or you can just type one if it's not there.

The End of Time 9
Feeling of a burglar inside your house 11
Spiders 14
Evil Spirits around you 10
Other (Just type) 48
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Comments ( 47 )
  • bananaface

    I voted "Other (Just type)". I'm not quite sure what it means, but what I do know is that typing scares me to no end. The keyboard is my greatest enemy. I can't touch a keyboard, I just can't. I have to have someone else type for me (she's not joking).

    "Feeling of a burglar inside your house" is amusing me. I can just imagine a robber entering someone's house, and the person who lives there feels their presence or something. Ooh, my spidey sense is tingling!:P

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    • FionnaCakeFan

      Once a robber entered someone's house and this lady screamed. The End!

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      • Justsomejerk

        One of the bosses at my work is a large lady named Fiona and she loves cake, are you her?

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        • Pika-girl

          No. Fionna and Cake from Adventure Time. Just look at her user picture. Fionna the Human. Cake the Cat.

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  • kingsleycrowne

    a totalitarian government run by corporations.

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  • Short&2thepoint

    "What is your [>>>>>most biggest<<<<<] fear?"
    That people like you breed.

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  • Gumball

    IIN to think that you're going to use this against us?

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  • loopoo


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  • ShreksIdenticalTwinBrother


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  • FredSumper23

    I'm afraid of one day just mentally snapping and murdering someone. That's fairly reasonable isn't it?

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  • Zonebro55

    Im scared of Scissors i cant touch them without jerking away or throwing them

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  • Avant-Garde

    Too many things to list but I shall do my try best to list some.

    1. Water Especially, Large bodies of water.
    2. Spiders.
    3. Evil spirits/aliens watching me.
    4. Agoraphobia
    5. Fire
    6. The future of planet earth.
    7. Black holes.
    8. Aging
    9. Dying
    10. The possibility of having a brain tumor.
    11. Snakes/Primates
    12. Heights
    13. Flying
    14. Thick black lines.
    15. etc.

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    • Pika-girl

      Aren't you kinda like a primate (don't take it in a wrong way, Charles Darwin made it) ? Why hate? They're cute!

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      • Avant-Garde

        While the theory of Evolution does say that humans evolved from Primates, I don't see anything wrong in despising your "brethren". I don't like them because they are creepy and violent prone. I've heard one to many stories about people who kept them as pets. Some treated them like their children and other actually put them on medication. Anyway, sooner or later they would snap and attack their owners. People have been killed, others have been severely disfigured. O_0

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        • Pika-girl

          True. I like how they just treat them like children, it's kind of them. And once either the primate gets used to the owner(s) or knows that they are kind, it is probable that they wont hurt/injure/kill you.

          But still, they might...

          The only monkey that is freakin' me out now is the male monkey with the large nose that tells other males, "I'm tougher than you!" The nose also helps during mating. The larger the nose, the more "beautiful" and "healthy" they get.

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          • Avant-Garde


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            • Pika-girl

              Yeah. I was typing in somethin else.

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  • Pika-girl

    Alone with spirits or spiders.
    Or spider spirits! x˛x

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    • FionnaCakeFan

      Here, Elani! I'm an indiviual!

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      • Pika-girl

        Yes, you ARE an individual, Kailee.. Me too...

        So, how'd you like the comic?

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  • RoseIsabella

    Fear of abandonment I guess is my big one.

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  • th33INSAN33

    Actually(and I know I'm not the only one) I am absolutely terrified of pool lights and pool drains.

    I'm not sure why I'm afraid of pool lights. No, it's not because I'm afraid of getting electricuted(?). I guess it's the way it looks. They're just so... creepy. ;-;

    I'm afraid of pool drains. ANY pool drain. Small ones, and the really big ones with the grates. I remember when I first saw a drain that had a grate on it. I was only about 11 or 12 years old. I had never noticed one until I went to a pool I've never been to. As I swimming(I was in about the middle of the pool) I look over into the water. There it was. The drain. It was so huge, and dark. I immediately began to swim to part of the wall without a pool light. I had to catch my breath. I tried swimming to the other side without looking down. I even swam underneath the water with my eyes closed to go a little faster.

    I've also read on multiple pool drain accidents. That just increased fear. Thankfully, I am able to still swim in pools. The things is, if I get dangerously close to the pool lights, I panic and swim away as fast as possible. Same with the small drains. If I happen to be in a pool with a deep end, I can look down at the large drain and be fine. If I'm in a lap pool, the water makes it look like it's right there near me. So, of course I'll swim with all my might. o-o

    Another fear I have is of shower heads. I'm slowly getting over it. I don't trust the removable shower heads. I can take a shower with them connected to their rack, but if you take them off that's going to be a problem. The standard type of shower heads are okay. I really love the water, but with those mentioned fears it doesn't help me when I get near water(unless it's a lake or ocean).

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    • Pika-girl

      So your fear is like water materials or tools?

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      • th33INSAN33

        Just pool lights, an pool drains, and especially the little pool cleaners that move automatically on their own.

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        • Pika-girl

          Ugh! I hate those especially the vaccum ones. My uncle had one when I was 6. I was so freaked out when it chased me!! And I loved swimming at his house until he got that thing!

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  • NoIdidntPackMyOwnluggage

    My biggest fear is talking in my sleep, i'd hate to agree to something over the phone or be with someone, only to say something to someone that's pertaining to the dream i'm having....in dream land there are no boundaries, its like the matrix.

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  • ChemGirl

    Siezures. I have epilepsy, and it feels so awful to not know when I will lose consciousness and fall. Will I hit my head again? What if I'm driving?

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  • parasite infections.

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  • Living_Too_Late

    I'm utterly phobic about hospitals. Just visiting someone else in one makes me uneasy. My greatest fear is having some kind of accident then waking up full of tubes to discover I've got to spend months on a ward before I can leave. Give me a confined space crawling with rats, snakes and spiders anyday. That's bliss compared to any kind of stay in a hospital. Already told my doc', if I need cancer or heart surgery, forget it. Just gimme the morphine and I'll go happily die at home.

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  • NothingxCrazy

    Not letting myself be happy and failure. It's an uphill battle.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Or the bear from the birds eye adverts. Creepy little shit

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    that one day I will turn into my dad

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Death of a loved one or sibling...
    Same as Nyappy, not being able to achieve anything and being doomed to the same fate as someone who just never put forth the effort to begin with.

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  • xxwrong-as-rainxx

    That I will wake up to an enormous spider crawling in my bed D=

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    • FionnaCakeFan

      That happened to me once. It was scary... «•˛•»

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  • Devyn

    1. Death
    2. Panic
    3. Hate

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  • NicciSunset(:

    Hmmm 3 are tied for the top spot for me.

    1. Airplanes
    2. Super Duper Tall Buildings
    3. Being Broke

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Becoming a completely useless human being.

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  • FionnaCakeFan

    Thank you for voting on my first poll thingy! ›.‹

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    • Pika-girl

      Kailee, to talk to an individual, you must press "reply" and then type.

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      • FionnaCakeFan

        'Kay! Uh.... Hi there?

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        • Pika-girl

          Now, I reply (English accent on) Hello to you ma'am!

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          • FionnaCakeFan

            Hello, my little duckays!

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  • SangoNyappy

    Not getting to school I want, then not being able to get a job and dying as homeless worthless person who didn't achieve anything.

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  • SirSlenderMan

    Being alone.

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      Then stop scaring people and staring from a distance and say hi

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  • Terence_the_viking

    At the moment my biggest fear is dying i don't want to leave behind my wife and kid.

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