What is your opinion of aliens?
The idea of extra-terrestrial life stirs up a lot of controversy and opinion. What is your personal opinion/belief about life on other planets/in other universes? Possible or total bullshit?
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The idea of extra-terrestrial life stirs up a lot of controversy and opinion. What is your personal opinion/belief about life on other planets/in other universes? Possible or total bullshit?
Possible. With the size of the universe and the billions of galaxies out there, there HAS to be other life somewhere.
There are just way too many solar systems to say with 100% certainty that there isn't.
I think they're taking all us good Amurican's JAWBS!
If life randomly developed here, it could develop somewhere else. What form it would have, and how intelligent it would be, who knows?
Either way, the odds of it ever showing up here are about as close to 0 as possible. Unless it had an amazingly long life span, it would need a faster than light form of travel, and I mean a lot faster, like several times the speed of light. The theory of Relativity, old E=MCsq, suggests this isn't even possible. And even if it were possible, the amount of damage even a speck of dust could do an object moving at that speed, would make a journey that far, at that speed, extremely unlikely.
Some believe that worm holes or other anomalies can be created to avoid all that, that is theoretical. But even if it were possible, it brings up the other issue of why would they come here in the first place. The universe is so vast, that even if one had the technology to navigate their way here, the odds of them coming across this spot in the universe by random chance is again about as close to 0 as you can get. The only reason they would come here specifically would be if they detected us. Because we are not sending out signals at speeds faster than the speed of light, anything they detected from us would be thousands, if not millions of years old, by the time it reached them. If they had the tech to get here, they would have to be aware of this. Even if it interested them enough to make the trip, we will all be long dead before they even get the signal.
So life on other planets, and even intelligent live on other planets is plausible, but I don't think you will ever get the chance to shake their hand.
In the endlessness of space I really don't think we are the only things in it, but I don't believe that we've ever encountered anything before and I doubt we will
There are many individuals who say they 'feel' like an alien on their own planet but that would be a whole new topic I suppose
There are too many galaxies within the universe for them to not to exist it would be crazier to think we're the only intelligent life out there. Kind of hope we'll come in contact with or discover other life out there within my lifetime. That would be such an amazing discovery.
I have a friend who claims to have been abducted by the "Greys" on several occasions. He has his own internet show where he talks for hours about them.
What's it called?
There's a book, originally Created by a branch of Russian Government, on extraterrestrials and their ships. It's called,"The Book of Aliens A-Z". It's rather extensive. It apparently gets updated, but so far, I've only been able to find one edition online. You can find the whole book on Scribd.
I think with all the celestial bodies out there, it's almost impossible that they don't exist somewhere.
Oh, yeah, even though we're a mere speck on the scale of this gigantic and questionably ever-growing universe, we're totally the only ones.
I read some where that if an advance species were looking at us from somewhere 65,000,000 miles from Earth; they'd be looking at dinosaurs.
How do we know what we're looking at is actually that?
I am sure you mean light years not miles, but yes they would be looking at a planet that has dinosaurs. Actually being able to see dinosaurs, unlikely. But that was the point I was making above. They would be just as oblivious to us as we are to them, so why would they ever pick this exact spot to visit?
Well we are here so they are probably there. Mystery7's stats makes Umberto feel tiny.
I believe it's very likely there's life somewhere else in the universe.
Here's some numbers that will blow your mind. There are approximately 100 to 400 billion stars in a galaxy.
There are around 100 billion galaxies in our universe. That's a mind boggling number of potential places for other life forms to live.
Perhaps there are some that are technologically developed. What if there are alien life forms out there that are thousands of years ahead of us in technology?
That would mean they have probably mastered travel between galaxies using worm holes or something we haven't even thought of yet.
Yeah, I basically agree with most people here.
We live on Earth, which is in one galaxy, along with another planet, Mars, which is said to have living organisms. But, there are way more galaxies in this universe, so there should be more life somewhere else. [In other words, if this galaxy has life, there should be other galaxies with life, as well.] (This was a really weird coincidence because my sister and I were having the same exact conversation yesterday.)
--BTW, if I ever meet an alien, I hope it's a troll.-- (Homestuck reference)
The few I've met over my lifetime have been pretty cool dudes. They were locked away in mental institutions, but that's cause no one believed them. I never met a girl alien though. I wonder why?
Some people are so certain that there must be life on other Earth-like planets, but I think that the number of coincidences that must have lined up to lead to the development of life, let alone intelligent life, is so mind-bogglingly huge that I think it's still more likely that we're the only life in the universe.
There is always the possibility of life developing at some point, but since our universe is relatively "new", at least compared to how long it'll be before heat death, I'm thinking it's more than likely that, right now, we're the only intelligent life there is, at least, in this universe, on this plane.
If you really think about it, we're beyond lucky to be alive, to be human, to be intelligent, and to have evolved on Earth. We should be thankful for this experience of life every day we live. The fact that life exists is such amazing science, it's almost magical from a human viewpoint. It's almost as if matter spontaneously organized itself into the living, breathing, thinking, and feeling person you see in the mirror. Pretty amazing...
It could be the same thing perhaps. I've never heard the term 'big chill'. Heat death is what many scientists believe will eventually happen to the universe and will be its final "stage". All motion/reactions will eventually cease as the universe expands and stretches "too thin" and thus there will be no heat in the entire universe when the last atom stops vibrating. I read about it a long time ago, so I might have it wrong, but I think that's the gist of it.
Aliens exist. Like the Blink-182 song.
They also have tall heads, fat bums and are very short.
aliens absolutely 100% exist. they may be in the making, exist now, or died a long time ago. or may not even start for another 450 billion years, who knows.
In a long long way. So they're gonna want to keep an eye on it. Make sure the kiddies don't burn the house down
More than possible. It's for sure. And some species probably visit earth and are a lot more evolved with humans and our affairs than any of us know. I think one of the reasons there are so many nukes all over the planet is this our only defense against them, it's to hold a gun to our own heads. Because this is the only planet with liquid water and life
possible to exist .. definitely don't believe we have ever encountered any or ever will . It seems way too unlikely or possible .